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Party×Party (日本語)
月明かりが怪しく誘う夜 こんな夜に おひとりぼっちは嫌!
思い立ったが吉日! さっそく旅に出ましょう♪
行くぜ!仲間を求め Party×Party
騒ぎたい奴は誰でも歓迎! 挨拶代わりは拳で…?
ちょっとだけなら…? OK!暴れろー!
歌えや踊れ!皆様一緒に! あいつもこいつもお仲間
吟遊詩人「OK!Let’s Go!」
幻の遺跡に 怪しげなダンジョン 東へ西へと突き進め!
行くぜ!刺激を求め Hurry×Hurry
楽しい旅は危険がいっぱい! ほどよくレベルを稼いで♪
おっと!どうやらピンチだ! たすけてー!?
ねえ、あっちへ、こっちへ! どっちー?…そっち?!
迷わず進め、どんどん先まで! 大冒険のフィナーレは
きっと素敵な宴さ 楽しみー♪
冒険の旅路も いよいよフィナーレ!
行くぜ!お祭り!騒げ Party×Party
強者どもが暴れに来ました! 挨拶代わりは拳で…?
派手にいきましょ?OK! 暴れろー!
ねえ、魔王(主役)はどこだい? Hurry×Hurry
あれれれー? ちょっと物足りないぞー?
今夜 仲間よ、集え!Hurry×Hurry 騒ぎたいやつは…
全然…?まだまだ? 生温いっ!
もっと本気でいきましょ?! Are you ready? Go!!
入れてよ?おいでよ!Party×Party 歌えや踊れ!皆様一緒に!
それじゃ 朝まで良い夢、見なさい♪
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Party x Party (Romanji)
Tsukiakari ga ayashiku sasou yoru konna yoru ni o-hitori-bocchi wa iya!
Yume no you ni tanoshii paatii ga shitai no
Omoitatta ga kichijitsu! Sassoku tabi ni demashou ♪
Gannaa: "Soko iku no wa, shoshinsha maaku no ojousan?"
Shoshinsha: "Nan kashira~?"
Ginyuushijin: "Konna yoru ni o-hitori de doko iku no desu ka?"
Shoshinsha: "Paatii e!"
Ganna: "Oya, kiguu da ne! Bokura mo tabi no tochuu sa"
Shoshinsha: "Ara, guuzen ♪"
Ginyuushijin: "Sore ja issho ni ikimasho? Saikou no paatii e!"
Baatendaa: "NicoNico Sakaba dewa..."
Shounin: "Tanoshii yatsura ga..."
Odoriko: "Saikou no paatii o..."
Iku ze! Nakama o motome Party x Party
Sawagitai yatsu wa dare demo kangei! Aisatsu kawari wa kobushi de...?
Chotto dake nara...? OK! Abareroo!
Nee, irete yo? Oide yo! Party x Party
Utae ya odore! Minasama issho ni! Aitsu mo koitsu mo o-nakama
Konya kaosu na utage o tanoshime ♪
Odoriko: "Atsumatta no wa, nantomo koseiteki na paatii"
Baatendaa: "Hontou ni ne~"
""Shoshinsha ni... gannaa, odoriko, shijin, baatendaa!""
Shounin: "...Shounin mo iru yoo?!"
Gannaa: "...Sore ja, sassoku bouken no tabi ni dekakeyou!"
Ginyuushijin: "OK! Let's Go!"
Shoshinsha: "Chotto, fuan... dakedo, kitto!"
Shounin: "Saikou no paatii sa!"
Maboroshi no iseki ni, ayashige na dangyon higashi e nishi e to tsukisusume!
Iku ze! Shigeki o motome Hurry x Hurry
Tanoshii tabi wa kiken ga ippai! Hodoyoku reberu o kaseide ♪
Otto! Douyara pinchi da! Tasuketee!?
Nee, acchi e, kocchi e! Docchii? ...Socchi?!
Mayowazu susume, dondon saki made! Daibouken no finaare wa
Kitto suteki na utage sa tanoshimii ♪
Shoshinsha: "Tenko o torimaasu!"
Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku! ""Zeniin!""
""Shijin!"" Utatte~!
""Odoriko!"" Odorimashou?
""Shounin!"" Zeni no koto nara, makasero!
""Baatendaa!"" Shikomi wa OK!
""Gannaa"" Uchikata, youi!
Shoshinsha: "Saa, madamada iku yoo?"
Bouken no tabiji mo iyoiyo finaare!
Fainaru suteeji ni norikomu zee?
Baarendaa: "Totsugekiiiiii!!"
Iku ze! O-matsuri! Sawage Party x Party
Tsuwamono-domo ga abare ni kimashita! Aisatsu kawari wa kobushi de...?
Hade ni ikimasho? OK! Abareroo!
Nee, shuyaku wa doko dai? Hurry x Hurry
Arereree? Chotto monotarinai zoo?
Maou: "Youyaku deban ne, o-matase!"
Maou: "Sore ja koko kara honban! Chou paatii ♪♪"
Konya nakama yo, tsudoe! Hurry x Hurry Sawagitai yatsu wa...
Maou: "Kono yubi tomaree!"
Zenzen...? Madamada? Namanurui!
Motto honki de ikimasho?! Are you ready? Go!!
Irete yo? Oide yo! Party x Party Utae ya odore! Minasama issho ni!
Aitsu mo koitsu mo o-nakama!?
Konya kaosu na utage o tanoshime ♪
Maou: "Sanzan sawaide tsukaretaa? ...Fuu"
Sore ja asa made ii yume, minasai ♪
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Party x Party (English)
On these nights of ominous moonlight, I just hate to be all alone!
No, I want to have the party of my dreams...
No time like the present! Let's set out on a quest! ♪
Gunner: "Who goes there? Are you a rookie, miss?"
Rookie: "Ah? What is it?"
Bard: "Where are you off to so late at night?"
Rookie: "To a party!"
Gunner: "What a coincidence! We're on a quest too!"
Rookie: "My, how unexpected! ♪"
Bard: "Then why not go together? To the ultimate party!"
Bartender: "Here at NicoNico Pub..."
Merchant: "There's a happy bunch..."
Dancer: "Come here in search of..."
""The ultimate party!""
Here goes! Find some allies - Party x Party!
If you wanna get rowdy, you're welcome with us! How about we greet with our fists...?
Well, if it's not too much...? OK! Let's go wild!
Hey, won't you join? C'mon! Party x Party!
Sing and dance! Together, all! Him, her, we're all friends here;
Let's enjoy a chaotic party tonight! ♪
Dancer: "It seems we've gathered a rather unique party..."
Bartender: "You can say that again!"
""A rookie... and a gunner, dancer, bard, and bartender!""
Merchant: "...Um, and a merchant too?!"
Gunner: "...Well, let's set out on an adventure!"
Bard: "OK! Let's go!"
Rookie: "I'm a little uneasy... but I'm sure!"
Merchant: "It'll be the ultimate party!"
Through Ruins of Illusion, a Dubious Dungeon, to east, to west, we forge on!
Here goes! Find some excitement - Hurry x Hurry!
A fun quest is fraught with danger! Grind to just the right level! ♪
Oops! This looks bad! A little help?!
Hey, that way, this way! Which way? ...THERE?!
Never hesitate, just push further! And for our great quest's finale,
It'll be a great celebration - I can't wait! ♪
Rookie: "Time for a roll call!"
One, two, three, four, five, six! "All present!!"
""Bard!"" Let's sing!
""Dancer!"" Wanna dance?
""Merchant!"" Leave the money to me!
""Bartender!"" All stocked up!
""Gunner!"" Locked and loaded!
Rookie: "Okay, ready for more?"
""Let's heat it up!""
Our long journey is coming to the finale!
Ready to march into the final stage?
Bartender: "CHAAAAARGE!!"
Here goes! It's party time, get noisy - Party x Party!
Here come some strong ones on the attack! How about we greet with our fists...?
Shall we make it flashy? OK! Let's go wild!
Hey, where's the dark lord? Hurry x Hurry!
What in the...? Doesn't it feel like something's missing?
Dark Lord: "Finally, it's my time to shine!"
Dark Lord: "Now! The real super-party starts here! ♪♪"
Allies, tonight we gather! Hurry x Hurry! If you wanna get rowdy...
Dark Lord: "Follow my finger!"
Not even close... More to go? So lukewarm!
Let's get serious, okay?! Are you ready? Go!!
Won't you join? C'mon! Party x Party! Sing and dance! Together, all!
Even the villain and heroes are friends here?!
Let's enjoy a chaotic party tonight! ♪
Dark Lord: "Exhausted from all that excitement? ...Whew."
Then have sweet dreams until morning! ♪