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さかさまに さかさまに
わたしの人生は 返って行く
墓場から ゆりかごまで
幸せな二人が 恋人に戻り
大好きだったおばあちゃんが 笑顔で手をまねく
友だちの住んでいる ピカピカのマンションは
工事の後に 田んぼになる
カレンダーの日付が 一日ずつ戻り
公園のクスノキが 小さくなっていく
だれかに盗まれていた お気に入りの自転車は
少女はやがて 赤ちゃんになり
お母さんに 背負われていく
ひとつずつ 忘れるために
子どもたちは 学校に通う
ゆっくりと ゆっくりと
遠くへ消える みんなの背中
さらさらと さらさらと
空へ昇る 赤い砂時計
思い出はやがて 氷のように
水に溶けて 消えゆくの
西から昇る夕陽に 向かって
わたしを追い越し あなたは走る
海の向こうまで 駆け抜けていく
紫陽花が咲くころに わたしは
雨は空へ しとしと返る
未来を乗せて 未来を乗せて
やがてわたしも 子どもに戻り
自転車から 三輪車に 乗りかえる
そして わたしは
お母さんの 中へと
泣きながら 帰る
ゆらゆらと ゆらゆらと
湖で一人 舟を漕いでいたら
だれもいない はずなのに
心臓の音が 響きわたる
きらきらと きらきらと
水の底で 自転車が光る
いつか聞いた 子守唄が
さかさまに さかさまに
ここまでたどりついて 振り返れば
みんながわたしに 遠くから
笑いながら 大きく手を 振っていたの
にぎやかに にぎやかに
ここから始まるよ わたしのマーチ
水の流れに 身をまかせて
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Sakasama Ni
Sakasama ni sakasama ni
Watashi no jinsei wa kaetteyuku
Hakaba kara yurikago made
Suberi ochite
Shiawase na futari ga koibito ni modori
Daisuki datta obaa-chan ga egao de te o maneku
Tomodachi no sundeiru pikapika no manshon wa
Kouji no ato ni tanbo ni naru
Karendaa no hidzuke ga ichinichi-zutsu modori
Kouen no kusunoki ga chisaku natteiku
Dareka ni nusumareteita o-ki ni iri no jitensha wa
Watashi no moto ni kaette kuru
Shoujo wa yagate aka-chan ni nari
Okaa-san ni seowareteiku
Hitotsu-zutsu wasureru tame ni
Kodomo-tachi wa gakkou ni kayou
Yukkuri to yukkuri to
Tooku e kieru minna no senaka
Kokoro kara suki datta ano hito mo
Yagate mishiranu hito ni naru
Sarasara to sarasara to
Sora e noboru akai sunadokei
Omoide wa yagate koori no you ni
Mizu ni tokete kieyuku no
Nishi kara noboru yuuhi ni mukatte
Jitensha de saka o oritara
Watashi o oikoshi anata wa hashiru
Umi no mukou made kakenuketeiku
Ajisai ga saku koro ni watashi wa
Hitotsu-zutsu wakagaeru
Ame wa sora e shitoshito kaeru
Mirai o nosete mirai o nosete
Yagate watashi mo kodomo ni modori
Jitensha kara sanrinsha ni norikaeru
Soshite watashi wa
Okaa-san no naka he to
Nakinagara kaeru
Yurayura to yurayura to
Mizuumi de hitori fune o koideitara
Daremo inai hazu nano ni
Shinzou no oto ga hibikiwataru
Kirakira to kirakira to
Mizu no soko de jitensha ga hikaru
Itsuka kiita komoriuta ga
Watashi o yobu no
Sakasama ni sakasama ni
Koko made tadoritsuite furikaereba
Minna ga watashi ni tooku kara
Warainagara ookiku te o futteita no
Nigiyaka ni nigiyaka ni
Koko kara hajimaru yo watashi no maachi
Mizu no nagare ni mi o makasete
Mirai o yume mite nemuru
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In Reverse
In reverse, in reverse,
I head backwards through my life
From the graveyard to the cradle,
I tumble downward...
A happy couple returns to being lovers;
The old lady I loved invites me with a smile
The glittering apartment in which my friends live,
After de-construction, becomes a farm
The calendar days go back one by one,
The trees in the park get smaller and smaller
My favorite bicycle, which someone had stolen,
Comes back to me once more
The little girl soon becomes a baby,
Being carried by her mother
In order to forget things one by one,
The children go to school...
Walking calmly and slowly,
People vanish into the distance
And in my heart, the one I loved
Soon becomes one I never knew...
Rising smoothly and silkily,
The red hourglass sand goes skyward
And soon my memories melt like ice,
The water evaporating into air...
The setting sun rises from the west,
And toward it, I bike down the hill
Then you come running past me,
Dashing onward toward the ocean...
Every time the hydrangeas blossom,
I feel younger again
Gently the rain returns to the sky,
Carrying the future, carrying the future...
Soon enough, I'm a child again as well,
Switching from a bicycle to a tricycle
And then, of course,
Into my mother,
I run crying back...
With a calm, gentle swaying,
I row a boat, alone in a lake
And though no one should be there,
The beating of a heart resounds...
With a glitter and a sparkle,
A bicycle gleams deep in the water
And an old lullaby I once heard
Calls out for me...
In reverse, in reverse;
When I looked back after coming so far,
I saw everyone watching from afar,
Smiling, and cheering, and waving their hands
Among the hustle and bustle,
It's now time for my march to begin
Entrusting myself to the water's flow,
I sleep, and dream of the future...