OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

see newer | go to latest

September 20th, 2020

Once I decide I should try everything once, I end up putting super serious effort into those things.

Support my heart too...

Guess I need to support my body with muscles.

My hernia's gone, so please go away too, hip pain... :crying:

Your muscles look so sad!

[Ring Fit results screen: 21m14s, 138.82 kcal, 2.97 km]
Aren't I great!

Those are today's uploads.

I'm blessed to have listeners who see me play like this and say I'm good...

I'm a Vtuber who's good at Mario 64. #TesrosetTransmission #Vtuber [Clips of her attempts at the Wing Cap Switch red coins star.]

Declaring that even the part of you that thinks you're hopeless is still part of you takes strength, and being recognized by those around me makes me feel like I can do that for the first time...

It's been 12 years since I made Marginal, but I still worry "Is it okay for me to be like this?", so I dunno if I've actually matured...

Uploading another past song today!
[Official MV] Marginal feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

Claire-san trying hard in Fall Guys made me want to try hard at Fall Guys... #PlayMarioOSTER

Everyone remembers Beyblades and Hyper Yoyos, but nobody remembers Jitter-Rings.

Finding the differential of work to make the units match.

"Which is more important, work or me?" seems like asking "Which is bigger, time or distance?"

You won't necessarily be rewarded for your efforts, but you'll never get rewarded if you don't give an effort, so you have to try.

I'm a Vtuber playing Mario 64.
[Super Mario 64 Livestream] Shoot For 120 Stars! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

To not get stuck in a mold, you need to know the shape of the molds.

I'm wondering if Rainbow Ride 100 coins and Wing Mario Over The Rainbow alone might take a stream.

68 stars... Maybe I can get that in two streams??

I want to play Mario Sunshine, but I still have 68 stars left in Mario 64...

September 19th, 2020

Java is short for Jabba the Hutt.

???: "Java is short for JavaScript, right?

RT @p_r_r__ Mana Ashida (teenage girl): "You might say you were betrayed, that you'd put your hopes in a person, but that person didn't betray you - you just saw a part of them you couldn't see before. When that happens, to be unwavering and accept that as just another aspect of that person - I think that's what it means to trust."
Me (women in twenties): "Indo [India] is short for Indonesia, right?"

Doing anything well is so hard, people who are good at things are amazing.

I looked it up and it already existed. (Sure enough...)

I need to draw Tesroset-chan until I'm in Guiness as the artist who's drawn them the most.

[Ricky: "Oh, right! Speaking of children... In Thailand, children's chests are holy, so you aren't allowed to stroke them, okay?"]
Don't think that's allowed in Japan either.

I keep thinking how if it were 2010, there'd totally be a super popular Billy Herrington meme video called Fall Gays.

Person (Dog)

Person who gets emotional while playing ukulele.

Lately it feels like I'm doing roughly the same proportion of composing and art and editing and I'm gonna explode soon.

When I'm watching Vtubers, I start to feel like "I wanna be a Vtuber!", but I already am.

My number one bias is future me.

Let me be everyone's number one in the amusin' lady department! (desire)

For real, liking has different categories, and the people I like are the best in their respective categories...

Life begins when you lose your sanity.

I like Bayachao-sensei's works, of course, but I also like how it feels like we're crazy in similar ways...

Dad, I'm thinking of quitting reality and living virtually.

Wish they'd fix the bug where you can't make music while listening to streams.

Being provided Roset-chan from the official source helps so much...

Listen to the full version of Mamama-Magical, alright!? Listen to the wild piano in the second verse!!

OSTER-chan (Roset-san)

I was Roset-chan...

[Retweeting Bayachao posting the full version of Mamama☆Magical with an image of Roset saying "I composed it!"] Roset-chan (OSTER-san)

Once we get into October, maybe I'll stream making Halloween BGM...

I'm a musical Vtuber, so I'm streaming composition by playing Mario 64. Thanks in advance.

(I threw in the towel on Odyssey on the last stage.)

I still like action RPGs like Mario 64 a lot. [???]

Of course, I have no qualms at all with the games of the world. This is just my own changes to blame... It's my problem...

In the first Tesroset Transmission, I said I was bad at games, but it might be more accurate to say I can rarely get engrossed enough to persistently play a single game and get good at it anymore... Sad...

September 18th, 2020

On stream, I was so nervous I forgot what I wanted to say, but with the overflowing numbers of entertaining people and streams these days, I'm super grateful and thankful you choose to watch mine, and I'm thinking every day how I wanna be a more of an amusin' lady who can better satisfy those who come to watch.

I sacrificed the lives of many Marios by going ahead with thoughtless plans. (self-reflection sign hanging from neck)

She spends 3 hours just making Mario fall in bottomless pits and screaming then talks straight-faced about how she's gained some special awareness.

I started getting curious how other Vtubers feel when they're doing it because of the things I've realized doing it myself. Thinking about that makes me feel like "it's worth experiencing everything."

I'm a super troublesome lifeform who has the feelings of wanting to be seen and being afraid of being seen living together in me, so that kind of distribution is comfortable to me...

Maybe this was a really fitting choice for me... Glad I started Vtubing.

Ahhh, maybe I feel the same way about Vtubing that I do with Miku. Vtubers are characters and not you, but you definitely get to show yourself through the filter of the character. As for Miku songs, even though they're Miku songs, there's a heavier emphasis on the creator compared to normal artists. It felt like I was having my music listened to through Miku.

This is the feeling of "my kids are cute"... So this is how it feels...

I made a dummy video of Roset-chan for today's stream, but I thought it might be good to have some voice as well, so I recorded "...me... kill... me..." as a dummy voice, but it made things so serious it wasn't even funny, so I deleted it.

Being told it's cute when Tesro-kun laughs makes me smile serenely.

I'm a good kid, so I'll fit some rings before I go to bed.

Tesro vs. Wing Cap Mario

Gotta make self-excerpts again...

Mario 64 is such a godly game.

The Wing Cap and Bowser stage red coins are brutal.

I thought it was two and a half hours, but I played for nearly three hours...

It was my first time, so sorry about the doubled game audio at the start...

Mario stream's over!! 52 stars in 2 and a half hours!! It was super fun!

I'm doing ittttt!

Uh oh, the stream started on its own... LOL

Anybody know what number one is? :raised hand:

I know I'm raising the hurdles for myself, but it's the game I've played second-most exhaustively in my life, so I think it'll be a relatively fun time!!!!!!!!

Starting at 9:30, it's Mario 64 timeeeee!
[Super Mario 64 Livestream] Shoot For 120 Stars! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

The moments when I'm doing something stupid and pointless are when I feel most alive.

Thinking about how I drew art, sequenced music, recorded voices, and did editing all to make a video like this is really funny.

I made a crappy video...

Short Skit: Mario Goes to Saizeriya #TesrosetTransmission
[Short Skit: Mario Goes to Saizeriya
Roset: "Welcome! Have you decided what to order?"
Tesro: "Ummm... Oh!! MILANO-STYLE DORIA"]

[As far as I can tell, this is an anti-joke where the expected joke would probably be "aglio olio," as both words look similar to "Mario" in Japanese.]

Overly-complicated funny man: "Sure enough, Mario 64 is y=x^2..."
Too-clever straight man: "'Cause the origin is also the epitome!!!!"

Stop blaming it on a youkai, or perfume, or someone else - blame it on the winter and let's warm each other up.

September 17th, 2020

I feel bad for crappy drawn-in-5-minutes Tesro-kun.


My skills have dulled so much, it took me 15 minutes just to climb the castle...

Completed everything.

For real? The days pass so quick... So of course, I'll be playing you-know-what...

Ack!!!!! Wait, hold on, so tomorrow is the 18th...? Wha... Sorry, I'll do a game stream tomorrow, lolololol

(When Monster Hunter comes out, somebody stream it with me...)

(I actually streamed Monster Hunter once in the distant past.)

Monster Hunter on Switch, you say... [After the announcement of Monster Hunter Rise.]


["Theme: Very clearly a composition stream"]

I definitely won't be able to make a song the same way again, even if it's one I've made before. Super amusing.

Even brain-copies of my own songs seem like they'd be super fun.

Kimigayo [the Japanese national anthem] is most definitely a mega-famous song, but it might be too touchy to do on stream.

I've really wanted to do the brain-copy one... The music version of the thing where you draw half-remembered characters. Might be fun to take requests from everyone each time...

Projects I'm considering for composition streams:
- Brain-copy stream (See how well I can reproduce an existing popular song without referring to it once)
- Children's song reharmonization stream (Building sexy progressions from catchy melodies)

I'll train day after day while watching Vtubers around me. :bowing woman:

I want to try a scheduled stream tomorrow... I'm so unsavvy, I haven't made use of YouTube Live's functions at all.

(Didn't say I would stream according to the poll...)

Everyone wants to see composition?? You're fine with composition?? Really??

I'll... stream... tomorrow... [Poll]
- Composition stream [53.5%]
- Game stream [26.1%]
- Chat stream [20.4%]

Something like looks good to others can be bad to the person themselves, or the other way around, so it's hard to know how to respond when you talk about it.

"Something good happened" → Something happened + I was left with a good impression of said event
Thus, depending on whether it left a good impression or a bad one, the same event can become either something good or something bad.

September 16th, 2020

Lately, on Vtuber streams and such, when something's funny I see lots of "kusa" ["grass," a play on what "wwww" looks like] comments, yet "w" [short for "laugh"] is pretty much an endangered species, which makes me feel the changing of the times. Even knowing that, I do think it was nice that with "w"s you could express the intensity of your laugh by how many you used, and yet say "kusa" quite a bit myself. (kusa)

I need to make a dummy Roset-chan too so I can stream with Tesro-kun.

RT @iroha_sasaki Fuwacina-san's activity level is 530,000. (scouter exploding)
Only those who act can take action.

[Reblogging Roset fanart] I'm happy to see the Tesroset art tag getting more use... I want them to grow to be beloved... :smiling face: :smiling face: :smiling face:

I'm just a baby. :baby:

I don't understand how I'm looked up to by some amazing people.

[Retweeting Tesroset manga] The chord progression in this sexy book is in fact the same progression I was going like "it's so sexy" about in the stream.

When mixing swing and straight like this, I used to think it had to be one or the other, but it's not like that at all...

I just noticed, in the section of Jump Up Super Star between the end of verse 1 and the start of verse 2 (1:25~), the rhythm is straight but the trumpets are swing???

I'm grateful to get introduced by another Vtuber... So grateful...

RT @ringo_0_0_5 [Kujo Ringo, retweeting a Tesroset highlight video] What folly that I'd failed to notice that the esteemed OSTER had begun as a Vtuber.
It feels like only yesterday I was listening to Love's Saki-Saki☆Revolution and following Shibasaki Saki, or weeping over her collab with Mitchie M, Maison Hatsune.
To see this kind of thing happen often lately makes my feelings burst...

[Jun: "I see! The final blow is tragic!"]
She's from my generation.

Who out there knows Brachistochrone curves include cycloids, but can't explain why cycloids are Brachistochrone curves? Meee! :raised hands:

September 15th, 2020

I at least want to create a super mega short mini skit video. (where are you even going)

Don't make light of Vtubers, OSTER.

I've already decided what I want to do for the second Tesroset stream (music talk, as befitting a Musical Vtuber), but when you consider thinking up the script and recording the voices and filming the movement and editing the video, it's so hard, Vtubers are so amazing it doesn't even make sense.

I want to make them move, but I'm still super embarrassed recording their voices by myself.

Busyness is steadily tightening around my neck, but I wanna make Tesroset-chan move... Sniff...

Let me do OSTER big band project...

The arrangement of every part of Jump Up, Super Star! is so perfect, I can't believe this song exists.

The arranging is so sexy.

If I made a song like this, I'd have infinite fun with recording.

Jump Up, Super Star! is a godly song.

Even if have to make the whole world my enemy, I don't want to make the whole world my enemy.

I always get excited when starting something new. I'm glad that no matter when, I can become a first-grader any time...

It's like, with this sort of thing, it feels like everyone's making content all together... It's like, this kinda thing... This is it...

This is late, but it's possible I'll use images tweeted with this tag in streams, so please be aware. :folded hands: #TesrosetArt
If anyone who already drew art has a problem with that, please let me know. :bowing woman:

I'm a prodigy, so I made Miracle Paint when I was 4.

5 years since Labradorite
6 years since Music Wizard of Oz
8 years since Fox's Wedding
9 years since Gossip
9 years since Alice in Musicland
10 years since Piano Girl
11 years since Love Ward
12 years since Marginal
13 years since Miracle Paint
17 years since I was born

[Jun: "Huh, is that right, hop... OSTER, you really like women a lot, huh?"]
Egging me on every time I make a yuri song.

I've been sluggish day after day and haven't been able to work at all... No stamina to put on stamina.

I'll collect any unneeded 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000-yen bills you have for free.

September 14th, 2020

Should I put out a collab Tesroset-chan doujin by myself...? (overturning the concept of "collab")

I love this comment so much.
["I'm addicted to the feeling of "eros popping in naivete"! I wonder if people get what I mean by that? The elements of "purity" and "naivete" seem as a glance to be contrary to eroticness, but when they're combined with eroticness, they become a kind of "catalyst" that drives toward a bewitching feeling.
On the other hand, it fulfills a role of "bravado" that envelops eros; the word "manliness" seems approrpiate.
It brings about a wholesomeness like the refreshing light of the sun shining on a California beach in the middle of summer, while youthful teenagers beneath it bite into apples grown with the nutrients of Californian soil.
"The harmony of purity and eros"... That's probably one of OSTER project's charms, isn't it?"]

Ever since seeing this image, I've kindly told even my cats "You guys are going to the Animal Realm. ♡"

[Retweets the 2017 tweet the "Animal Realm" picture was referring to] Original reference in RT. :clap:

I'm not saying anything greedy like "I want 100 million yen in tips," God, so at least, at the very least, give me enough assets that I could give 100 million yen in tips and be totally fine.

Unexpectedly, the crappy manga I drew yesterday is getting views...

September 13th, 2020

If I draw the fanart myself, I can see it endlessly.

I can draw Tesroset without using a reference now. (not saying I will draw them without a reference)

I have a report. I'm currently brushing my teeth. This ends the report.

I want to make reports like 500 times a day.

It went up by like 5,000 people in a month, it's seriously nuts, grateful, thanks, thanks so much, the three stages of gratitude.

[Screenshot of 28,000 subscribers on YouTube] Whoa whoa whoaaa!!! Let's go for 30,000!! Let's do our best!

But when I try to remember, my heart can't hold it all and it feels like I'm gonna go nuts, so I always put the lid back on. Heheh.

Of course, it was 13 years ago, so I feel nostalgic, but it also feels like it was yesterday, and I can remember it feeling fun and exciting and scary and harsh and regretful and making songs in mad fervor relatively clearly.

[Re: VOC@LOID in Love's 13th anniversary] With each year this day comes, there's more weight to the lyric "I don't want you to forget the day I came to you"... To think I'd develop such strong feelings about a line I just thought up on a whim back then... Life is so nonsensical.

I fit some rings.

Haven't touched ukulele lately. At this rate, I'm going to end up as a person who was satisfied just buying a lei and a Hawaiian shirt...

Am I just going to make "wait a mocha" an established thing at this point????

I can only draw incomprehensible art...

Roset-chan is a dog. #TesrosetArt

["We're in the Animal Realm!" Reference to a viral tweet of a photo from a book on Buddhism, with some pets staring at the camera and that caption.]

I wanna be able to draw Roset-chan cutely, y'know???

Drawing dumb manga is too much fun. (too many fun things to do)

Twitter is brutal for cropping the thumbnail to show the punchline.

I drew a manga. #TesrosetArt

[Tesro: "That Roset - this was hidden under her bed!" (Sexy Book) Roset: "GWAAAAAAAAAAH"
Tesro: "Allow me to take a look! (Eheehee...) Wait a mocha!!"
Book: (list of chords)]

Fast forward to the present, and I feel like I'm able to pick appropriate chords for every moment out of countless choices, keeping control over the mood of the entire song...

I still vividly remember how when I made Grumpy Waltz, the chord variations I knew were so limited that I was worrying I could only make very similar-sounding songs. I've always been thinking about how I can "stop being normal," not that this song was a breakthrough in that regard or anything...

When I listen to an old song of mine after listening to a recent one, the sound is so straightforward I cry... I can't go back to that time anymore...

It gets into feeling territory, so if I find something sexy but someone else doesn't, it just means we don't have the same idiosyncrasies, which leaves no room for explanation... No matter how much you extol the deliciousness of veggies, it isn't going to change the mind of someone who doesn't like them...

I want to explain what's "sexy" when it comes to music, but I can't think of an explanation as comical as "panty shots are getting an unintentional glimpse of something you just barely can't see, etc.", so I can't explain it.

Today's old song upload is this!!
[Official MV] Grumpy Waltz feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

[Retweets amended tweet from NicoNIco news about VOC@LOID in Love's 13th anniversray] They fixed it... I'm grateful...

Guess who got their title typoed by NicoNico News? This gal.

I didn't notice since I only watched the video, but that's not my song... LOL

I want the protagonists of my song's lyrics to be a mess in mind and body. I'm such a mad scientist, forever observing chemical reactions in the laboratory known as adolescence...

And Love Prison is a wholesome song about spending all day digging a tunnel with uncontrollable enthusiasm.

Love Ward is an extremely wholesome story about gradually getting a fever in a hospital ward at night, your uneven breath and accelerating heart rate eating into your senses, and then unable to bear the inflammation caused by mucus, fleeing the room.

RT @kagura_suzu While I say I cried, it's more like I had no idea what it meant when I was younger, but my knowledge has expanded since, so I was like whaaaaa....................

Perhaps you'll at least learn that all the works I've released into the world are a product of piled-up despair and excitement.

[Retweeting Tesroset Live highlights] If you're wondering "what are you doing as a Vtuber?", just take a look at this, and you'll have no idea what I'm doing.

RT @kagura_suzu So Love Ward's in Just Dance, so I listened to it in the first time in forever, and it was such a tragic love song I cried.
I made her cry...

I think it's probably because no one can influence other people like that, so the last freedom left to you is to cry and scream.

No matter how much you cry or scream, you can't do anything about how someone else feels, yet you tend to cry and scream anyway.

I like that scene in One Piece where Luffy has an outburst like "What're you doing flippantly promoting yourself in the replies of a viral tweet from someone who isn't even your crew?!"

My theory is that in the moment you're deciding what to choose from a restaurant menu, as many universes as there are menu items are born. In the universe where I picked soba, I'm currently regretting not picking tempura.

The woman who, unable to forget the flavor of the soba she ate yesterday, goes to the soba place for the second day in a row and orders tempura.

13 years ago today, I posted this song. 13 years...
[Hatsune Miku] VOC@LOID in Love (Fixed Version) [Original Song]

[Retweets Private Liszt] My latest hit.

Don't you wanna be like "Yep, present me wins! Present me is stronger! Flawless victory!"???

I owe my present self to my past self, but also, part of me doesn't like that and makes songs out of a desire to show past me who's boss.

I just posted something serious, I'm going to lose followers!! Boobs boingy boingy almond tofu!!

Keeping up the same thing with the same conviction is super important, and I want to keep to that. But I think the ideal is to keep changing to match how the times change... And I want to meet lots of new fans!!

That's why I feel like I need to always be stopping to consider what I can do in the current era, and lately I've had thoughts about how since the times and values are changing, I can't keep taking the same old approaches. Vtubing is something I started out of that mindset, so I want to do my best with it.

Though I think no matter what era you're in, there are things you admittedly can't fight against, it's probably smart to approach it like "I'll make use of the parts of this era that are advantageous to me!" If you only focus on irrationalities you can't change on your own power, you'll just make yourself depressed.

Seriously, this. And that's exactly why around 10 years or so ago, a lot of people complained about amateurs entering the commercial world, and thinking about that now, it was a super irrational thing to make a fuss about... No one's a pro from the start.

RT @masha_aq As someone familiar with old NicoNico, this is roughly how I picture the way things have changed for creators. The result of the net maturing and becoming a place where people can directly sell their talents and skills is that everyone's started to try their hand at it. Looking at the net as a whole, I think things are more intense now.

[Image of two triangles, with an upward axis on the side labeled "Quality of Work (in the sense of "can it make money"). The first triangle, "'Bout 10 Years Ago," is almost entirely "play (2ch, Nico)" on the bottom, with a small top section for "commercial (pro, merch)." The second triangle, "Now," has a relatively small "play (Nico)" section on the bottom, with arrows for "getting skilled" pointing into a much larger "commercial (pro, merch, doujin, social media, Vtubing, YouTube, etc...)" section.]

September 12th, 2020

I want to learn a bunch from somebody who's on a repeat playthrough of life.

I know I'm only cornering myself when I think like this, but cornering myself so I try hard might be a fitting apporach for someone prone to slacking off like me. I don't know. I don't get life. It's only my first playthrough so it's hard.

It's easy to say "it's fine to rest, you don't have to try so hard," but when you start considering how nobody can make up what you lose by resting or not trying hard, it feels like there's no way you can stop, right??

I often think about how even those fun and happy times that help you live optimistically have to be actively sought out, so any time spent hesitating feels like a waste...

When you're hurting! When you're sad! Warm your heart with memories of fun and happy times and live!

Life is the intergral of "now."

I'm fantasizing about being kidnapped by a dark furry surgeon and waking up remade into Roset-chan.

[Retweeting a group photo by Bayachao of "Makemon-ized" people, featuring Roset] Roset-chan is good.

Another one of those days.

I like people who will enjoy the food no matter where you take them, especially since then wherever they take you, you can enjoy the food too.

My gag tweet got popular, so I crudely promoted myself... I'm a crude woman...

I recently became a Vtuber. Thanks in advance.
[Musical Vtuber] Tesroset LIVE Episode 1: Highlights

September 11th, 2020

I'm probably just a nostalgic figure to many people, but I feel in my bones how I've become known by people from many different eras for many different reasons, so I want to make the effort to get eyes on me however I can, which is why do my best tweeting dumb gags.

Nonsense tweets can go little a viral.

Private Liszt vs. Public Chopin

Haaah, found it.. It was somewhere I'd definitely never put it normally... No telling what I'll do what I'm drunk, I suppose.

When I get drunk, bad things happen like getting bruises I don't remember or losing things, but it's so much fun that I drink anyway...

It's because I got too drunk last night...

The disgrace of losing a hair clip in your own house...

I want to wake up in the morning with Roset-chan's looks and vocal cords.

Maybe sexiness lies in how many half-tones can be hidden in the chord progression???

The inner voice of 13→b13 is too sexy, and going a half-tone down to land at the next chord's 9 is super sexy...

Feels like I'll find it sexy just from seeing numbers.

By the way, the chords in the part where I was getting overstimulated:
F#m7-5 | B7(#9,13) B7(#9,b13) | Em11 Eb9(13)
Key of C.

I don't know what might get people interested in me, so I'll just try doing everything.

When you do stuff, you create more opportunities to be seen.

Decided to upload the highlights I assembled.
[Musical Vtuber] Tesroset LIVE Episode 1: Highlights #TesrosetTransmission

Even promoting the heck out of myself and putting "Vtuber" in my name, there are still people I'm not reaching, so I'm gonna promote the heck out of myself, forgive me...

I was told the key entering the chorus and at the end of the chorus was weird, and indeed, I wasn't really conscious of it, but it is weird. Mysterious key change.

Listening to this for the first time in a while after being complimented for it yesterday...
[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]

Finally sorting out my channel.

[Retweeting Roset fanart] Let's all draw Tesroset. (and I'll be happy)

September 10th, 2020

Music is beautiful.

All women who want to talk on the phone before their take-out coffee gets cold, listen to Tweedees.

RT @okiireijii [of TWEEDEES, quoting "everyone listen to Tweedees"] Of the many tweets that exist in the world, few can I agree with so deeply. I feel anew my conviction that OSTER-san is a fine and trustworthy person.

"If only a meteor would fall directly on your head" is the ultimate phrase, see???

Everyone listen to Tweedees, okay???

If only a meteor would fall directly on your head???????

You can't get plastic shopping bags anywhere anymore, so I ended up buying about 100 plastic bags from the hardware store to put garbage and stuff into... What is eco-friendliness? What is justice?

September 9th, 2020

I worked too hard on stream, rendering me unable to work hard on Ring Fit... Harsh...

Thanks to all the stuff I did, it feels more fun to watch my own streams back.

Spent 4 hours to finish a BGM for streams... I'm tired... lol

Done with streeeeeam! Thanks for watching, everyone!!

It's starting, it started.
[Real-Time Composing Stream] Tesroset LIVE Episode 1

The stream! Won't start!

???? It's kind of messing up, hold on a second.

Going to eat and then start the composing streammm! I'm sleepyyy!

There are at minimum three songs set in stone that I need to make this month, but I wanna find space in-between to do other stuff too...

People who create are all too amazing.

☺︎ [Poll]
- I'm always watching what you do [66.7%]
- Let's do our best together [33.3%]

Sending "I like it!!!" to people who're depressed... S'violence.

I'll say it 5 billion times, but I don't want Twitter to have a "like" button, but a "it's hard to comment, but I'm always watching what you do, and I bet things are really exhausting right now, but let's do our best together" button.

That's probably about it for preparations on what I was thinking of doing... I think I'll stream composition tonight. :clap:

Odyssey, dessee! Odyssey, dessee!

My composition environment.

["Theme: As anyone could tell, I'm making a song"]

September 8th, 2020

Seems in a lot of cases it's like "If you just sorta do this, you can find the slope of a graph, or area or volume, so it's handy. Just memorize the rules." I mean, it was for me. Teehee.

Most people who studied math in high school should've dealt with differentials and integrals, yet I doubt there are many people who can explain what differentials and integrals are. I don't think I could, either... We just differentiate and integrate by feel...

All I can think of is a brute-force approach where you trace the path of a function moved over time using echoes on a stationary frame.

I still don't know a way to generate graphs from formulas with AE, but I wonder if it's possible... But also, don't use AE for that stuff.

What makes me most glad for my programming experience is expressions in After Effects... Stuff like footage position uses 2D arrays, and I probably wouldn't have understood what the brackets meant otherwise.

Standard IO dot header!

[Photo of a shop called "studio.s"]
Every time I see this brand, I think "you'd get yelled at if you did an #include with this."

If it really didn't matter, you wouldn't need to outright say "it doesn't matter."
- Great Poet Osuo

I haven't made anything but wild songs this year.

I made a wild song.

Labradorite was the first finished song I could have sung by Tokiwa-san, someone I super looked up to, so when I asked her to sing I was shaking a ton, and just her singing it made me so happy...

Listen to my song about someone aiming for their aspirations...
[OSTER project] Labradorite feat. Yu Tokiwa [Music Video]

Just the feeling that there's a meaning to my existence amid the grand scheme of things makes me ruminate on how that's reason enough to have kept creating... Gratitude, overwhelming gratitude.

People I've always looked up to seeing me, and people who look up to me making amazing works... Can there truly be such a wonderful thing????????

I've gotten to feel "I've sure gotten to live out my dreams in work..." a lot lately, which is making me weepy... I wanna keep meeting people and making works together with them!

Want to be able to make 100 songs in one day.

I'm mega-busy this month, but I want to balance with my hobbies somehow... I can't split myself, so I guess I just gotta gain stamina.

I'm working on a bunch of stuff to be able to do my first Vtuber stream tomorrow night! Hyaaah!

Drink wine like a king, throw up wine like a cow.

I think people who respond to "You're cute" with "Aren't I?!" instead of "Nothing of the sort" are cuter. (personal opinion)

With time, it feels like the image of a cute girl has shifted from "I'm looking cute today" to "I'm looking cute as ever today," which lifts my spirits.

Everyone should ask "aw, what's wrong" more!! C'mon!! Melt, I feel like I could dissolve!! I'll give you the Miku-Miku!! The Sheamus that first sound!! Hey, c'mon, what's wrong, everybody... [The last one was a reference to mishearing "hajimete no oto no mama (the same as that first sound)" as "hajimete no odono-sama (my first feudal lord)."]

RT @yurunyuru @fuwacina Aw, what's wrong?

I resolutely cut my bangs.

September 7th, 2020

The example tells the whole story.
["Delicacy: Subtlety, refinement. "lacking in ~"]

It's a bad habit of mine to worry about minute things...

Does the word "delicacy" always get used in the sense of not having it? You don't really hear "he has delicacy," do you?

And I'm the patient who delights at painting blood with green.

To explain reharmonization to people who don't know much about music, it's the act of coloring the sky with purple or blood with green.

"I made a super amazing song... I can't make a song any better than this..." I feel I've been thinking this every month since the year started, so I'll probably always be advancing.

When I compliment my friend's clothes, they grin at me like "I got them for super cheap at a second-hand store!", which I super love.

RT @yasucold When someone says "I like those clothes" and you reply "they were cheap," that might be humble or debasing, but if you're in Osaka and reply "Got 'em for 500 yen at Izumiya!", it becomes a boast about the deal you scored.

Looking good... Wanna do a stream soon...

Like you see here, Roset-chan has consciousness and Tesro-kun-chan-san is a puppet with no consciousness.

Greedily incarnating as two characters is endlessly fun...

Now if I make a loop zombie version of Roset-chan, I'm all set for streaming as Tesro-kun-chan-san too... :OK sign: The rest is just making improvements as I go!

By making Tesro-kun-chan-san into a loop zombie, I've achieved a system where it looks like both are moving independently...

Even thinking about all this stuff is kinda fun.

Since I can also just load videos as materials, maybe playing a transparent video of Tesro on loop behind her would kind of make it seem like they're doing it together...??

Also, maybe I want a "getting set up" image...

On stream, I can only have speak with one half of Tesroset-chan, so I want to split myself.

Got it to wooork! [Photo of a composition stream layout with Roset in the corner.]

I'm exhausted from life!!! If I'm born again, I wanna be a baby!!!!

Feel free ot talk more about murmur twins from O to W, everyone.

murmur twins from O to W

Roset-chan's boobs seem like they wouldn't be A nor C, but rather B-cups. (personal opinion)

memento mori
Translation: An assortment of memes. [Play on "moriawase," combination platter.]

September 6th, 2020

There's infinite enjoyment to be had in thinking about women's feelings. (mad scientist)

Dolphin Jet is the one that has less of that sort of soggy discord and feels like simply a fun world just for the two of them, which is also fine, but as a fan of that kind of yuri, I'm fond of the soggy feeling in Whale...

Whale Rider's lyrics are so dang cute, I must've been possessed by the god of feminine hearts while writing this...

She's definitely a girl who has no confidence in herself at all and learns who she is from being loved, so the heat spreads from her gnawed ear and thaws her.

Whale Rider isn't an indecent song at all, and in fact, I think it works because they're seriously in love. Whale Rin-chan can't understand true intentions from words alone and is anxious, which is why she wants to be embraced.

I found a tweet that super understands my intentions for Whale Rider's lyrics... I'm gonna cry...

RT @kuboyama_temma Whale Rider is the greatest!!

All I know for sure
Is what I can see with my eyes;
After all, I don't have a special skill,
Like X-ray superpowers,
To see what's inside a box

The irritating difficulty of arriving at the truth of intentions! The lyrics after this are great too. That's why you overlap bodies. I get it.

Did my monthly session of searching the lyrics for Rabbit Fur and grinning.

When did Nagasaki Airport become a washing machine????

Don't look at the state of the river. Just look at me.

Don't go check the state of the river. [Seems to be a reference to an ASCII art meme about someone going to check the river during a storm, then a family member going to look for them a few days later, etc.]

I just thought of a suuuuuper stupid video and I wanna make it right away.

+1 and +2 and +3 key changes are pretty easy to do, but -1 and -2 feel super hard, why's that?

What is "the last chorus of a children's song"...

I Met A Bear is a rare instance of a key change in the last chorus of a children's song... And a +2 at that...

The moments I'm thinking up chords are when I feel most like I'm living.

A lot of children's songs have simple chords and catchy melodies, and that makes them super good for harmonizing, so it'd probably be really fun to do a stream or something where I revamp children's songs to be stupidly stylish.

At last, my ukulele practice has made me into a ukulele player whose limit is playing any kind of children's song.

When I eat steak, I come up with super wild progressions, so meat is the ultimate food.

Sickness that makes me unable to return from a key change.

my no gear...

A woman begging for 500 million yen via Super Chat when she's about to die would be something else.

Composition, video creation, Vtubing. OSTER, the mad creator, obtained this and every other skill the world had to offer. And her dying words drove countless souls to the net-seas.

"I want 500 million yen via Super Chat."

These words lured men to YouTube, pursuing dreams greater than they ever dared to imagine! This is the time known as the Great Creation Era!

It worked just fine before, so I'm real mad that it suddenly stopped working. :angry:

Someone confident in digital music, tell me: I'm not able to drag and drop samples from Explorer to Cubase anymore, what am I doing wrong? (cry) By the way, I'm not running with admin privileges.

You open it, your heart pounding with excitement, and it's this.
[Photo 1: A file named "Sexy.txt."
Photo 2: "GM7→CM7→

Having people who watch me working hard and look up to me and thinking how I'm an important part of someone's life makes me super happy.

You're great for doing well on work every day, OSTER!
You're great for creating content every day, OSTER!
I'll follow you for life, OSTER!

September 5th, 2020

On unbearably hot nights, I want to seal the air in a bottle, and on unbearably cold nights, I want to open it up and get warmth. And on nights where I'm sleepy but want to stay up, I want to seal the drowsiness in a bottle, and open it up on nights where I want to sleep but can't.

Humans are inferior to machines in how they can't start freely charging at will.

Hands up, this is a robbery! Gimme your sleepiness.

I hate nights where I can't immerse myself in work and just have to pass the time.

I drank just enough that I'm lying in bed, unable to sleep, just listening to the rain. Even times like these are just another precious page in life...? Screw that, get sleepy already.

I'm overly worried because the characters are cute!! (lol)

When I'm talking as a Vtuber, I'm terrified I still sound like a gloomy otaku, but I want to do my best to overcome that fear...

Becoming two virtual incarnations at once is so greedy, huh...

During the premiere, I wasn't able to see the OP I worked super hard to figure out, so?? Did anyone else see it...?

Thank you for watching my Vtuber debut! It seems like it'll be fun to keep doing stuff like this! Thanks in advance! :folded hands: #Vtuber #TesrosetTransmission #TesrosetArt ← Wants fanart so she draws it herself

Very soon!!
[Vtuber Debut] Tesroset Transmission Episode 1

One more hour. I'm scared. Scary...

It took me one month to be able to play the Hawaiian template.

Do people who say "agree" [the literal English word] when they're in favor of something also say "angry" when they're mad and "hungry" when they're starving???

Today's the day.

September 4th, 2020

Not that I could really tell you what those places are, but still.

It's often said women are more prideful than men, but sometimes I wonder if women and men just put their pride in different places.

I like it when the girls kiss because I think it's cute. [- OSTER, age 5]

I like yuri not because it's yuri, but because someone's heart is being moved by the drama of wondering "beyond gender, how is this person special to me?"

I like fights where someone puts their life on the line not because their life is on the line, but because their heart is being moved by a conviction that's more important than their life.

Just saying I'm becoming a Vtuber has got me a ton of subscribers despite no videos being up yet, which fills me with 3/1 happiness and 3/1 dread and 3/1 gotta-do-my-best.
That adds up to 9.

["The name of the chord for "D-C-F#-B" is Bm(-9)/D"]
Is there no better way to write this..?

I have a friend who loves mushrooms a lot, so when I find a mushroom while walking around, I immediately take a photo and send it to them on LINE. Today, I found a super big one, so I triumphantly sent it over. They were overjoyed.

This is the fate of one who's always made music by pleasure alone...

Having that whole mess of notes in there is such a collision of sound, yet amazingly it sounds meaningful in context... I super don't get it, but I'm like, it sounds good, so it's fine if I don't really understand the reason why.

I mean, I get that if you increase the amount of notes, it inevitably increases the possibility of it containing other chords.

Chords're awesome! Don't really get 'em, though!

Music is hard, so you shouldn't do it.

C9 → C、E、G、Bb、D
If you have Bb, D, E up high, that's Bb(b5), which is probably why it sounds that way.
And E, G, Bb, D is an E half-diminished.
I guess ninths just have too much color in them?

Or maybe not dims, but half-dims?

I was sorting out chords and thinking "probably a flat five?", and was freaked out when it was a 9.

I super don't get it.

Don't ninths sometimes sound like dims or major flat fives depending on the voicing???

I figured I'd try making a Vtuber video, but on top of the editing being a huge ordeal, the longer I spent on it, the more uneasy I got about whether it was actually entertaining, so I feel like putting it out in the heat of the moment before you come to your senses is important.

If I add any more stuff to do, I'm gonna die!

- Get 50,000 likes on a chord lecture video
- Have two surgeries with general anesthesia in one day
- Have a song of mine play from a truck in Shinjuku
- Start playing ukulele

- Become a Vtuber ←new

[Announcement] It's sudden, but I'm making my debut as Vtuber! :raised hands:
I'll be doing a premiere for my first video tomorrow at 7 PM, so be sure to come! :sparkles: #Vtuber

Gaze not into the abyss. Just gaze at me.

Taking in 100 kilocals is so easy, yet spending 100 kilocals is so hard that I'm LOLing.

Be sure to be in front of a computer or smartphone tomorrow at 7 PM!


What is OSTER project's new song "Dog and Umbrellas"? How does it relate to Cat and Balloons? We looked into it!

Unfortunately, we couldn't determine their relationship.
Post your thoughts in the comments!

[Announcement] I provided the new song "Dog and Umbrellas" for #IIDX 28 BISTROVER (currently in location testing)! :dog: :umbrella: The vocals are by Sorako-san, who you may know from Galaxies on Parchment! It's a cute song to listen to on a rainy day, so please play it. :candy:

September 3rd, 2020

Every time a typhoon comes, the dog sisters will appear. To save all dogs from tragedy.

Is it dog sisters season???

[Art originally from last year. A pun on "shimai," reading what is basically "nice job taking dogs indoors" as "Nice! Dog sisters."]

I'm a miserable adult twice her age.

How many years did it take me to realize the same thing Mana Ashida-san realized, and how much did I fail, hurt others, and be hurt...? She's truly a wise person. [Seems to be in response to an event where she (at age 16) gave a succinct speech about trust: "You might say you were betrayed, that you'd put your hopes in a person, but that person didn't betray you - you just saw a part of them you couldn't see before. When that happens, to be unwavering and accept that as just another aspect of that person - I think that's what it means to trust."]

Super Mario Fulltime... [In response to the just-announced Super Mario 3D All-Stars with Sunshine. "Seishain" = full-time employee.]

Let's eat sexy foods and become sexy.

[Jun: "It'll work out. Looking forward to talking again, hop." Ricky: "Get to work."]
Want to be like this soon.

September 2nd, 2020

I want to watch a compilation video of people doing Open & Close Leg Raise while eating white rice.

Being murdered by overhead squats.

Hold on, if I do chord sheets starting from the newest working backward, next is AI Want Your Love Kiritan... Another song of chord hell...

I want to fully hand it over to someone like "Someday, when I become able to produce oil from my fingers, I'll give you 1 million yen, so write out these chords for me."

Feeling liberated after finishing what I needed to do.

No exaggeration, I spent an entire day writing this sheet music... I haven't done anything... OSTER songs are so scary.

Thanks in advaaaaance!!
Posted [Chord Sheet] Cat and Balloons on Pixiv Fanbox!

Music is too hard, I just can't.

It's hopeless... It's not just one or two areas with weird chords, they're all over the place. My heart's gonna crumble... :smile with halo: I have no clue how putting together all these nonsense chords came together into a song.

Without the Db, maybe it can be settled as Csus4/Eb...

Honestly, it's gotta be really hard to play this if you were just shown it suddenly, and it's the kind of chord where you wear yourself out thinking about if you should make it more simple to play even if it omits some notes.

["The name of the chord for "Eb-Db-F-G-C" is DbM7-5/Eb."]
I'm LOLing at this chord that l've basically never seen before.

Thinking of chord progressions is super fun, but the actual fun part is thinking of notes, and the work of writing it out and researching what name they have is incredibly difficult.

For real, the chords in Cat and Balloons are more insane than I thought... There are so many parts I'm not sure how to write that I'm holding my head.

September 1st, 2020

The other side of the train platform, inside a skirt;
Even though there's no way you'd be somewhere like that... [Reference to the lyrics of One More Time, One More Chance.]

Looking for Pokemon in a skirt feels so philosophical.

In that girl's skirt... [Reference to the lyrics of Mezase Pokemon Master, the original Japanese anime theme.]

[Screenshot of "#PokemonMasterSEX" in Twitter trends, prompted by the official "#PokemonMastersEX" hashtag]
Wha? So is that the Pokemon Master you're longing to be...?

People who say "have some consideration," please also have some consideration for the people who are being told "have some consideration." :angry face: (??)

Afterward, I imagine a fictional character butting in like "Men can have scrunchies too, have some consideration! :angry face:", which makes life even harder.

When I'm thinking of romantic lyrics, I'm doing it on a completely yuri foundation, so after I think of something like "I couldn't throw away even the scrunchie you gave me," I'm like "Why would a man have a scrunchie?!?! Is he a beautician?!?!" Life is hard.

Bayachao-san got super overstimulated.

I have arrived!!!

[Retweets a short comic summarizing the recent MakeMon exhibition, showing OSTER (as a furry girl - spoilers, it's the soon-to-debut Roset) visting and Bayachao getting really excited.]

August 32nd.
