OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 20th, 2020

Once I decide I should try everything once, I end up putting super serious effort into those things.

Support my heart too...

Guess I need to support my body with muscles.

My hernia's gone, so please go away too, hip pain... :crying:

Your muscles look so sad!

[Ring Fit results screen: 21m14s, 138.82 kcal, 2.97 km]
Aren't I great!

Those are today's uploads.

I'm blessed to have listeners who see me play like this and say I'm good...

I'm a Vtuber who's good at Mario 64. #TesrosetTransmission #Vtuber [Clips of her attempts at the Wing Cap Switch red coins star.]

Declaring that even the part of you that thinks you're hopeless is still part of you takes strength, and being recognized by those around me makes me feel like I can do that for the first time...

It's been 12 years since I made Marginal, but I still worry "Is it okay for me to be like this?", so I dunno if I've actually matured...

Uploading another past song today!
[Official MV] Marginal feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

Claire-san trying hard in Fall Guys made me want to try hard at Fall Guys... #PlayMarioOSTER

Everyone remembers Beyblades and Hyper Yoyos, but nobody remembers Jitter-Rings.

Finding the differential of work to make the units match.

"Which is more important, work or me?" seems like asking "Which is bigger, time or distance?"

You won't necessarily be rewarded for your efforts, but you'll never get rewarded if you don't give an effort, so you have to try.

I'm a Vtuber playing Mario 64.
[Super Mario 64 Livestream] Shoot For 120 Stars! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

To not get stuck in a mold, you need to know the shape of the molds.

I'm wondering if Rainbow Ride 100 coins and Wing Mario Over The Rainbow alone might take a stream.

68 stars... Maybe I can get that in two streams??

I want to play Mario Sunshine, but I still have 68 stars left in Mario 64...

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