OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 17th, 2020

I feel bad for crappy drawn-in-5-minutes Tesro-kun.


My skills have dulled so much, it took me 15 minutes just to climb the castle...

Completed everything.

For real? The days pass so quick... So of course, I'll be playing you-know-what...

Ack!!!!! Wait, hold on, so tomorrow is the 18th...? Wha... Sorry, I'll do a game stream tomorrow, lolololol

(When Monster Hunter comes out, somebody stream it with me...)

(I actually streamed Monster Hunter once in the distant past.)

Monster Hunter on Switch, you say... [After the announcement of Monster Hunter Rise.]


["Theme: Very clearly a composition stream"]

I definitely won't be able to make a song the same way again, even if it's one I've made before. Super amusing.

Even brain-copies of my own songs seem like they'd be super fun.

Kimigayo [the Japanese national anthem] is most definitely a mega-famous song, but it might be too touchy to do on stream.

I've really wanted to do the brain-copy one... The music version of the thing where you draw half-remembered characters. Might be fun to take requests from everyone each time...

Projects I'm considering for composition streams:
- Brain-copy stream (See how well I can reproduce an existing popular song without referring to it once)
- Children's song reharmonization stream (Building sexy progressions from catchy melodies)

I'll train day after day while watching Vtubers around me. :bowing woman:

I want to try a scheduled stream tomorrow... I'm so unsavvy, I haven't made use of YouTube Live's functions at all.

(Didn't say I would stream according to the poll...)

Everyone wants to see composition?? You're fine with composition?? Really??

I'll... stream... tomorrow... [Poll]
- Composition stream [53.5%]
- Game stream [26.1%]
- Chat stream [20.4%]

Something like looks good to others can be bad to the person themselves, or the other way around, so it's hard to know how to respond when you talk about it.

"Something good happened" → Something happened + I was left with a good impression of said event
Thus, depending on whether it left a good impression or a bad one, the same event can become either something good or something bad.

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