OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 18th, 2020

On stream, I was so nervous I forgot what I wanted to say, but with the overflowing numbers of entertaining people and streams these days, I'm super grateful and thankful you choose to watch mine, and I'm thinking every day how I wanna be a more of an amusin' lady who can better satisfy those who come to watch.

I sacrificed the lives of many Marios by going ahead with thoughtless plans. (self-reflection sign hanging from neck)

She spends 3 hours just making Mario fall in bottomless pits and screaming then talks straight-faced about how she's gained some special awareness.

I started getting curious how other Vtubers feel when they're doing it because of the things I've realized doing it myself. Thinking about that makes me feel like "it's worth experiencing everything."

I'm a super troublesome lifeform who has the feelings of wanting to be seen and being afraid of being seen living together in me, so that kind of distribution is comfortable to me...

Maybe this was a really fitting choice for me... Glad I started Vtubing.

Ahhh, maybe I feel the same way about Vtubing that I do with Miku. Vtubers are characters and not you, but you definitely get to show yourself through the filter of the character. As for Miku songs, even though they're Miku songs, there's a heavier emphasis on the creator compared to normal artists. It felt like I was having my music listened to through Miku.

This is the feeling of "my kids are cute"... So this is how it feels...

I made a dummy video of Roset-chan for today's stream, but I thought it might be good to have some voice as well, so I recorded "...me... kill... me..." as a dummy voice, but it made things so serious it wasn't even funny, so I deleted it.

Being told it's cute when Tesro-kun laughs makes me smile serenely.

I'm a good kid, so I'll fit some rings before I go to bed.

Tesro vs. Wing Cap Mario

Gotta make self-excerpts again...

Mario 64 is such a godly game.

The Wing Cap and Bowser stage red coins are brutal.

I thought it was two and a half hours, but I played for nearly three hours...

It was my first time, so sorry about the doubled game audio at the start...

Mario stream's over!! 52 stars in 2 and a half hours!! It was super fun!

I'm doing ittttt!

Uh oh, the stream started on its own... LOL

Anybody know what number one is? :raised hand:

I know I'm raising the hurdles for myself, but it's the game I've played second-most exhaustively in my life, so I think it'll be a relatively fun time!!!!!!!!

Starting at 9:30, it's Mario 64 timeeeee!
[Super Mario 64 Livestream] Shoot For 120 Stars! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

The moments when I'm doing something stupid and pointless are when I feel most alive.

Thinking about how I drew art, sequenced music, recorded voices, and did editing all to make a video like this is really funny.

I made a crappy video...

Short Skit: Mario Goes to Saizeriya #TesrosetTransmission
[Short Skit: Mario Goes to Saizeriya
Roset: "Welcome! Have you decided what to order?"
Tesro: "Ummm... Oh!! MILANO-STYLE DORIA"]

[As far as I can tell, this is an anti-joke where the expected joke would probably be "aglio olio," as both words look similar to "Mario" in Japanese.]

Overly-complicated funny man: "Sure enough, Mario 64 is y=x^2..."
Too-clever straight man: "'Cause the origin is also the epitome!!!!"

Stop blaming it on a youkai, or perfume, or someone else - blame it on the winter and let's warm each other up.

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