OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 4th, 2020

Not that I could really tell you what those places are, but still.

It's often said women are more prideful than men, but sometimes I wonder if women and men just put their pride in different places.

I like it when the girls kiss because I think it's cute. [- OSTER, age 5]

I like yuri not because it's yuri, but because someone's heart is being moved by the drama of wondering "beyond gender, how is this person special to me?"

I like fights where someone puts their life on the line not because their life is on the line, but because their heart is being moved by a conviction that's more important than their life.

Just saying I'm becoming a Vtuber has got me a ton of subscribers despite no videos being up yet, which fills me with 3/1 happiness and 3/1 dread and 3/1 gotta-do-my-best.
That adds up to 9.

["The name of the chord for "D-C-F#-B" is Bm(-9)/D"]
Is there no better way to write this..?

I have a friend who loves mushrooms a lot, so when I find a mushroom while walking around, I immediately take a photo and send it to them on LINE. Today, I found a super big one, so I triumphantly sent it over. They were overjoyed.

This is the fate of one who's always made music by pleasure alone...

Having that whole mess of notes in there is such a collision of sound, yet amazingly it sounds meaningful in context... I super don't get it, but I'm like, it sounds good, so it's fine if I don't really understand the reason why.

I mean, I get that if you increase the amount of notes, it inevitably increases the possibility of it containing other chords.

Chords're awesome! Don't really get 'em, though!

Music is hard, so you shouldn't do it.

C9 → C、E、G、Bb、D
If you have Bb, D, E up high, that's Bb(b5), which is probably why it sounds that way.
And E, G, Bb, D is an E half-diminished.
I guess ninths just have too much color in them?

Or maybe not dims, but half-dims?

I was sorting out chords and thinking "probably a flat five?", and was freaked out when it was a 9.

I super don't get it.

Don't ninths sometimes sound like dims or major flat fives depending on the voicing???

I figured I'd try making a Vtuber video, but on top of the editing being a huge ordeal, the longer I spent on it, the more uneasy I got about whether it was actually entertaining, so I feel like putting it out in the heat of the moment before you come to your senses is important.

If I add any more stuff to do, I'm gonna die!

- Get 50,000 likes on a chord lecture video
- Have two surgeries with general anesthesia in one day
- Have a song of mine play from a truck in Shinjuku
- Start playing ukulele

- Become a Vtuber ←new

[Announcement] It's sudden, but I'm making my debut as Vtuber! :raised hands:
I'll be doing a premiere for my first video tomorrow at 7 PM, so be sure to come! :sparkles: #Vtuber

Gaze not into the abyss. Just gaze at me.

Taking in 100 kilocals is so easy, yet spending 100 kilocals is so hard that I'm LOLing.

Be sure to be in front of a computer or smartphone tomorrow at 7 PM!


What is OSTER project's new song "Dog and Umbrellas"? How does it relate to Cat and Balloons? We looked into it!

Unfortunately, we couldn't determine their relationship.
Post your thoughts in the comments!

[Announcement] I provided the new song "Dog and Umbrellas" for #IIDX 28 BISTROVER (currently in location testing)! :dog: :umbrella: The vocals are by Sorako-san, who you may know from Galaxies on Parchment! It's a cute song to listen to on a rainy day, so please play it. :candy:

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