OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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September 4th, 2020

Not that I could really tell you what those places are, but still.

It's often said women are more prideful than men, but sometimes I wonder if women and men just put their pride in different places.

I like it when the girls kiss because I think it's cute. [- OSTER, age 5]

I like yuri not because it's yuri, but because someone's heart is being moved by the drama of wondering "beyond gender, how is this person special to me?"

I like fights where someone puts their life on the line not because their life is on the line, but because their heart is being moved by a conviction that's more important than their life.

Just saying I'm becoming a Vtuber has got me a ton of subscribers despite no videos being up yet, which fills me with 3/1 happiness and 3/1 dread and 3/1 gotta-do-my-best.
That adds up to 9.

["The name of the chord for "D-C-F#-B" is Bm(-9)/D"]
Is there no better way to write this..?

I have a friend who loves mushrooms a lot, so when I find a mushroom while walking around, I immediately take a photo and send it to them on LINE. Today, I found a super big one, so I triumphantly sent it over. They were overjoyed.

This is the fate of one who's always made music by pleasure alone...

Having that whole mess of notes in there is such a collision of sound, yet amazingly it sounds meaningful in context... I super don't get it, but I'm like, it sounds good, so it's fine if I don't really understand the reason why.

I mean, I get that if you increase the amount of notes, it inevitably increases the possibility of it containing other chords.

Chords're awesome! Don't really get 'em, though!

Music is hard, so you shouldn't do it.

C9 → C、E、G、Bb、D
If you have Bb, D, E up high, that's Bb(b5), which is probably why it sounds that way.
And E, G, Bb, D is an E half-diminished.
I guess ninths just have too much color in them?

Or maybe not dims, but half-dims?

I was sorting out chords and thinking "probably a flat five?", and was freaked out when it was a 9.

I super don't get it.

Don't ninths sometimes sound like dims or major flat fives depending on the voicing???

I figured I'd try making a Vtuber video, but on top of the editing being a huge ordeal, the longer I spent on it, the more uneasy I got about whether it was actually entertaining, so I feel like putting it out in the heat of the moment before you come to your senses is important.

If I add any more stuff to do, I'm gonna die!

- Get 50,000 likes on a chord lecture video
- Have two surgeries with general anesthesia in one day
- Have a song of mine play from a truck in Shinjuku
- Start playing ukulele

- Become a Vtuber ←new

[Announcement] It's sudden, but I'm making my debut as Vtuber! :raised hands:
I'll be doing a premiere for my first video tomorrow at 7 PM, so be sure to come! :sparkles: #Vtuber

Gaze not into the abyss. Just gaze at me.

Taking in 100 kilocals is so easy, yet spending 100 kilocals is so hard that I'm LOLing.

Be sure to be in front of a computer or smartphone tomorrow at 7 PM!


What is OSTER project's new song "Dog and Umbrellas"? How does it relate to Cat and Balloons? We looked into it!

Unfortunately, we couldn't determine their relationship.
Post your thoughts in the comments!

[Announcement] I provided the new song "Dog and Umbrellas" for #IIDX 28 BISTROVER (currently in location testing)! :dog: :umbrella: The vocals are by Sorako-san, who you may know from Galaxies on Parchment! It's a cute song to listen to on a rainy day, so please play it. :candy:

September 3rd, 2020

Every time a typhoon comes, the dog sisters will appear. To save all dogs from tragedy.

Is it dog sisters season???

[Art originally from last year. A pun on "shimai," reading what is basically "nice job taking dogs indoors" as "Nice! Dog sisters."]

I'm a miserable adult twice her age.

How many years did it take me to realize the same thing Mana Ashida-san realized, and how much did I fail, hurt others, and be hurt...? She's truly a wise person. [Seems to be in response to an event where she (at age 16) gave a succinct speech about trust: "You might say you were betrayed, that you'd put your hopes in a person, but that person didn't betray you - you just saw a part of them you couldn't see before. When that happens, to be unwavering and accept that as just another aspect of that person - I think that's what it means to trust."]

Super Mario Fulltime... [In response to the just-announced Super Mario 3D All-Stars with Sunshine. "Seishain" = full-time employee.]

Let's eat sexy foods and become sexy.

[Jun: "It'll work out. Looking forward to talking again, hop." Ricky: "Get to work."]
Want to be like this soon.

September 2nd, 2020

I want to watch a compilation video of people doing Open & Close Leg Raise while eating white rice.

Being murdered by overhead squats.

Hold on, if I do chord sheets starting from the newest working backward, next is AI Want Your Love Kiritan... Another song of chord hell...

I want to fully hand it over to someone like "Someday, when I become able to produce oil from my fingers, I'll give you 1 million yen, so write out these chords for me."

Feeling liberated after finishing what I needed to do.

No exaggeration, I spent an entire day writing this sheet music... I haven't done anything... OSTER songs are so scary.

Thanks in advaaaaance!!
Posted [Chord Sheet] Cat and Balloons on Pixiv Fanbox!

Music is too hard, I just can't.

It's hopeless... It's not just one or two areas with weird chords, they're all over the place. My heart's gonna crumble... :smile with halo: I have no clue how putting together all these nonsense chords came together into a song.

Without the Db, maybe it can be settled as Csus4/Eb...

Honestly, it's gotta be really hard to play this if you were just shown it suddenly, and it's the kind of chord where you wear yourself out thinking about if you should make it more simple to play even if it omits some notes.

["The name of the chord for "Eb-Db-F-G-C" is DbM7-5/Eb."]
I'm LOLing at this chord that l've basically never seen before.

Thinking of chord progressions is super fun, but the actual fun part is thinking of notes, and the work of writing it out and researching what name they have is incredibly difficult.

For real, the chords in Cat and Balloons are more insane than I thought... There are so many parts I'm not sure how to write that I'm holding my head.

September 1st, 2020

The other side of the train platform, inside a skirt;
Even though there's no way you'd be somewhere like that... [Reference to the lyrics of One More Time, One More Chance.]

Looking for Pokemon in a skirt feels so philosophical.

In that girl's skirt... [Reference to the lyrics of Mezase Pokemon Master, the original Japanese anime theme.]

[Screenshot of "#PokemonMasterSEX" in Twitter trends, prompted by the official "#PokemonMastersEX" hashtag]
Wha? So is that the Pokemon Master you're longing to be...?

People who say "have some consideration," please also have some consideration for the people who are being told "have some consideration." :angry face: (??)

Afterward, I imagine a fictional character butting in like "Men can have scrunchies too, have some consideration! :angry face:", which makes life even harder.

When I'm thinking of romantic lyrics, I'm doing it on a completely yuri foundation, so after I think of something like "I couldn't throw away even the scrunchie you gave me," I'm like "Why would a man have a scrunchie?!?! Is he a beautician?!?!" Life is hard.

Bayachao-san got super overstimulated.

I have arrived!!!

[Retweets a short comic summarizing the recent MakeMon exhibition, showing OSTER (as a furry girl - spoilers, it's the soon-to-debut Roset) visting and Bayachao getting really excited.]

August 32nd.

August 31st, 2020

Pastafarianism's on TV...

When I tried to put Who's Afraid of the Wolf! in the diagram, it ended up using some strong language, so I hesitated over how to write it.

Keep supporting me always! #HatsuneMikuBirthdayParty2020
[Official] VOC@LOID in Love feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

I gotta go buy food... I'm tired... I'm hungry... The world's so cruel...

Whenever I try to draw Y-chan's Miku-chan, nooooo matter what, I decrease the head size and make her less cute...

Forgot to color Dolphin Miku-chan's hiar. :crying:

OSTER songs are scary... :drooling face:

[Top row: Interspecies lovers' suicide, pervy yuri, steals lover and then gets lover stolen. Bottom row: Puts on a show throwing self in front of train, close relative (romance?) murder, lover stolen.]

It's a pretty lame video, but arranging the song, recording the recorder and ukulele, tuning Miku-san, mixing, drawing illustrations and breaking them into parts, putting it together in AE and adding movement took all day and really exhausted me.

Does this mean that channels with 1 like and 0 dislikes diverge to infinity??? :thinking face:

Oh, since it says it's a ratio to dislikes, maybe it's something like 100 likes for every dislike means 100%...?

Eh...?? I'm such a genius that my channel average for likes exceeded 100% (????)...
["Likes (Ratio to Dislikes), All Time
Miku-san's Self-Assertive Happy Birthday Song: 100.0%
Channel Average: 100.1%"]

Not a new song, but I'm uploading another song I uploaded to NicoNico to YouTube today!

It's my first time playing solo ukulele, and it's so hard.

My Miku-san started celebrating her birthday on her own. Happy birthday! :balloon: :balloon: :balloon: #HatsuneMikuBirthdayParty2020 #HatsuneMikuAnniversary2020

August 30th, 2020

Where in the world am I headed...??

I feel like a lot of people with high skill don't even think of their effort as effort. If you can do it because you like to, that's the most powerful.

And people who can study, too. People who can keep refining something they're good at are strong.

I like people good at art, or good at composition ,or good at singing, naturally because I'm interested in those skills themselves, but also because I super respect how they're capable of putting in the effort to get that skilled.

If I keep aging at this pace, I'll die before I become invincible.

I think "everyone's amazing," but they're amazing 'cause they put in an amazing amount of time. If you want to be like that, you have to put in the same effort yourself.

A lot of people in the world are working on something their whole lives, and releasing works created using the skills this has granted them. When you see only the works streaming by, you tend to forget about the efforts behind them. You're not gonna compete with people who trained their whole lives after just a day...

This may be extremely obvious, but skill can't be formed in a day, it comes after an extraordinary amount of time and effort. Before you give up and say you have no talent, you have to put in effort 'til you drop.


Isn't drawing so hard? First you have to think up the composition, and even once you do, once you actually start to draw it can look really iffy or nothing like what you were thinking, and you can't draw clean lines at all, and it's so much detailed and subtle work that you go nuts and throw in the towel (brush) (physically).

But I think it's amazing how easy it is for anyone to get set up and make high-quality music compared to before. Don't have to buy Mujiro to start makin' songs now!

Though I did kind of get it when someone told me they had a strong cognizance of music as something that just existed in the world rather than something you make, so they couldn't conceive of making it. There definitely is a higher barrier compared to art, which you can do with just a pen and paper.

All my friends who can draw always tell me "music's the one thing I could never create, I can't even imagine, people who can make it are so amazing it doesn't even make sense," but from my perspective, people who can draw are so amazing it doesn't even make sense.

My stamina's so bad, I sleep a day after going out for a day.

[Jun: "Listen to this! I thought I couldn't be beaten in pervy yuri, but a passing sexy beautiful woman casually bested me..."]
Give me a book like this.

Most things you can find out right away if you Google them, but it's cooler when you can say something without Googling it.

Piggy banks are the most famous design for a savings box, but do you know the reason why they originally chose a pig of all animals?
I don't. Good morning.

August 29th, 2020

People who can optimistically say "as long as you live, something good will happen" are people who've already had good things happen. I totally get it. If you're doing your best to live but having nothing good happen, down in the pits, words like that would just sound like fantasies and tick you off. But in truth, all you can do is stubbornly live on until something good happens...

The more public activity you do, the more frequently you'll wound others, but if you stop putting things out there out of fear, you'll also lose any chance to meet people who like you. I've come to think that's a much bigger loss, because I've been able to meet people who like me just that deeply...

Even if I don't do things out of a desire to be loved, I admit I do have a feeling of "it'd be nice if people loved me for this," so I'm happy to receive your love.

I was thinking of taking a bike to the station for the first time in ages, and filled the tires with air, but when I removed the pump, every bit of air energetically came out. It's wonderful to have energy. Going for a stroll now. Yep, I got strolled. :woman walking: [Play on "toho," walk on foot, and "tohoho," roughly equivalent to "boo-hoo-hoo."]

Even I'm better at regulating temperature.

Earth's dev team has no sense for how to do anything. So bad at regulating temperature.

I look like I'd be good at ukulele. (one month of ukulele experience)

My cosplay of someone just getting into it appearance-first.

Maine Coon and May Queen are super similar words, even though cats and potatoes aren't remotely similar... Ain't that weird?

Me in my head, heating up curry: "Sure enough, the Maine Coon doesn't have to fall apart while cooking!"
Me in my head 3 seconds later: "Wait, I meant May Queen... Maine Coon is a cat..."

Around the time of the state of emergency declaration, I was so lethargic I could only do the bare minimum for days on end, so I'm really glad my ambition to become unstoppable has returned. Because when I don't have energy, I long not to become unstoppable, but to become "un."

I wanna be unstoppable.

I'm stupid great for doing Ring Fit then having a bath then stretching before bed. Slimmerman.

Living as a shut-in due to lockdown really reduces the opportunities for me to put on makeup, so every time I do put it on, I have to start by taming my jungle-ified eyebrows...

I've gratefully used the money people provide through Fanbox to buy plugins quite a bit. It helps a ton...

Gonna Fit some Rings again today.

August 28th, 2020

You don't see Granny Durum's Spaghetti anymore either... Granny... Where did the grannies go...

They're not selling Granny Claire's Cream Stew anymore??

I'm definitely being bothered by something nobody's being bothered about, but I've always wondered why the Granny Claire's Cream Stew commercial changed it from "vegetables and roast chicken" to "roast chicken and vegetables." Did they purposefully rerecord it...?

Been thinking about what to do with the CD I would've made for winter Comiket since there's no winter Comiket. :thinking face:

I can understand judgements that begin from a reason, but if you start looking for a reason to judge, that's just violence.

Until about 10 years ago, there wasn't a proper platform for artists to accept money online, and lots of people had a negative impression of accepting money, out of jealousy or who knows, so I really think things have gotten good lately.

I want to get to 500,000 followers and have them send me 1 yen each every month.

>         <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
All the people who put "SUDDEN DEATH" inside this went extinct.

Eating the Deburu Curry I left for a night to make it tastier.

Oh yeah, I used to listen to OSTER... Wonder what she's doing now?
> Deburuman <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄

Vocaloid good-old-days reminiscers!! It's me!!!!!

August 27th, 2020

Isn't it so inconvenient how the concepts humans came up with, for the sake of creating the unifier that is society and making life easier, bind and torment individual humans? So let's become the universe. The universe is cool.

Rather than saying "everyone has the right to live," maybe we should think about how humans as a species creating the concept of "rights" complicates things and makes for trickery, and from the universe's perspective, there's just the fact that life exists, with no notion of that being good or bad. Let's become the universe. I'm the universe.

[Jun: "If you're going as a couple, go to a futon, and if you're going alone, go to a hotel... Is that right?"]
You might have that backwards???

Both recorder and ukulele have a great power of bringing out this sort of superbly mega-clumsy flavor.

Part of it is also just that I wanted to test how I could use recorder and ukulele.

My new creation.
Deburuman's Song [Parody Cover] [A parody of Devilman's Song replacing "devil" with "deburu" (getting fat), and other lyrical changes accordingly. Note that she actually tweeted just the lyrics over a week ago.]

Today's a day for putting all my energy into just-for-fun stuff.

August 26th, 2020

Always making typos at the important parts. Nobody loves you.

I meant back.

And that joy and regret riding on your hack carries the potential to be bundled up and transformed into something with meaning, and that's art, which I think is a lifesaver.

Even I'm like "that was so long ago, who cares anymore"! But still, the past won't go away, and both the fun times and sad times ride on your back, so you need to live life carrying them.

After all, sorting through and listening to 13 years of songs to upload them to YouTube is making me remember how such and such happened back then and it was really painful... Some of them are difficult and vexing to face. Even though they're my own creations... It's sad.

I super understand the feelings of people who move out after a breakup or losing someone. Scenery around town, rooms, smells, sounds, all sorts of things can be triggers to bring back vivid memories. I totally understand not being able to bear that...

Humanity's been at it for millions of years, so don't you wish they'd evolved more rationally?

As long as people live, they unconsciously throw away all sorts of things. Just by living, you move forward and leave behind the choices you didn't make, like putting out the trash. Surely you're able to move forward because you threw them away, but is it a waste of valuable life to sentimentally think back on the choices you discarded?

I'm a wimpy woman who'll cling to the past forever.

When you move, the town that had always been special to you becomes a place that means nothing to you... Isn't it kind of sad, like a breakup? For instance, you won't get to see the completion of under-construction buildings that you'd been looking forward to. Though I know I am who am now because of the time I spent there...

Cooking for yourself sounds like an intense thing, but all I do is cut broccoli and onions and throw them on the stove, or just cut tomatoes, or use a toaster oven to cook fried tofu or gyoza or smelt.

I want a separate me who draws art and a me who makes videos and a me who makes music and a me who does chores.

Today I made a song for fun and also a song for work and also dinner and I even did my Ring Fit too. I'm a multi-talented creator. Maybe I'll draw and then go to bed?

Lately, my heart feels highly invincible, so I want to keep living at this pace.

Being driven by non-essential urges a lot is a good thing!!

Today I put all my energy into making fun content that isn't part of my goals for the month at all... I'll post it relatively soon...

Soapland... I used to think it was a fun theme park. But in truth, it was a fun theme park. ["Soaplands" are Japanese bath houses with sexual services.]

Ring Fit making me feel terrible: "Your flab is crying!!"

[20,000 YouTube views on Bubblegum K.K.] 20,000! Wow! :rabbit: :rabbit:

August 25th, 2020

As long as you have some solid confidence in yourself, you can just be like "So you're like that? Well, I'm like this!", and there's not the slightest reason to attack anyone...

I guess due to a bug where feeling really inferior makes them perceive themselves as under attack, they start attacking others... Becoming aggressive when you lose confidence may well happen, so you gotta spontaneously do things that lead to having self-confidence...

That's the sort of thing I think about when I look at roastings... I don't wanna see it anymore, I just wanna eat a Big Mac.

If the only way you can let out feelings like that is by attacking others, you better be ready for the rest of your life to be a dark future, crawling along with no chance of improvement or anything.

Jealous people don't honestly declare their feelings toward the person they're jealous of all like "I'm jealous," they attack with some sort of false accusation... I've seen it occur that way for 460 million years, but doesn't that make you so much more miserable?

I got back to Ring Fit after 5 billion years, and now that you can change your partner's voice to a woman's, I've gotten super motivated.

my new gear [Photo of her holding a recorder]

Work is the easiest way to feel like you're needed by the world, so having work makes me happy as someone terrible at recognizing her own worth...

Since I've been locked inside, my stamina has declined a scary amount... Gotta resume Ring Fit...

August 24th, 2020

My cosplay of Douglas MacArthur at a summer resort in Karuizawa.

That's right, I'm Douglas MacArthur at a summer resort in Karuizawa.

I put on sunglasses feeling like a woman going to a summer resort in Karuizawa, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw Douglas MacArthur.

32-bit Plugin: "I'm 64-bit."
Cubase: "Okay, let 'em through!"

[Jun, while Toro behind her looks at the camera: "Listen to this! I lost my favorite credit card! Jun's such a big dummy!"]
Toro looking on like "That's not how somebody who lost their credit card should react..."

I suddenly remembered how in middle school, I wrote a joke haiku for some project that went like "Paying your taxes / is the first step of many / to social welfare."
Now I want to append "which is why I want you to do it for me."

August 23rd, 2020

I think if I continue on, lots and lots more fun things will happen. I'll even make them happen myself! I want things to spread out from there...

Even if you don't want to give up on something, if you start looking for reasons to quit, you'll find a lot, so don't go looking! Count the people, experiences, and joys you've had explicitly because you just kept going, and keep working hard.

I'm really looking forward to some exciting plans I have tomorrow... Plans save humans...

My tummy is big and cute.

This year, I want to proactively use not just half-diminisheds, but major seventh flat fives... I love that feeling of unrest.

Something like C→Caug feels like it could show up no problem, at least.

Please give me a job making an alma mater that uses plenty of augs and dims.

It's sad how I can't really recommend it anymore since the CD's out of production...

Cinnamon tweeting out lyrics from Cinnamon Trip makes me so happy...

RT @cinnamon_sanrio There's lots of treasures over the rainbow... ♪
You'll find the thing you dreamed of for sure... :rainbow:

Something's wrong the second I start talking about "humanity" when it comes to synths.

Hummingbird is a slim beauty for sure... Sometimes she gets pouty over some weird things, but it adds to her humanity...

Addictive Drums seems like she'd get lots of mysterious bruises every time she got drunk. And yet she'd probably get drunk enough to lose memories again anyway.

I think it'd probably be Spitfire Chamber Strings, but she's so beautiful and excellent that I probably wouldn't be a good match for her...

What kind of woman do I like? Likened to sound synths?

Going out today!

When I imagined the world of Miku/Rin-chan secretly kissing in the green room after the show, I started entertaining myself wondering which of them would be concerned about how they haven't showered since the show.

My Miku-chan and Rin-chan are a regular matrix and inverse matrix, so they're interchangeable. (???)

My Bubblegum K.K. Miku-chan and Rin-chan appear to be a regular friendly two-person idol group, but once the show's over, they probably secretly kiss in the green room.
* This is a personal opinion, not a declaration of canon.

I have a :pen: I have an :apple:
umm... :apple: :pen:

I have a :pen:^(-1) I have a :pineapple:
umm... :pen:^(-1) :pineapple:

:apple: :pen: ~ :pen:^(-1) :pineapple: ~


:apple: :pineapple:

That person who could throw a handball further than me can't make music.

When I was little, why were athletic people so popular?

August 22nd, 2020

Regretting meals you ate is simply rude to those meals, and unless regretting will get rid of calories, the time you spend on those negative feelings will only be a negative in your life - that's all I wanted to say.

Don't eat half-heartedly! It's rude to the food!

Eating on a diet without feeling guilty? The feeling of guilt is useless to begin with. If you're going to be tormented by guilt about it later, you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Prepare yourself for that eventuality!!!! I eat pizza and drink beer late at night!! I have no guilt!! Only resolve!!!!!!!!

Aging isn't becoming nostalgic for things. It's beginning to hallucinate that the events of the time you should be nostalgic for were actually recent.

Miracle Paint is a middle schooler now.

It's true that I am my current self because of my past self, but I'm gonna beat her up.

My past self is always the one standing in my way...

[Screenshot of message from YouTube: "Latest video performance: (Miracle Paint) You did it! Your viewers have a stronger interest in this video than normal."]
It was 13-years-ago me who did it.

When you're listening to beautiful music, your soul also becomes beautiful. (Beauty-ism)

Pleeeeease! I'm OSTER!! Anybody else is a fake!! Are you listening to me, AI?!

Laugh for me if I run into copyright trouble for this... I can't laugh...

I decided I'll be uploading videos of my old songs to YouTube! Here's the first!
Official MV: Miracle Paint feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

I can't say I dislike a powerful progression...

My ideal partner is the kind of person who moves the bass a bunch and has a half-tone progression with lots of augs and half-diminisheds and slash chords.

August 21st, 2020

The dev team for Human should really re-examine the ability to get ulcers on your tongue.

My Bubblegum K.K. lyrics borrowed from the most commonly sung ones for the first verse, but the second verse is completely original, so I was worried people would yell at me like "Don't add on weird lyrics!!!!", but I'm happy that people really like them...

I'm glad I'm gaining a bunch of subscribers thanks to Bubblegum K.K.! I'd like to keep doing lots on YouTube. :warm smile:

[Screenshot of her YouTube channel with 25,000 subscribers] Good morning!!!!

August 20th, 2020

People have things they're good at and things they're bad at, so understanding your specialties and doing things in a way appropriate for you is extremely important.

People who can casually do their best day after day as amazing and I envy them, but unfortunately, I think that might not suit my style, so I'll do my best in way that fits me.

In my case, that hastiness has sometimes motivated me to better myself, so maybe I needed that competitive nature. But if you get too fussy about things, it gets to be bad news, so watch out. Brain overload.

I think it was just fun to make songs with Miku then, plus a feeling of not wanting to admit defeat to anybody else. Kinda lame how I'm always worrying about other people and feeling rushed! But also it's human-y and cute! Alright!

You'd think it's because of my age, but I also feel like it's been like this for a long time. When I think about the stupid pace I was uploading songs at around the dawn of Miku-san's era, I have to admit my productivity has dropped a bunch, which makes me sad... I want me to put out lots of songs as much as you do...

If I can make time to blame myself, I should just do the thing... But I'm slow to act...

But I'm definitely getting better at ukulele! In exchange for pain in my left hand...

The impatience of living every day thinking "tomorrow, I swear"!

I always blame my lazy self like "you could've been working harder"...

Also, I made a proper meal. Cutting peppers was tough. I felt like I didn't do anything all day, but once I wrote it out, I realized I'd done a lot, which is a bit of a relief... Yawn.

'Twas another day of drawing to become a godly illustrator, making music, playing ukulele, and practicing Splatoon.

I was too hasty and wasn't able to take this screenshot of Toro Puzzle, but Jun said she wanted to see Bill Gates drinking too much oil and losing control of his reason, and I was like "Apple fanatics sure are scary."

I updated my Twitter app and a draft that wasn't there before showed back up, and what is this.
["A truck carrying a shipment dropped something while taking a curve. What was it?"

It's super scary how injections have that feeling of liquid entering your body, and it's all the scarier the closer it is to the center of my body...

Hearing "inject from butt to thighs" is making me cramp up remembering a hellish injection directly into my nerves while I watched an X-ray in real time.

Ah, you can see it.

[Ricky: "OSTER, give me energy... Inject me with energy from my butt to my thighs, ribbit..." (Inject with energy from butt to thighs)"
I can't see images, so is now the time to post anything I want?

Using the same art program as a godly illustrator won't make you a godly illustrator, and eating the same meals as Fujii-kisei won't make you good at shogi.

I'm crappy at a lot of things, but I live my days doing my crappy best...

If you get embarrassed to express things, you can't make nothin', I think.

I'm also happily working as a lyricist now, past me!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know how you wrote poems in the corner of your notebook in middle school or whatever? Feels embarrassing just to remember it, I know, I know.

I'm what happens when you keep those up until this age.

Who are you going to kiss? :woman-woman kiss: [Lyrics from "triangler" by Maaya Sakamoto, theme for Macross F.]

August 19th, 2020

I've never had a picture where I felt iffy about the sketch but managed to make it work during linework, and I've never had a picture where I felt iffy about the linework but managed to make it work during coloring.

I don't ask for much, so I just want to wake up tomorrow and be good at art and good at music and good at videos and be a beautiful girl and have 5 billion yen desposited to my bank account.

I'm so bad at art I'm crying.

To put it simply, "I'm so bad at mixing, it might actually sound better before mixing" is the same phenomenon as "I'm so bad at makeup, I look cuter before makeup."

[100,129 YouTube views on Bubblegum K.K.] Huaaaaah, thank you so muchhh...

The other day, when I saw two men and two little kids having lunch together, the first thing that came to mind was "A gay couple? How nice," but thinking about it after the fact, maybe it was just two dads meeting...

When I hear "a shampoo two ladies can use together," I can't imagine anything in my head but a lesbian couple living together. [Tagline for a shampoo called mä & më Latte, apparently intended to refer to a mother and her daughter.]

[Jun: "Yaaay! Pleasure under the moonlight! Maybe I'll have a bit of luxury!"]
She's subtly telling me about how she had sex underneath Orion.

August 18th, 2020

Parametric representation... Urk, my head...

If you don't properly understand how things work, math becomes a huge game of memorization, which might be why so many people feel like they're bad at it... A game where you just memorize formulas is painful and unfun...

Maybe I'll stock up on knowledge that can make creating videos easier too...?

If I restudied math, I wonder if I'd get things I couldn't get at the time... I was super bad at calculus. I solved it without being able to comprehend the concepts...

There's a refreshing feeling to connecting them and making them disappear like bwoooop.

I used to like questions where you used a diagonal matrix (?) to find the nth power of a matrix... Can't solve 'em anymore.

The first person to define a complex number definitely wasn't in their right mind.

If I say I like Warring States period commanders, or that I like modern history, I'm sure there's a fair number of people who'll be like "Me too!", but it's sad how I've never gotten someone to agree when I say "I like trigonometric functions"... Everyone in the world hates math...

[Screenshot of Bubblegum K.K. with 76,269 views and 13,793 upvotes] The upvotes are a number I've never seen before... I'm grateful... :folded hands:

The hardest part of composition is until you get started.

Wha, I feel like I can do a lot of new stuff with this...

The fact it doesn't use loops means that this ball, drawn on a shape layer in real time, can be easily modified as it animates... You can change its color, deform it, etc.

The little balls fall accurately to physics (using a quadratic function), while the big ball is kinda-sorta free falling using trigonometry, but I kinda wanna sum up the trig one like "You can create this motion with a single line of code without any precomposing or loops!"...

This is getting fun.

Maybe decide a hitbox for the ground, and when the ball is going to go below it, keep the same speed and just invert the direction? But how... :thinking face:

My memories of high school physics are just too distant... I cried when I realized I had to look up the formula for free-fall motion.

If you start thinking about the coefficient of restitution and stuff, it ceases to be a loop, but I wonder how you'd implement that...

An endlessly bouncing animation using expressions and loops.

For each and every retweet you've given my songs, I can ruminate over those feelings while I eat my usual delicious dinner.

Water is 0 calories, so drinking water after a meal overwrites your calories with zero.

On the other hand, if it's someone you're super friendly with, you can totally enjoy it even when they're teasing you for having small boobs, so it's all about it being a person who knows what the line is, that doing such and such will hurt you.

[After retweeting an article/comic about inappropriately casual replies to strangers on social media] When you go viral, you always get replies and quote-retweets that make you go "what's this guy's problem...", so I guess whenever enough people gather, there'll always be some number like that...

August 17th, 2020

I wanna be invincible.

Yesterday I made a video, today I'm writing sheet music and making a song and drawing. Geez, what do you even wanna be...

I'm drawing for the first time in a while, and drawing is so hard I'm LOLing.

[R-Suzuki: "They say "the early bird gets the worm," but what kind of business model is that?"]
I'm sure you're fun at parties.

I watched Devilman on Netflix, and it was so extreme it freaked me out, but seeing the wiki say it's the closest to the original work freaked me out even more.

The "monda" in "sutta monda" ["after a lot of fuss"] means "worrying," but it's the same word as "groping." And the "sutta" isn't the "inhaling" kind of sutta, but rather "rubbing." So there is the possibility of abusing it like "after a lot of fussing with boobs..."

I don't even have much of a chest, but it always gets in the way when I'm playing ukulele. How do huge-boobed people play this...?

[Bubblegum K.K.] I don't get why, but it suddenly got 20,000 views in one day. I'm filled with gratitude, thank you. :folded hands:

Compared to music, I've got awfully few pitches I can make, but there is at least one other After Effects lecture I want to do.

[Re: After Effects trigonometry video] Over 3000 likes... Thank you.

Dreams/Ambitions: S+
Motivation: B-
Skill/Creativity: C+
Stamina: F-

[Jun: "When I'm talking to you, OSTER, it makes me wanna talk lots about women, hop! Women and nude women are a golden combination, hop."]
Yuri where only one of them undresses.

RT @entoyo But my ma says their basslines are super emo and sexy.
That's OSTER fer sure!

RT @ikazomaru But my ma says they use triads all the time.
Well now, that's gotta be OSTER!

RT @ikazomaru But my ma says it's somebody who never says dirty jokes.
Well now, that's gotta be OSTER!

I wanna see a manzai skit starting with "My ma forgot the name of a Vocaloid producer."

August 16th, 2020

I'm always doin' my best just to be satisfied with myself.

I've heard no end of arguments about how "the meaning of life is...", but it's not like you have no right to live unless it has meaning. It doesn't matter what others think about you, it's about if you can be satisfied!

You don't need anyone's permission to live, and it's fine even if nobody acknowledges you, so keep your health up regularly.

My body is so stiff it's appalled my friends, like "how do you live like that?", so I'm doing stretches every day. My legs can only open 90°.

This is high-school-freshman-level math, but high school was 1★ years ago now, so I forget a bunch.

Since I made it and all, I uploaded it to YouTube too.
[After Effects] Making Swaying Animations With A Single-Line Formula #OSTERExplains

If a jack of all trades and master of none keeps stubbornly persisting, I bet they can become a queen of all trades and master of everything. Maybe.

I've used sin and cos in expressions, but if I used tan, I'd probably get an invalid number error once it diverged to infinity, huh...

The hardest parts of this lecture video were drawing the point on the unit circle and the perpendicular line and the point on the sine wave in the right spots... I'm a dummy and I get confused.

There was a good while where I was like, expressions? I don't get it, stay away from me - but if I'd known they were this useful, I would've been using them sooner...

Also, expressions can make mouth-flapping motions way easier too. Set it up so that the opacity of the mouth-closed layer and the mouth-open layer are inverted from each other. (Write it so that when one is 100%, the other is 0%)

I didn't cover this in the video, but if you go with A*Math.sin(time*B+C)+D, you can use D as the starting position (offset) for the rotation. For instance, if A=5 and D=5, the rotation of -5° to 5° has 5 degrees added to it, making the range 0° to 10°.

Also, it might trip people up a bit how AE uses radians for trigonometric functions in expressions, but transform rotations are in degrees... Radians aren't what common people use, though I know it's hard to unify them.

I'm sure a lot of people use these methods, but personally, I came up with it when I was having a heck of a time setting keyframes in Cinema4D when making the Oz video... I'm glad I could also do it with expressions in AE.

I want people who ask "What do we need math for?" to see this. You use math to make cuteness easily, yaaaaay!

[After Effects] A video about how if you use trigonometric functions, you can make animations for swaying heads and hair with just a single line of code. #AfterEffects #OSTERExplains

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

Let's use trigonometry to make cyclical motions! (sin is Blue / Green)

By using trigonometric functions... You can have things move on their own without doing a thing, like the ears, head, and hair here. It's mega handy...

What's a trigonometric function? There are many types, but for now, let's cover the orthodox sin function. (* If you want to know about others, please Google it)

If you have a red point going around a circle like this, with blue [straight vertical] and green [toward center of circle] lines drawn from it like so: sin(angle Red has rotated) = Blue / Green (* Blue is + when on top, - when on bottom)

To graph it out... As the red point goes around and around, the value of sin cyclically goes back and forth 1 and -1. (Angle Red has rotated (radians) increases to right, value goes up and down) We can use this motion...!!

Basically... What if we say that the value of sin = the angle of the head/etc., and the angle of the red point = the passage of time?? (Time passed (seconds) increases to right, angle of head/etc. (degrees) goes up and down)

So how's this go in practice? 1. Add an expression to the "rotation" of the part you want to control. 2. Use the following formula for the expression (A, B, C can be any number): A*Math.sin(time*B+C) (* Even if you don't get trigonometry, write this and it'll move.)

Parameters (Explained via head movement): A: Amplitude. The extent of the head-swinging motion. If you make the value bigger, the head will swing further. (Showing A=2, then A=5) With the default sin function (A=1), the value range is -1 to 1, so in the case of A=5, it'll swing across the range -5° to -5°. (Showing A=15)

B: Period (frequency). The speed of the head-swinging. If you make the value bigger, the head will swing faster. (Showing B=3) With the default (B=1), it takes about 2π (6.3) seconds to swing left and right back to the original position. With B=2, it's half, 3.1 seconds. Since a higher value makes the period shorter, would "frequency" be more accurate? (Showing B=5, then B=8)

C: Phase. The timing of the head-swinging. The one with the bigger value starts swinging sooner. Used to create variation. (Showing Miku-C=0 against Rin-C=0, then Miku-C=0.5, then Miku-C=1.2) If you're just moving one thing, 0 is generally fine. Depending on the size of B, it can change the result a lot, so adjust as necessary.

Let's all use trigonometry and make things easier for ourselves! Math is superb.

I started making a thing... [Screenshot from start of upcoming video]

Wha, I feel like it only just passed 10,000 the other day, what happened?

[Linking Bubblegum K.K. remix] I just noticed it's up to 35,000 views...! Thanks for listening so much! :folded hands:

Always wanting to live on the edge VS Wanting to enjoy life comfortably

I super respect people who work hard.

Passionate creators are amazing... More than just taking over the scene, they have a desire to create and a vitality... I think people with that kind of power naturally end up taking over the scene.

Listen listen listen listenlistenlistenlistenlisten [Links Mamama☆Magical video]
