OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 22nd, 2020

Regretting meals you ate is simply rude to those meals, and unless regretting will get rid of calories, the time you spend on those negative feelings will only be a negative in your life - that's all I wanted to say.

Don't eat half-heartedly! It's rude to the food!

Eating on a diet without feeling guilty? The feeling of guilt is useless to begin with. If you're going to be tormented by guilt about it later, you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Prepare yourself for that eventuality!!!! I eat pizza and drink beer late at night!! I have no guilt!! Only resolve!!!!!!!!

Aging isn't becoming nostalgic for things. It's beginning to hallucinate that the events of the time you should be nostalgic for were actually recent.

Miracle Paint is a middle schooler now.

It's true that I am my current self because of my past self, but I'm gonna beat her up.

My past self is always the one standing in my way...

[Screenshot of message from YouTube: "Latest video performance: (Miracle Paint) You did it! Your viewers have a stronger interest in this video than normal."]
It was 13-years-ago me who did it.

When you're listening to beautiful music, your soul also becomes beautiful. (Beauty-ism)

Pleeeeease! I'm OSTER!! Anybody else is a fake!! Are you listening to me, AI?!

Laugh for me if I run into copyright trouble for this... I can't laugh...

I decided I'll be uploading videos of my old songs to YouTube! Here's the first!
Official MV: Miracle Paint feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

I can't say I dislike a powerful progression...

My ideal partner is the kind of person who moves the bass a bunch and has a half-tone progression with lots of augs and half-diminisheds and slash chords.

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