OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 18th, 2020

Parametric representation... Urk, my head...

If you don't properly understand how things work, math becomes a huge game of memorization, which might be why so many people feel like they're bad at it... A game where you just memorize formulas is painful and unfun...

Maybe I'll stock up on knowledge that can make creating videos easier too...?

If I restudied math, I wonder if I'd get things I couldn't get at the time... I was super bad at calculus. I solved it without being able to comprehend the concepts...

There's a refreshing feeling to connecting them and making them disappear like bwoooop.

I used to like questions where you used a diagonal matrix (?) to find the nth power of a matrix... Can't solve 'em anymore.

The first person to define a complex number definitely wasn't in their right mind.

If I say I like Warring States period commanders, or that I like modern history, I'm sure there's a fair number of people who'll be like "Me too!", but it's sad how I've never gotten someone to agree when I say "I like trigonometric functions"... Everyone in the world hates math...

[Screenshot of Bubblegum K.K. with 76,269 views and 13,793 upvotes] The upvotes are a number I've never seen before... I'm grateful... :folded hands:

The hardest part of composition is until you get started.

Wha, I feel like I can do a lot of new stuff with this...

The fact it doesn't use loops means that this ball, drawn on a shape layer in real time, can be easily modified as it animates... You can change its color, deform it, etc.

The little balls fall accurately to physics (using a quadratic function), while the big ball is kinda-sorta free falling using trigonometry, but I kinda wanna sum up the trig one like "You can create this motion with a single line of code without any precomposing or loops!"...

This is getting fun.

Maybe decide a hitbox for the ground, and when the ball is going to go below it, keep the same speed and just invert the direction? But how... :thinking face:

My memories of high school physics are just too distant... I cried when I realized I had to look up the formula for free-fall motion.

If you start thinking about the coefficient of restitution and stuff, it ceases to be a loop, but I wonder how you'd implement that...

An endlessly bouncing animation using expressions and loops.

For each and every retweet you've given my songs, I can ruminate over those feelings while I eat my usual delicious dinner.

Water is 0 calories, so drinking water after a meal overwrites your calories with zero.

On the other hand, if it's someone you're super friendly with, you can totally enjoy it even when they're teasing you for having small boobs, so it's all about it being a person who knows what the line is, that doing such and such will hurt you.

[After retweeting an article/comic about inappropriately casual replies to strangers on social media] When you go viral, you always get replies and quote-retweets that make you go "what's this guy's problem...", so I guess whenever enough people gather, there'll always be some number like that...

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