OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 27th, 2020

Isn't it so inconvenient how the concepts humans came up with, for the sake of creating the unifier that is society and making life easier, bind and torment individual humans? So let's become the universe. The universe is cool.

Rather than saying "everyone has the right to live," maybe we should think about how humans as a species creating the concept of "rights" complicates things and makes for trickery, and from the universe's perspective, there's just the fact that life exists, with no notion of that being good or bad. Let's become the universe. I'm the universe.

[Jun: "If you're going as a couple, go to a futon, and if you're going alone, go to a hotel... Is that right?"]
You might have that backwards???

Both recorder and ukulele have a great power of bringing out this sort of superbly mega-clumsy flavor.

Part of it is also just that I wanted to test how I could use recorder and ukulele.

My new creation.
Deburuman's Song [Parody Cover] [A parody of Devilman's Song replacing "devil" with "deburu" (getting fat), and other lyrical changes accordingly. Note that she actually tweeted just the lyrics over a week ago.]

Today's a day for putting all my energy into just-for-fun stuff.

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