OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 26th, 2020

Always making typos at the important parts. Nobody loves you.

I meant back.

And that joy and regret riding on your hack carries the potential to be bundled up and transformed into something with meaning, and that's art, which I think is a lifesaver.

Even I'm like "that was so long ago, who cares anymore"! But still, the past won't go away, and both the fun times and sad times ride on your back, so you need to live life carrying them.

After all, sorting through and listening to 13 years of songs to upload them to YouTube is making me remember how such and such happened back then and it was really painful... Some of them are difficult and vexing to face. Even though they're my own creations... It's sad.

I super understand the feelings of people who move out after a breakup or losing someone. Scenery around town, rooms, smells, sounds, all sorts of things can be triggers to bring back vivid memories. I totally understand not being able to bear that...

Humanity's been at it for millions of years, so don't you wish they'd evolved more rationally?

As long as people live, they unconsciously throw away all sorts of things. Just by living, you move forward and leave behind the choices you didn't make, like putting out the trash. Surely you're able to move forward because you threw them away, but is it a waste of valuable life to sentimentally think back on the choices you discarded?

I'm a wimpy woman who'll cling to the past forever.

When you move, the town that had always been special to you becomes a place that means nothing to you... Isn't it kind of sad, like a breakup? For instance, you won't get to see the completion of under-construction buildings that you'd been looking forward to. Though I know I am who am now because of the time I spent there...

Cooking for yourself sounds like an intense thing, but all I do is cut broccoli and onions and throw them on the stove, or just cut tomatoes, or use a toaster oven to cook fried tofu or gyoza or smelt.

I want a separate me who draws art and a me who makes videos and a me who makes music and a me who does chores.

Today I made a song for fun and also a song for work and also dinner and I even did my Ring Fit too. I'm a multi-talented creator. Maybe I'll draw and then go to bed?

Lately, my heart feels highly invincible, so I want to keep living at this pace.

Being driven by non-essential urges a lot is a good thing!!

Today I put all my energy into making fun content that isn't part of my goals for the month at all... I'll post it relatively soon...

Soapland... I used to think it was a fun theme park. But in truth, it was a fun theme park. ["Soaplands" are Japanese bath houses with sexual services.]

Ring Fit making me feel terrible: "Your flab is crying!!"

[20,000 YouTube views on Bubblegum K.K.] 20,000! Wow! :rabbit: :rabbit:

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