OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 25th, 2020

As long as you have some solid confidence in yourself, you can just be like "So you're like that? Well, I'm like this!", and there's not the slightest reason to attack anyone...

I guess due to a bug where feeling really inferior makes them perceive themselves as under attack, they start attacking others... Becoming aggressive when you lose confidence may well happen, so you gotta spontaneously do things that lead to having self-confidence...

That's the sort of thing I think about when I look at roastings... I don't wanna see it anymore, I just wanna eat a Big Mac.

If the only way you can let out feelings like that is by attacking others, you better be ready for the rest of your life to be a dark future, crawling along with no chance of improvement or anything.

Jealous people don't honestly declare their feelings toward the person they're jealous of all like "I'm jealous," they attack with some sort of false accusation... I've seen it occur that way for 460 million years, but doesn't that make you so much more miserable?

I got back to Ring Fit after 5 billion years, and now that you can change your partner's voice to a woman's, I've gotten super motivated.

my new gear [Photo of her holding a recorder]

Work is the easiest way to feel like you're needed by the world, so having work makes me happy as someone terrible at recognizing her own worth...

Since I've been locked inside, my stamina has declined a scary amount... Gotta resume Ring Fit...

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