OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 1st, 2020

The other side of the train platform, inside a skirt;
Even though there's no way you'd be somewhere like that... [Reference to the lyrics of One More Time, One More Chance.]

Looking for Pokemon in a skirt feels so philosophical.

In that girl's skirt... [Reference to the lyrics of Mezase Pokemon Master, the original Japanese anime theme.]

[Screenshot of "#PokemonMasterSEX" in Twitter trends, prompted by the official "#PokemonMastersEX" hashtag]
Wha? So is that the Pokemon Master you're longing to be...?

People who say "have some consideration," please also have some consideration for the people who are being told "have some consideration." :angry face: (??)

Afterward, I imagine a fictional character butting in like "Men can have scrunchies too, have some consideration! :angry face:", which makes life even harder.

When I'm thinking of romantic lyrics, I'm doing it on a completely yuri foundation, so after I think of something like "I couldn't throw away even the scrunchie you gave me," I'm like "Why would a man have a scrunchie?!?! Is he a beautician?!?!" Life is hard.

Bayachao-san got super overstimulated.

I have arrived!!!

[Retweets a short comic summarizing the recent MakeMon exhibition, showing OSTER (as a furry girl - spoilers, it's the soon-to-debut Roset) visting and Bayachao getting really excited.]

August 32nd.

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