OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 16th, 2020

I'm always doin' my best just to be satisfied with myself.

I've heard no end of arguments about how "the meaning of life is...", but it's not like you have no right to live unless it has meaning. It doesn't matter what others think about you, it's about if you can be satisfied!

You don't need anyone's permission to live, and it's fine even if nobody acknowledges you, so keep your health up regularly.

My body is so stiff it's appalled my friends, like "how do you live like that?", so I'm doing stretches every day. My legs can only open 90°.

This is high-school-freshman-level math, but high school was 1★ years ago now, so I forget a bunch.

Since I made it and all, I uploaded it to YouTube too.
[After Effects] Making Swaying Animations With A Single-Line Formula #OSTERExplains

If a jack of all trades and master of none keeps stubbornly persisting, I bet they can become a queen of all trades and master of everything. Maybe.

I've used sin and cos in expressions, but if I used tan, I'd probably get an invalid number error once it diverged to infinity, huh...

The hardest parts of this lecture video were drawing the point on the unit circle and the perpendicular line and the point on the sine wave in the right spots... I'm a dummy and I get confused.

There was a good while where I was like, expressions? I don't get it, stay away from me - but if I'd known they were this useful, I would've been using them sooner...

Also, expressions can make mouth-flapping motions way easier too. Set it up so that the opacity of the mouth-closed layer and the mouth-open layer are inverted from each other. (Write it so that when one is 100%, the other is 0%)

I didn't cover this in the video, but if you go with A*Math.sin(time*B+C)+D, you can use D as the starting position (offset) for the rotation. For instance, if A=5 and D=5, the rotation of -5° to 5° has 5 degrees added to it, making the range 0° to 10°.

Also, it might trip people up a bit how AE uses radians for trigonometric functions in expressions, but transform rotations are in degrees... Radians aren't what common people use, though I know it's hard to unify them.

I'm sure a lot of people use these methods, but personally, I came up with it when I was having a heck of a time setting keyframes in Cinema4D when making the Oz video... I'm glad I could also do it with expressions in AE.

I want people who ask "What do we need math for?" to see this. You use math to make cuteness easily, yaaaaay!

[After Effects] A video about how if you use trigonometric functions, you can make animations for swaying heads and hair with just a single line of code. #AfterEffects #OSTERExplains

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

Let's use trigonometry to make cyclical motions! (sin is Blue / Green)

By using trigonometric functions... You can have things move on their own without doing a thing, like the ears, head, and hair here. It's mega handy...

What's a trigonometric function? There are many types, but for now, let's cover the orthodox sin function. (* If you want to know about others, please Google it)

If you have a red point going around a circle like this, with blue [straight vertical] and green [toward center of circle] lines drawn from it like so: sin(angle Red has rotated) = Blue / Green (* Blue is + when on top, - when on bottom)

To graph it out... As the red point goes around and around, the value of sin cyclically goes back and forth 1 and -1. (Angle Red has rotated (radians) increases to right, value goes up and down) We can use this motion...!!

Basically... What if we say that the value of sin = the angle of the head/etc., and the angle of the red point = the passage of time?? (Time passed (seconds) increases to right, angle of head/etc. (degrees) goes up and down)

So how's this go in practice? 1. Add an expression to the "rotation" of the part you want to control. 2. Use the following formula for the expression (A, B, C can be any number): A*Math.sin(time*B+C) (* Even if you don't get trigonometry, write this and it'll move.)

Parameters (Explained via head movement): A: Amplitude. The extent of the head-swinging motion. If you make the value bigger, the head will swing further. (Showing A=2, then A=5) With the default sin function (A=1), the value range is -1 to 1, so in the case of A=5, it'll swing across the range -5° to -5°. (Showing A=15)

B: Period (frequency). The speed of the head-swinging. If you make the value bigger, the head will swing faster. (Showing B=3) With the default (B=1), it takes about 2π (6.3) seconds to swing left and right back to the original position. With B=2, it's half, 3.1 seconds. Since a higher value makes the period shorter, would "frequency" be more accurate? (Showing B=5, then B=8)

C: Phase. The timing of the head-swinging. The one with the bigger value starts swinging sooner. Used to create variation. (Showing Miku-C=0 against Rin-C=0, then Miku-C=0.5, then Miku-C=1.2) If you're just moving one thing, 0 is generally fine. Depending on the size of B, it can change the result a lot, so adjust as necessary.

Let's all use trigonometry and make things easier for ourselves! Math is superb.

I started making a thing... [Screenshot from start of upcoming video]

Wha, I feel like it only just passed 10,000 the other day, what happened?

[Linking Bubblegum K.K. remix] I just noticed it's up to 35,000 views...! Thanks for listening so much! :folded hands:

Always wanting to live on the edge VS Wanting to enjoy life comfortably

I super respect people who work hard.

Passionate creators are amazing... More than just taking over the scene, they have a desire to create and a vitality... I think people with that kind of power naturally end up taking over the scene.

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