OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 3rd, 2020

Every time a typhoon comes, the dog sisters will appear. To save all dogs from tragedy.

Is it dog sisters season???

[Art originally from last year. A pun on "shimai," reading what is basically "nice job taking dogs indoors" as "Nice! Dog sisters."]

I'm a miserable adult twice her age.

How many years did it take me to realize the same thing Mana Ashida-san realized, and how much did I fail, hurt others, and be hurt...? She's truly a wise person. [Seems to be in response to an event where she (at age 16) gave a succinct speech about trust: "You might say you were betrayed, that you'd put your hopes in a person, but that person didn't betray you - you just saw a part of them you couldn't see before. When that happens, to be unwavering and accept that as just another aspect of that person - I think that's what it means to trust."]

Super Mario Fulltime... [In response to the just-announced Super Mario 3D All-Stars with Sunshine. "Seishain" = full-time employee.]

Let's eat sexy foods and become sexy.

[Jun: "It'll work out. Looking forward to talking again, hop." Ricky: "Get to work."]
Want to be like this soon.

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