OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 5th, 2020

On unbearably hot nights, I want to seal the air in a bottle, and on unbearably cold nights, I want to open it up and get warmth. And on nights where I'm sleepy but want to stay up, I want to seal the drowsiness in a bottle, and open it up on nights where I want to sleep but can't.

Humans are inferior to machines in how they can't start freely charging at will.

Hands up, this is a robbery! Gimme your sleepiness.

I hate nights where I can't immerse myself in work and just have to pass the time.

I drank just enough that I'm lying in bed, unable to sleep, just listening to the rain. Even times like these are just another precious page in life...? Screw that, get sleepy already.

I'm overly worried because the characters are cute!! (lol)

When I'm talking as a Vtuber, I'm terrified I still sound like a gloomy otaku, but I want to do my best to overcome that fear...

Becoming two virtual incarnations at once is so greedy, huh...

During the premiere, I wasn't able to see the OP I worked super hard to figure out, so?? Did anyone else see it...?

Thank you for watching my Vtuber debut! It seems like it'll be fun to keep doing stuff like this! Thanks in advance! :folded hands: #Vtuber #TesrosetTransmission #TesrosetArt ← Wants fanart so she draws it herself

Very soon!!
[Vtuber Debut] Tesroset Transmission Episode 1

One more hour. I'm scared. Scary...

It took me one month to be able to play the Hawaiian template.

Do people who say "agree" [the literal English word] when they're in favor of something also say "angry" when they're mad and "hungry" when they're starving???

Today's the day.

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