OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

see newer | go to latest

September 21st, 2021

When you become an old-timer, the time you've lived becomes unwieldy and you're quick to get sentimental. It's true.

Thanks to the people watching, thanks to the people telling me that. You're super giving me life.

Continuing something is really hard and giving up is really easy, but thinking of the many wonderful things that could happen if I don't give up makes me want to keep going.

But I'll say it's a moment where I was glad I haven't given this work up. Gonna keep doing my best.

Somethin' really great happened today, but it's a secret to everyone. Wahaha.

Feels like it's easy to lose track of what's happening if you're not used to seeing this kind of story.

Odd Taxi is nuts, man... This absolute full-blown suspense thriller...

Someone who used up all her girl power making a princess-y song.

It's a shame Vtuber videos are gettin' deleted for being "sexual," and yet I make tons of sexy progressions and mine aren't bein' deleted...

I'm adding on the energy consumption of talking, so 'course I'm gonna get exhausted... But it's fun, so I wanna...

Was so exhausted from composition stream I fell asleep.

Wanna make a bunch of kinds of songs...

The princess-y song made in today's stream. :princess: Planning to continue tomorrow afternoon! :peace sign: #Dominowns #OSTERsanCD

Now, let's begin!!

:clock: 8:30 PM:
Gonna make a real princess-y song!!
[Real-Time Composition Stream] Sure Wanna Make a Princess-y Song [Tesroset Transmission]

Honestly, making that format is really difficult and tiring work, but the sense of the sound overlapping is incredible, so I just keep on making it.

I was deeply glad I made Rainbow Stories the way I did... I'll make orchestra-format big band until I'm known as the Michel Legrand of Vtubers. (?)

Is it Miku Symphony 2022 yet???

There are game streamers who have their real-time heart rate displayed on screen, which I thought was really neat. I wanna do that for composition streams.

I've 100%ed today's Tesroset Hospital Visit.

Buying one for soy sauce spills is superb.

RT @Lunafy39 Bought everything but the parka and mask. Even bought a tote bag for catching soy sauce spills... #TesrosetTransmission #OSTERproject

Tonight for real, I'm going to stream composition, so see you then.

September 20th, 2021

80% of what I say is jokes, so don't take it seriously, but "please buy my merch" is serious, I'm really thinking I want you to buy my merch. (reality)

A normal person would go "I'm feeling a little hazy, I'll go for a run outside." Me, I grab my longsword and speedrun Valstrax.

If it has sugar content, you can make alcohol with it, so you can indeed use things other than plants. Understood. I'm going to go become alcohol.

This hazy feeling I get after watching something is hard to handle alone, but I have nowhere to let it out either, so let's look up alcohol made from things other than plants.

Let's drink alcohol and get healthy!!!!

Liquor is also made with plants like potatoes and barley, so it's salad, and beer is made from malt, so it's widely known to be salad.

I downed a whole glass of wine today, but wine is made from grapes, and grapes are plants, so wine is effectively salad, and thus healthy for you.

Odd Taxi's conversations are so smart there are times I don't get the actual meaning, so I wanna catch up mentally.

Today I drove a lot, basked in the greatest of music, had Italian drinks, and took in hell, so it was a fulfilling day.

The kind of anime you watch while taking mental damage.

Um, really though, this is a high-quality type of hell, what??? (what??)

Stop with this high-definition hell... (yet I watch)

By Odd Taxi episode 3: "This is super interestin'."
By Odd Taxi episode 6: "What is this hell"

I feel like I can't possibly broadcast it enough, so I'll say it again and again. I've been working as a Vtuber for the past year, streaming composition and games and singing, and you can buy merch for said Vtuber from Village Vanguard this week only, so please consider it. Please consider it. Details in my pinned twe

RT @ZESPMAC [Replying to previous tweet] Miss OSTER-san for some reason isn't assumed to be a woman despite being this cute.

I often hear "OSTER-san was a woman?" from my followers, but maybe they believe I'm just using a picture of an unknown woman for my header.

I've still only played 600 hours of the latest entry, so I'm in the clear.

Sasakure-san: "OSTER-san, you play Monster Hunter a whole bunch, huh."
Me: "No kidding."

Finally getting to meet people, but not getting to eat together and having to split up, just multiplies my loneliness... Wanna crudely mingle...

I dunno how many times meeting Miku-san has saved my life...

Miku-chan events are more and more becoming a place to reunite with old friends.

RT @sasakure__UK Got to meet OSTER-san again after far too long... :crying: :crying: :folded hands: :folded hands: :sparkle: Thank you... Thank you, Hatsune Miku Symphony...

Got To mEEt Sasakure-sannNnnNN!!

MuSIc Iss SoO FunnNnnNN!!!!

It's been too long since I basked in a live orchestra, it's the best...

'Dogs are the ultimate food.

Filling up on 'dogs.

Laughing at the sparkle in the youkai Tesroset-Onna's eyes.

As proven by today's experiment, the Tesroset tote bag can be hung around your neck!!!!!!!

Satisfied with my mysterious photo shoot, so I'm headed out. :car:

Buy plz!!!!!! #TesrosetTransmission #YoukaiTesrosetOnna

Tesroset pouch! Super handy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I dunno how to mix, but I know I dunno how to mix, so I'm a genius after all...

I'm a Vtuber who doesn't want to be forgotten, so I do dumb stuff to draw people's attention.

Man of the hour;
Once the hour has passed,
Just a normal man

Got asked if Village Vanguard has a design of Tesroset being slain by Almudron, LOL

Having the desire to get way into and master a game at this age makes me super happy, so I'm grateful to Monster Hunter.

I'm confident I'd still take deaths even after hunting 1000 Magnas.

I was on a call with AAAA-san and said I'd hunted around 250 Magnas, but I checked my hunting notebook and it was 400.

September 19th, 2021

Tomorrow I'm going out for the first time in 50 years, but I'm super worried about my physical condiiton.

The cause was making too many videos and running out of hard drive space.

Couldn't stream today on account of technical difficulities... Real sorry...

[Photo of error message: "After Effects warning: (gibberish characters) \Mov\ (gibberish characters) 20896.1096.aep (gibberish characters)] It's hopeless... It's all over...

Wait a mocha for stream...

Wanna stream composition, but stamina is questionable... Gngh.

Want to make an instrumental.

It's sudden, but can I stream composition tonight? Sure!

All things in this world exist for a reason, but I want the foreleg hitbox for Magna's tail beam to begone forever.

Loosen up my body for all the time I've spent playing Monster Hunter...

At the hospital, I was told my body being super stiff is why I'm constantly hurting, but moving my body hurts, so I don't move it and make it more stiff... I'm hopeless...

The biggest dogs possible, please.

Please, walk dogs to enrich my heart.

Sitting down in a park and watching dogs being walked is when I feel most alive.

I was like "My back's doin' bad!!", but there's never a day when it's doing good, so business as usual!!

Feels good to take a stroll and feel the wind... It's been a long time.

September 18th, 2021

I made a super cute song, so I'm cute, so it should be fine if I go drink beer now.

Rub a dog or be rubbed by a dog, either one's fine.

Wanna rub a dog.

Right now, I'm making songs for M3, but you never know what life has in store, so someday I might be making jokes for M1 [a manzai competition]. (?)

I don't get much of a sense that people around me are making songs in preparation for M3... Someone please suffer with me...

Finished lyrics, so I want to get through making temp vocals today... For real, dude, you're not gonna make the CD if you don't hurry.

The one thing I do understand is that people who understand it fully would probably be like "yes, that's right, if I were to explain it myself, this would have to be the way to do it."

I've never once looked up a math term on Wikipedia and been like "ah, I get it."

Explanations of math terms tend to be written in an perfectly accurate way without any contradictions or empty space, which actually just makes them super impenetrable, so even if you read about it on Wikipedia you don't understand what it means at all.

Won't you subscribe to my life? :wedding ring:

On TV the other day, they talked about if you'd want to be your fave's sibling or the curtains in their room, and how if you were their curtains you could watch your fave all day, but the nature of curtains means you can't interfere with your fave, so there's no worry of your stanning or the relationship between you changing...

That's why I'm giving my all to live freely, and if you're like "This person's neat!", please like and subscribe.

Bein' allowed to live freely and lettin' people be free to stan you for it, that's the best...

When you like someone who lives freely, they'll just keep living as it pleases them uninfluenced by your feelings, so I imagine there's an incredible relief to that.

You can't allow liking someone to mean forcing that person to conform to the side of them you liked.

I had the idea for a mad karaoke project where I take viewer suggestions for songs, sequence an instrumental version on the spot, and sing them, but I have no stamina...

[Photo of Google suggestions for "sister": "sister necking, sister claire, sister, sisters, sister princess"] who

If you can throw a three-pointer in one try, girls will be all over you, but hitting an iai off a small barrel bomb probably won't make you popular... Made myself sad thinking about that.

I received a report that people have already put in orders, so I've avoided 0 orders... I'm grateful...


OSTER project x Village Vanguard / Village Vanguard Official Mail Order Site

[Village Vanguard (Phone): "Yo, OSTER lady! Collab plz?" Roset: "Why?!"
Village Vanguard (Zoom call): "So about the color of the parka and position of the print..." Roset: "Why???"
Village Vanguard: "We're sending samples, okay?" Roset: "???"
Roset: "Why??"]

September 17th, 2021

So grateful for Tarotaro-san for making this opportunity...

[Retweeting clip of no-damage Rajang in the Tarotaro Cup] No joke, I'll always remember this as a precious achievement in my adulthood... lol

I've been playing the same game for half a year, but still haven't fully mastered it, which is why Monster Hunter's amazing.

It's probably about as amazing as Yamcha becoming Krillin, but it feels like everybody around me is Saiyans. (??)

It's nostalgic how I was celebrating getting below 5 minutes on Rajang, and when I started this game, I was working to get Zinogre under 10 minutes, so I've done some serious growth.

[3:05 on Rajang] This is my time after maturing from the Tarotaro Cup...

Out of everyone who's drawn Tesroset art, 1 million lucky winners will receive a gift of happiness! (Individual senses of happiness may differ.)

Everyone's Tesroset art gives me 1.0 x 10^2 times energy!!!

I seriously love my friends who heard about the Village Vanguard collab and messaged me on LINE...

People who can publish poems without a shred of embarrassment are suited to being lyricists. (I'm suited to being a lyricist)

Obviously it's me putting in the effort, but I can't put in that effort without the people who watch me, so I want my efforts to be seen as an answer to everyone graciously watching...


RT @sahara_komugi OSTER project's a Vocaloid producer, she makes lyrics, she composes, she arranges, she makes videos, she Vtubes, she sings, she draws... She so multifaceted as a creator, I really love it.

I have so many dreams of Tesroset plushies, so whatever the form, I want to make it real someday...

RT @sahara_komugi If these sell well, is there a chance of a second run or three-dimensional merch? Specifically I want Tesroset-chan plushies, so if you're listening, Village Vanguard...

2021's too wild, is this okay???

- Made Molcars put the pedal to the metal
- Won at a concert and got 1 million yen
- Got Tesroset art drawn by aiko-san
- Got called a superbly-dressed lady while getting vaccinated
- Collabed with Reiji Okii on an message from Twitter
- Did a no-hit run of arena Rajang in a Monster Hunter competition
- Tesroset merch from Village Vanguard ←new

I thought I'd make a song, but I'm just lying limp after doing a kind of stream I'm not used to... Floppy Roset...

I've glad I worked hard Vtubing for a year, and I'll keep doing my best! Vtubing's fun, woo!!

Since the Village Vanguard collaboration is limited time for only a one-week period, I'll do my best to promote it to make sure it can get out to everyone, and I'd appreciate-ski if everyone else could assist with that... :crying:

A composer lyricist arranger video creator Vtuber hunter who just finished her first job as an illustrator as part of a collaboration with Village Vanguard.

This is my first announcement of this kind since becoming a Vtuber, so I got super nervous!! I also drew all the designs myself!!! Thanks!!!

I am a musical Vtuber!!!!

Incredibly, through a collaboration with Village Vanguard, Tesroset Transmission merchandise will be released. :party popper:
It'll be available for a limited time, from September 18th (Sat.) 10:00 AM to September 26th (Sun.) 11:59 PM.
Please buy 5 billion things, I'll do anythi #TesrosetTransmission

...Huh? You kiddin'?
♪ Tesroset Transmission's getting merch
Ohh, for real?
It's a collab with, yes, Village Vanguard
Ohh, for real? (* Yes, for real.)
Mug cups and parkas, (cute~)
Tote bags and pouches, (super cute~)
Masks, stickers, even pins
Why? How?
How could this have happened???? (no kidding)
Tesroset is so great
Tesroset is sooooo greeeeeeat
BOTH: OSTER project x VILLAGE/VANGUARD collaboration merch!
TESRO: Accepting orders starting September 18th!
ROSET: Available for a limited time from the online store.
BOTH: Don't miss it!

The stream cut out, so continuing in a separate slot!
[Emergency Announcement] An Important Announcement from Tesroset Transmission [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

It's starting!!.

15 minutes!
[Emergency Announcement] An Important Announcement from Tesroset Transmission [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Gonna make food and eat and stand by for stream!

There used to be a culture of responding to "my back hurts" with banter like "last night was fun, huh?", but as you get older, more often people just express concern, so I felt that this is what becoming an adult meant.

While my back aches, the world keeps moving on.


On my way to Tesroset Hospital Visit.

I am hot. :flame:

[Re: the "if you're afraid of stanning someone who'll stop, hello" tweet] Is this why I got a bunch of new followers...?? Please stan me, I'll do anything.

I should get prepared for tonight's announcement.

Tesroset tonight!

Let's treasure our relationships with the people who make us us!

That's why I feel like what makes you you is your communication with others, and I've written lyrics to that effect before. (like "touching your gentle hand, I know my own shape for the first time")

If there weren't anyone but you, there'd be no need to even assign yourself the word "self" to differentiate.

Interacting with others, you learn your shape for the first time.

September 16th, 2021

It's just that "everyone who's supported me" includes yourself, y'see.

I believe I've only been able to come this far thanks to everyone supporting me, and above all, my own efforts! Have made me who I am now! I'm grateful to myself!! Thank you for not giving up!!
Is what I tend to say.

Wonderful people always say "I'm always being saved by the wonderful people in my life," but it's being able to think of the people in your life as wonderful that makes you wonderful, that's what does it, it's you, don't you get it?! (?)

Even grandpas want to finish songs.

I napped earlier, but I was so tired I fell asleep... My stamina is a grandpa's.

Worrying whether I'll be able to make this song or not and wondering what to do.

:clock: The 17th (Friday), 7:15 PM:
Please come watch. :ok sign:
[Emergency Announcement] An Important Announcement from Tesroset Transmission [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Tesroset announcement tomorrow!!

For those who think to themselves "It hurts for my fave to stop doing what they do, so I'm scared to stan anyone...", I'm a Vtuber who's been making Vocaloid music for 14 years straight. Hello.

I've thought that being born on Earth in this era was a miracle, but the moment you theorize that maybe it's not a miracle or anything, just something that had normal odds of happening, don't you think you'd see the world differently...?

I like the theory that it's far more likely observers aren't anything special, but in fact rather commonplace, so when you consider how you're including yourself when you look at the population distribution of humanity thus far, there might be very little time left before the destruction of humanity.

Calling lifeforms living outside Earth aliens, calling non-human creatures animals, we truly are a species who just figured Earth was the center of the universe.

Had a saddening dream where I was taking the train home, but went back to the home I used to live in by mistake.

September 15th, 2021

I remember going to a French restaurant with a ton of different cheeses knowing nothing about cheese, seeing the descriptions in the menu, and having a conversation like "Washed-rind? What, so they wash it???" (apparently they really do wash it)

It's neat how cheese is incredibly varied to the point of "are these seriously the same food???", and the whole process of making it by involving mold in different ways for different types is wild.

I like cheese so much I've never gone a day without eating it, and since I was a kid, I've enjoyed grating cheese into my palms and licking it. (youkai)

:cheese: ← Idealized depictions of cheese with a bunch of holes in it like this emoji resemble Emmental cheese, but personally, I prefer eating it melted down like fondue so its original shape is beyond recognition. It's a tragic aspect of my character...

Emmental cheese has a charming look to it, but I find it surprisingly plain when I actually eat it. All told, I like Parmigiano-Reggiano best, but in the same way that people will think you're a bandwagoner if you say your favorite manga is One Piece, it's so mainstream that I feel irrationally ashamed.

Started watching Odd Taxi, and it's real neat... I like works with a sense of intelligence to the dialogue.

I'm still gaining about 800 YouTube subcribers a month, so it might be able to surpass my Twitter followers.

You should buy a balance ball. It'll be a friend for life.

I'm not knowledgeable about music, so I keep making songs in mysterious genres.

When I get tired working, I bounce on my balance ball.

The sorta song where I have no clue what the genre is but it's kinda cute so it's fine. #Dominowns

Found a kit with a cymbal that kinda sounds like the jump sound from Cheetahmen.

To make a happy song, you must become happy.

I'm hoping everyone will be pleased with it.

Two more days. Nervous...

Watching Claire-san play Tetris makes me want to play Tetris...

Don't make bunny characters end their sentences with "bun." You try ending your sentences with "hume."

I'm glad I bought a balance ball... I keep playing with it.

Working hard on a serious joke video today for the announcement. I'm living fully dedicated to play.

The product of two negatives being a positive is often likened to being cheered up by unfortunate things happening to people you don't like, but if you have "i" [ai = love], you can also be saddened by that person's misfortune.
Yet that "i," of course, is imaginary.

Even if you multiply your energy 100x, if your starting energy is 0, it'll remain 0.

Mathematical Anpanman: "1.0 x 10^2 times energy!"

I wanna swap my back for a new one like Anpanman.

I suppose babies would have smooth invertebral disks, too... How nice...

In my dream, I was envious of a person reincarnated as a baby bragging "heh, my skin's silky smooth."

September 14th, 2021

When we talked about which monsters would taste good, it was clearly us who were the monsters.

Something completely outside all your expectations will happen to Tesroset Transmission. (blasting the bar into the stratosphere)

Forgot to do the hair since I drew her from an uncommon angle...

I'm thinking I'll do a stream for the news on that day, so be there... Be there, okay...

Predict what will happen and wait patiently, please.

Wait a mocha. #TesrosetTransmission

my new gear

It's a Tesroset Hospital Visit day. I'll do my best.

September 13th, 2021

I want to live my life like this.

I like the Wikipedia article for the Yamada Line a lot.
["Allegedly, when the construction of this line was discussed by the Imperial Diet, the opposing Kenseikai party vehemently opposed it, attacking prime minister Hara Takashi with the remark "Do you intend to have monkeys ride, laying down track in the middle of nowhere like this?" It's said that in response, Hara calmly responded "As you should know if you read the railway regulations, monkeys are not allowed to ride the trains.""]

You should be able to understand that even if people don't make songs, they still have rights, if you simply read the constitution of Japan.

I'm blessed for all the happy things happening to me lately.

I never thought after being chased around by Magna last time that I'd no-hit Rajang, and I'm really glad for my efforts to be recognized by a bunch of people...

[Retweeting NicoNico tweet about the 14th anniversary of VOC@LOID in Love] Happy 14th anniversary!

I've learned that teaching Monster Hunter to people who are new to it is really hard becuase there's so much information I don't know where to start.

September 12th, 2021

No matter how old I am, I don't wanna forget this feeling of putting in effort to grow and earn a sense of achievement and fulfillment.

Thinking about how fun yesterday and today were makes me feel like crying.

I'm glad I got to encounter the game known as Monster Hunter...

I was incredibly happy to have my run described as "showing how the fun of speedrunning isn't just aiming to be the fastest, but doing something toward a personal goal." I want to keep putting in practice and enjoying my own results...

I'm late, but good job to everyone involved in the Tarotaro Cup! There were many areas I couldn't handle myself well in, but I was glad to show so many people the results of my month of training. :crying: Seeing all the participants' passion boosted my motivation! Good job! :hot drink: #TarotaroCup

It's already gotten so late training these new longsword users...


RT @q07a_ The pressure is intense... [Screenshot of a Monster Hunter party list: AAAA at Hunter Rank 1, Fuwacina at Hunter Rank 607, and Keienu-P at Hunter Rank 1.]

When I was thinking about healing and threw out a flash bomb by mistake, my head went blank, lol

I panicked in the middle there, but I managed to finish out the run. :crying: Thank goodness...

I'm next... (th-thump)

Getting super antsy about all the dying I'm doing in my runs just before showtime...

It's finally begun...

Same as yesterday, I'm scheduled to play at 7:20. See you then!

Scheduled for today's competition! Stream starting around 7 PM!
Gonna try hard to show the fruits of my training... #TesrosetTransmission #TarotaroCup
[Monster Hunter Rise] Longsword Speedrun Competition! Tarotaro Cup Day 2 VS Valstrax [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Cauliflower ⇔ Responsiweed

Living in the Corner [Sumikko Gurashi] ⇔ Dying in the Center


A red Super Chat-equivalent cake... How delicious!!

Fully prepared!! Congrats, Tesroset-chan! :birthday cake: :clap: :clap: :clap: #TesrosetTransmission

Those who deny other people are forced to live fearful of being denied by others, so it's better to live accepting each other.

There'll be a very important announcement from Tesroset Transmission soon, so look forward to it.

September 11th, 2021

I like humans.

Today I played Word Wolf, a werewolf game where you guess different words distributed to people, and someone said "I sure wanna be this...", so I guessed "a full-time employee," and the answer was "a NEET." Gave me a sense of the depth of humans...

Being separated from people's warmth by corona, today's been a more stimulating day than I've had in a long while... I love everybody...

Things I cried over recently:
- Watching a movie
- Watching a movie
- Beating arena Rajang damageless on the first try ←new

Playing is fun!!! (2 IQ)

Streaming for a year, I can deeply sense how much all the MyMixis (AKA members) who always come to watch have become something I'm hugely grateful for...

Having a stream partner of sorts seems so strong, what with how you can collaborate with each other... I'd like to join hands and work hard as OSTER-san, Tesro-sama, and Roset-chan...

Feeling like calling someone over to do a stream, so somebody come here.

Watching others play is a super useful reference.

Sure, looking back, there was a bunch of sloppiness, but I'm still glad I could do it damageless... Gonna keep it up tomorrow too.

What person in their 30s cries after beating Rajang?????

I for real cried after getting through the real deal taking no damage... I'm glad I put in so much practice...

Coming up very soon...

It begins... Our fight...

Praying I can pull off my usual movements...

I thought I wouldn't get as nervous as last time, but I'm pretty dang nervous, and kind of panicking about dying twice in practice.

Scheduled for the competition today. Thanks in advance!
I think the stream itself will begin around 6:50. #TarotaroCup #TesrosetTransmission
[Monster Hunter Rise] Longsword Speedrun Competition! Tarotaro Cup Day 1 VS Arena Rajang [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

"Wait a mocha" isn't an original saying of mine, but "thanks-ski" is a Tesroset Transmission original (probably).

This Tesroset cake is so cute... Glad I'm alive...


["Thanks-ski for 1 year of Tesroset Transmission!"]

September 10th, 2021

I always say "itadakimasu" [expressing the aforementioned gratitude] even when I'm eating alone.

I'd be troubled if I couldn't eat meat either, and I'm complacent having the powerful position that is being human, but accordingly, I want to always remember to be grateful for the life I eat...

I often see people watch footage of a carnivore chasing a herbivore and shout "Run away!!" toward the herbivore, but I always think to myself "Is it okay with you if the herbivore gets away and the carnivore starves to death?"

I think how you use life should be entrusted to the owner of that life, but sometimes that can be all too cruel to people who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

I used to have no idea what to write for book reports and things, but now I feel like I could write 5 billion pages.

You might wonder what about it pained me so much to make me cry, but I think maybe the thing that was most painful was Jiro's sister Kayo-chan feeling like regardless of them entrusting it to the doctors, it came down to determination, so she was powerless to do anything but watch Naoko-san's death.

I got thinking about when I've cried recently, and it was when I watched The Wind Rises...

As many monsters as you hunt to distract form loneliness, it seems you can't slay the monster inside you.

The loneliness when you use social media and when you don't are different beasts, so I don't think that's contradictory.

It's lonely to use social media, and lonely not using social media, so I'm not suited for social media.

Speedruns are fun when you're working on them, but once you start trying to get a proper run recorded on video, you get bogged down

I'll do my best tomorrow, so see you then. :flex:

Thanks for stream! High-rank Rajang is fun, I wanna run it...


Starting around 9!
Toward the beginning, I'll also read Marshmallows I got after the last stream.
[Monster Hunter Rise] Serious Pre-Competition Practice & A Little Marshmallow Reading [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

I flew to camp over and over to get Kagero-san's "Hikimasu!" clip, and I think it's a line that only plays when returning to camp after encountering a monster once, which got me emotional about the intricate level of detail.

Hope you come watch tomorrow. #TesrosetTransmission
[Roset: "At last, the longsword speedrun competition is happening tomorrow..." Kagero: "Can hardly wait!!" Roset: "Kagero-san... At first, it took me over 10 minutes to beat Valstrax, but putting in the effort day after day, I'm able to beat it in 4 minutes... What do you think of this woman?" Kagero: "WEIRDED OUT!!"] ["Hikimasu"; presumably a line about withdrawing taken out of context to use that slang meaning.]

Today: Tesroset Hospital Visit.

I was like "Why's there no outlet in my kitchen..." while using the mixer at the table I eat at, but when I looked up at the upper wall of the kitchen, there was an outlet.

If you ask me "so do you get boys' feelings?", I'd say I don't, so I guess I just don't get anything at all.

Don't you ever feel like you don't get girls' feelings?????

September 9th, 2021

I'm searching for potential covers that would be a good fit, but I feel like Tesro-sama shines brightest singing a song like Baka Mitai.

[Jun: "Get to work, hop."]

And two days from now, I have a Tesroset-related surprise, so look forward to it... (talked about it on stream so it's not even a surprise)

Wanna stream practice for the Tarotaro Cup tomorrow...

I dunno what everyone's feeling in their day to day lives, but I hope it comes across.

It's packed full with my current feelings, so I really want people to hear it...

It's a song that makes me wanna cry listening to it...

Finished a song... :shedding tear:

Whenever people ask me how to become a Vocaloid producer like me, I'll keep answering "use longsword."

Japanese traditional culture :full moon:

What do we have dreams for anyhow? How's a dream like this at all necessary to humans? It's such an enigma.

Some people I was once friends with showed up in my dream, and I was told in the dream that one of them had actually passed away from illness, making me get extremely sad over nothing, so I wanna cheer up.

September 8th, 2021

Grown-ups all take it further. People who do win first by sticking their butts out are thinking about lots of things. The timing, the angle, the situation, the method - to win first, all of this has to come together to make the ultimate sticking out of a butt. Be serious about sticking that butt out. This ain't a game.

Something you learn when you grow up: you aren't gonna win first just because you stuck your butt out.

Wanna teach Twitter about famous people.

Twitter's way too ignorant of who's famous.

[Re: actor Fuku Suzuki also not being accepted for Twitter verification] Twitter-kun, c'mon...

September 7th, 2021

I think annoying contrarians who get in a frenzy looking for a counterexample when they hear things like that have probably pushed the boundaries of scientific understanding, so I like annoying contrarians.

Pain-in-the-ass logical thinkers can't believe sayings like "every night has a dawn" or "every rain eventually passes."

Sorry if I've said anything incorrect, miss...

Miss... Uranus's axis is almost parallel with its orbit around the Sun, so day and night invert based solely on its orbit, meaning 42 years of daytime is followed by 42 years of nighttime... Miss...

Though it only takes 8 minutes for light from the Sun to reach Earth, they say it takes 170,000 years for light created in the core of the Sun to reach its surface, miss...

A lady who listens to my space trivia... Imaginary lady...

Pant, pant... Miss... Our solar system only has one fixed star, the Sun, but did you know many star systems have two fixed stars who have a gravitational pull on each other resulting in orbital motion...? Turns out sci-fi depicting places with two suns was surprisingly realistic... Miss...

Pant, pant... Miss... What sort of celestial bodies do you like?

"White dwarf" sounds obscene. (???)

Wanna get drunk and start talking about space.

Crying from desire to drink with people and be an annoying drunk.

As a person wanting my new songs to be praised, I have a duty to keep making new songs, so I'm making them like wild.

Though another aspect of music is that rather than just enjoying technical skill, it can deeply connect with your memories to become something special, so of course it's fine to say you like songs in that sense.

Being able now to think of and actualize ideas and skills I couldn't in the past is truly so much fun... I really do like my recent songs.

Here in the present, I'm always the most cutting-edge version of myself who's honed my skills across many creations, so yeah, it does make me happy to have my recent songs praised.

RT @iam_nota_djtaka Something a senpai warned me about back when I was a newbie: when you meet an artist, don't just praise their old songs. Even if you're just saying "I love that song" with pure intentions, it's really rude. It might seem like a pretty obvious thing now, but I'm grateful I was taught that.

Do people who Vtube ever have dreams about an accident on stream that reveals their physical selves????

September 6th, 2021

The typical riddle answer would be "cumin." [kumin = residents of a ward]

[Riddle] What spice do people living within the Yamanote Line like?
[Answer] Depends on the person.

Is making ballads hard or what??? Replaying slow-tempo songs to get a feel for their flow is time-consuming, so I'm not making progress...

If you don't want me to make omelette rice again, follow me. (?)

I like your omelette rice!!! (unfollows)

Retweeting the omelette rice made me lose followers again...

My suckiness at making omelette rice is being broadcast to the world.

[Re: the omelette rice picture] Why's this getting so many likes...

I'll forever keep telling people that studying is important for enjoying jokes.

E = MC Hammer

I can make music well, so please forgive me...

I'm so bad at omelette rice I lost 3 followers.

I've never tried the thing where you transfer gyoza from the frying pan to a plate by sticking them together and just flipping it over because I feel like I'd burn myself.

I've never seen this meal you call omelette rice, so I can't make it.

Someone please beat these eggs in my stead.

Trembling at how good I am at making omelette rice.

I actually remembered about making omelette rice.

September 5th, 2021

Feels like I'm gonna forget to make omelette rice tomorrow.

Monster Hunter's so fun when I'm doing well.

I've never gone "I'll play Monster Hunter just for a moment" and actually been done in a moment.

Maybe I'll play Monster Hunter just for a moment...

Feeling the Song of Super Chat lyric "The kindness you all show lets me live each day joyfully" so hard.

It's fun gaining new knowledge from viewer comments. Today, I learned about Manjushri Bodhisattva. :Shinto shrine:

For the time being, I plan to continue as a Vtuber with a goal of "as long as it takes for light emitted from Earth to reach a neighboring star system."

(talked for 4 hours yet apparently still hasn't talked enough)

But Parmigiano-Reggiano is a cheese that's expensive yet reliably tasty, and that seasoning is addictive... I like it so much that there was a time I went to bars just to have crushed Parmigiano-Reggiano as a snack without even buying any beer.

Cheese is an incredible ingredient born out of a tag-team with mold, so if you're not prepared, a flavor like you've never experienced before can spread through your mouth and kill you.

I talked about cheese today, but I think the reason I felt like commonplace cheese you can buy at a supermarket is more dependable than expensive cheese at a super good restaurant might just be because I'm not used to eating expensive cheese...

People complimenting and agreeing with the knowledge and thoughts I've fostered over my life raises my sense of self-affirmation.

I might be a genius for being able to talk for 4 hours. (positive)

I talked for 4 hours!!! It was fun! Thanks for the all well-wishes!!

We're starting!

I ought to get ready for the stream, huh?

:clock: Tonight at 9 PM:
Doing a Tesroset Transmission first anniversary stream! :music score: :water pistol: With the posts in the tag and Marshmallows, I'll look back on the past year of activity. Thanks-ski! #TesrosetTransmission
[Chat] Tesroset Transmission First Anniversary Stream [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Re: the Collatz conjecture, I instictively feel like the goal is to reach 2 to the power of n, and that you'll eventually get there by throwing enough steps at it, but when it comes to a proof, that's hard...

The obscure kanji stream was fun, but it's tough to make a followup to that kind of thing, so I want to appear on a quiz show as Tesroset.

September 4th, 2021

And Tsurumaki Maki-san will forever be a pro hunter who loves spread shots.

I've never played Touhou, so Marisa and Reimu have become characters who teach random facts on YouTube to me.

Competitor Roset saying she doesn't want to die, yet not healing!!!

Did my best to draw art!

Today marks one year since I began as a Vtuber. :party popper: I'll keep on doing lots of fun things, so thanks-ski! :heart: #TesrosetFirstAnniversary #TesrosetArt #TesrosetTransmission

[Top-right: "I don't wanna die!!!!"]

[Retweeting various reminiscences in the tag] I'm grateful for everyone's thoughts, so grateful...

Ahhhhh, I just got an idea for another stupid stream project... I've got no time to do stuff, so don't think of anything more... Please...

I'll do an anniversary stream tomorrow, so see you then!

It was fun doing a bunch of different stuff!!!! #TesrosetTransmission

I made a tag, so I'd appreciate if people talked about memories like what jokes they liked, or what streams stuck in their mind. :bang:

I hope there are people who have Sunday prayer, then celebrate with drinks at Mecca.

Is this the modern-day holy war?

Seeing "Mecca" [as the name of a restaurant] next to a Christian church on Koshu Kaido really hits my funny bone.

It's sad how when I make a song in my dreams, it's gone when I wake up.

September 3rd, 2021

You may have lots of substitutes, but if you were chosen out of those many substitutes, I insist that you think about the reason for that.

I'm well aware the world would keep on spinning without me, but I want to do my best to meet as many people as I can who think "if she went away, things would be kind of bland."

Night is a thought laboratory, so there can sometimes be a bad chemical leak or fiery explosion that injures your heart. :band-aid:

Maybe it's because I can feel how the world goes on spinning even if I'm not there? Or because I can feel reality and my memories moving apart? Why do people possess the feeling of loneliness in the first place? "Night" is the time where you start thinking about this kind of thing endlessly.

I'm at an age where I've had the sort of experience several times where I go to the town I used to live in and it's gone without a trace, but why does that make me feel so melancholy, anyway?

I've felt since I was a kid that my mental age'd never change and I'd never be an adult, but whenever I notice my nostalgic feelings growing, I realize I'm aging after all... Ain't that just tragic.

I'm at risk of that when I do chat streams, so I have to be careful about it. (since Tesroset Transmission is a channel for youngsters, you see)

I'm an old-timer already, so I want to spend a whole day reminiscing on popular old commercials and games and TV shows and songs and weeping.

Even if I'm sacrificing my physical condition tomorrow, I drink heavily. That's life.

Maybe I get sentimentally sympathetic because those feelings deepen the older you get.

There's a limit to the things that can come true, that can be achieved in your life, and every time you pour your lifeblood into something, you're giving up something else. That's life.

The older you get, the more your heart is drawn to hellish works...

Just did the job of watching The Wind Rises again and saying "So this is what yearning for the sky gets you..."

Pant... pant...

I've been drawing all day...

(Everyone... The one-year anniversary of Tesroset Transmission is in two days...)

Let's make a band out of artists who can't get verified.

I didn't receive a verified checkmark, but I did gain about 400 followers. And then it occurred to me. That every one of your follows is the greatest, most brightly-shining verified checkmark of all.
That aside, please give me a verified checkmark.

Don't come to me askin' "what're you doing, Okii-san?" I dunno either. What're you doing, Okii-san?

Otaku that wants to join in when you talk about space.

Representative Works from 2007: "VOC@LOID in Love" "Miracle Paint"
Representative Works from 2021: "This is a message from Twitter." "This is a message from Twitter. 2nd season"

[Re: Message From Twitter 2nd Season] Thanks for the 10,000 likes. It's become one of my representative works. (?)

September 2nd, 2021

I'm truly very fulfilled having been given the ultimate punchline... I wonder why I'm feeling such satisfaction about not being verified... Maybe I'm a masochist.

A song made out of a message saying "we can't verify that you're famous" getting an article from a famous media outlet is like something out of a rakugo story...

Even if Twitter-kun doesn't recognize me, Natalie-kun did, so I'll keep doing my best to be me tomorrow.

But really, seeing people so famous I don't remotely compare get rejected by Twitter too, I have no idea what their standards are...

Thank you very much.

[Re: Message From Twitter video stats] LOLing at 200,000 plays.

Like, seriously, why...

- Submit a request for Twitter verification ← Uh-huh
- Get a message that my request has been rejected ← Uh-huh
- Make the message from Twitter into a song ← The usual
- Reiji Okii plays the bass ← Why????
- Natalie.mu: "OSTER project Makes Song Out of "A Message From Twitter"" ← Why????

Karaoke version. Please sing it. I'll do anything. #Dominowns

[Retweeting Sister Claire's verified checkmark tweet again] Glad my fave was able to get verified... :swirly fish cake:

This is what happens when adults wage a joke competition.

OSTER project Makes Song Out of "A Message From Twitter," With Reiji Okii On Bass
That ain't it... Natalie-san, your sense of humor is too advanced...

Looking back on this past year of activity and being like "What in the world have I been doing????"

Here is my cover of the Valstrax song. [Links it]

I'm a Vtuber hunter who, to show people the joy of music, does streams making impromptu medleys from viewer submissions, sequences songs with a 3-minute time limit, and gives Yobikomi-kun an idol debut with the power of arrangement. My weapon is longsword. I can hunt Valstrax in 4:17. My regards.

The account of a psychopath who tries to get verified by sending Twitter an article about not being verified by Twitter.

[Screenshot from Twitter Help Center about attaching references from within the past 6 months] So what you're saying is, I should submit again including Natalie.mu's article as a reference?

Such an unexpected article, I can't help but think, though knowing it to be terribly rude, are Natalie.mu's writers bored or what?????

I'm dying laughing, lmao

[Retweeting an article from Natalie.mu: "OSTER project Makes Song Out of "A Message From Twitter," With Reiji Okii On Bass"] Natalie-san... lol

Tag mayhem.

RT @okiireiji [Retweeting Message From Twitter Season 2] This was fun, lol #OsterProject #TesrosetTransmission #TWEEDEES #Cymbals #JustBassistThings

I've surpassed 48,000 followers. I'm sorry.

I want to live doing stupid stuff with talented people who like doing stupid stuff.

No kidding.

RT @q07a_ Bass: Reiji Okii ←????????

Me: "Twitter-kun! I'm a composer! Verify me, plz!"
Twitter-kun: "Whadda heck, all she does is play Monster Hunter... Ain't verifyin' this..."

If messages from Twitter keep going viral like this, maybe the day will come that even Twitter recognizes my fame. (??)

You okay with your first collab with an artist you aspire to being a message from Twitter?

RT @GentoMiyano "Bass: Reiji Okii"

Do I have to submit requests using all the new methods, get rejected, and receive all the different sets of lyrics from Twitter???

[Image zooming in on the "Bass: Reiji Okii" part of her own tweet] ?? :thinking face: ???????

"This is a message from Twitter." 2nd season
Lyrics: Twitter
Composition: Me
Vocals: Kiritan
Bass: Reiji Okii
[The lyrics are a different message saying her account did not meet the requirements for verification. The "Go to Twitter" button is again included.]

Uploading a new song.

