OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

September 15th, 2021

I remember going to a French restaurant with a ton of different cheeses knowing nothing about cheese, seeing the descriptions in the menu, and having a conversation like "Washed-rind? What, so they wash it???" (apparently they really do wash it)

It's neat how cheese is incredibly varied to the point of "are these seriously the same food???", and the whole process of making it by involving mold in different ways for different types is wild.

I like cheese so much I've never gone a day without eating it, and since I was a kid, I've enjoyed grating cheese into my palms and licking it. (youkai)

:cheese: ← Idealized depictions of cheese with a bunch of holes in it like this emoji resemble Emmental cheese, but personally, I prefer eating it melted down like fondue so its original shape is beyond recognition. It's a tragic aspect of my character...

Emmental cheese has a charming look to it, but I find it surprisingly plain when I actually eat it. All told, I like Parmigiano-Reggiano best, but in the same way that people will think you're a bandwagoner if you say your favorite manga is One Piece, it's so mainstream that I feel irrationally ashamed.

Started watching Odd Taxi, and it's real neat... I like works with a sense of intelligence to the dialogue.

I'm still gaining about 800 YouTube subcribers a month, so it might be able to surpass my Twitter followers.

You should buy a balance ball. It'll be a friend for life.

I'm not knowledgeable about music, so I keep making songs in mysterious genres.

When I get tired working, I bounce on my balance ball.

The sorta song where I have no clue what the genre is but it's kinda cute so it's fine. #Dominowns

Found a kit with a cymbal that kinda sounds like the jump sound from Cheetahmen.

To make a happy song, you must become happy.

I'm hoping everyone will be pleased with it.

Two more days. Nervous...

Watching Claire-san play Tetris makes me want to play Tetris...

Don't make bunny characters end their sentences with "bun." You try ending your sentences with "hume."

I'm glad I bought a balance ball... I keep playing with it.

Working hard on a serious joke video today for the announcement. I'm living fully dedicated to play.

The product of two negatives being a positive is often likened to being cheered up by unfortunate things happening to people you don't like, but if you have "i" [ai = love], you can also be saddened by that person's misfortune.
Yet that "i," of course, is imaginary.

Even if you multiply your energy 100x, if your starting energy is 0, it'll remain 0.

Mathematical Anpanman: "1.0 x 10^2 times energy!"

I wanna swap my back for a new one like Anpanman.

I suppose babies would have smooth invertebral disks, too... How nice...

In my dream, I was envious of a person reincarnated as a baby bragging "heh, my skin's silky smooth."

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