OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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August 3rd, 2020

When I see pervy lyrics written by others, I'm like "Dammit, it's pervy, they got me!" and feel the need to write more pervy lyrics.

I'm a middle-schooler, so I like writing pervy lyrics and yelling "it's pervy, it's pervy" with delight.

Though if you look at my Twitter wondering what I'm doing, considering I do stuff like upload a picture saying "B-district" with no comment, maybe people won't actually be able to tell what I'm doing???? [May have been a play on "bichiku," emergency reserves, but I'm not really sure, so, fair.]

Your back okay now? → No problem at all if I take it easy, but can get bad after standing or walking a long time
Your cat healthy? → Yes
What happened to the Friendship sequel? → I'll stream adding vocals tomorrow
What happened to Bubblegum K.K.? → The art's done, so I'll do my best to put together a video
What question is this? → I can't count higher than 3

Do you not publish old instrumentals anymore? → I release them sporadically on Fanbox
I wanna know your chords → I might start releasing them on Fanbox
Hey baby, where you live? → Tokyo Metropolitan area
You on LINE? → I am

OSTER, that brings me back, wonder what she's doing now... → Look at my Twitter
Wonder if OSTER's making instrumentals anymore... → Play rhythm games
Wonder if OSTER's making Vocaloid anymore... → Look at my YouTube
Wonder if OSTER's songs will go on karaoke... → People in high places, help

Thanks for celebrating me, everybody! :partying face: I'm gonna go search for mushrooms in the park again today! :mushroom:

August 2nd, 2020

The ability to focus on bad things is probably a self-defense mechanism, but because of that, a single drop of misfortune can totally blot out the existence of any good events or people who like me, that seems like a super huge bug, update when???

I get the feeling "happy people" are people good at forgetting bad things or pretending they didn't happen. I'm bad at that, and look at things super seriously to clear them out, so it honestly doesn't feel right to call me a happy kind of person. :eyeroll:

Though people say I'm a happy kind of person, I'm not really sure what happiness is. Ultimately, I feel like it depends on your feelings, no matter what environment you're in. It's a Happa-tai sort of thing.

The body's a prison for the spirit?! Thanks to that prison, I can enjoy tasty food again todayyy!! Long live prisoner life!! Long live prisoner life!! :raised hands:

:mosquito: ~ :clap:
Person Who Let A Mosquito Bigger Than Their Hand Get Away

Ack, mosquito. :clap:

Isn't it more like a Reiwa girl to be self-affirming rather than servile?? I'm so round-faced and cute~ :clap: I've got room for growth~ :clap:

I die every day and am born everyday, so every day's a happy birthday. :balloon:

I want everyone to celebrate me, so I want my birthday to come, but I don't wanna get older, so I want to be celebrated even though it's a totally non-special day. :birthday cake:

Get in the bath, get in the futon, get in the grave.

Please ready yourselves.

Maybe I'll make the chorus line and leave the vocals for a stream at a later date.

This Jump King game is super scary, don't come near me...

Creators are people who can do embarrassing things with a serious look! Yaaaaay!!

Does you all like this kind of thing? I'm sure you do. I've made the ultimate yuri song.

Finished the lyrics.

I'mma adolescent.

Hair getting caught in a necklace is in reality super annoying.

I shalt love lyrics like these until the day I die...
[Shampoo with the same smell, fine hair,
It gets caught in your necklace
Every time I try to get it out,
Our hearts become all the more tangled]

I often see people who are feeling under the weather, but I've never seen someone who's like "Ahh! I'm feeling perfectly healthy today! I'm so superbly healthy!"

I've got a human heart, so I cry a lot!!!!

This afternoon, I was watching Timon-D on TV and saw them cry while talking about their thoughts and cried a bunch.

I'm so deeply sensitive that I'm crying thinking about lyrics for the Friendship sequel.

In the moments they take "Don't really get it, but it's awesome" and try to understand it, humans advance.

2nd day drunker [From "two days drunk," a literal translation of the word for "hangover."]

August 1st, 2020

My cat isn't affectionate with me at all. Or maybe it is affectionate. Maybe it's a fault of mine that I can't accept it as affection if it isn't obviously so. What the heck, this hurts.

A cat won't do.

I'm an annoying drunk, so I want people to like me.

I like "hyperbolic tangent" because it sounds like the name of an attack.

Pant, pant,,, Miss, tell me your favorite functions,,,

Girls, dance to OSTER songs together! What'll happen then? You don't know? I'll be happy and you'll get more yuri songs. :woman-woman couple: :woman-woman couple:

When you hear the words "Fibonacci sequence," whether you respond "Recurrence relation!" or "Recursive function!" distinguishes what field you're... dis.... distinguishes...

[Fairies] Dancing To kissing fish [Original Choreo]

I'm like, such a baby.

I'm a baby, so I can't compose.

If one can be "victorious" in life, surely it's not by beating someone else, but by being satisfied with yourself and having fun.
Of course I'm sure there are also lots of people who'd consider beating others something they enjoy but it's still not the only thing okay.

Lately, I'm kinda more envious of people who seem to be having fun rather than people who are talented...

The people who say you have to be good at it to upload a video of you singing must make restaurant-quality dishes when they cook for themselves, and write as neatly as a textbook, and have a walk as beautiful as a model... How enviable...

When "one size fits all" clothes don't fit you, for instance, it makes you super depressed that you're not even within the expectations of what a human is, so I want them to stop labeling things as one size fits all. (delicate yakuza)

I've also tried stuff like "simple hair styling even clumsy people can do!", and I couldn't do it at all, so I must be a garbage human for whom "clumsy" doesn't even suffice...

Me: "Playing E on ukulele is too hard... I'll see if there's an easy way to do it..."
Video: "There's an easy way to do it."
Me: "Thank goodness..."
Video: "First, hold the entire fourth fret with your index finger."
Me: "Don't screw with meeeee!!"

If you just tack on "future," it kinda makes it sound like a modern genre.

When your dreams come true,
It's not thanks to somebody else
It's thanks to me, yo
Be grateful, yo

I've prepared a new face and name!
Sell your strengths with Coconala.

I've eliminated that pesky human!
Sell your strengths with Coconala.

It's fine to like boobs. We're mammals, after all.

I pretty much only wear a yukata once a year, so I bought some earrings I wanted to wear with it, but I dunno where they went, and even my memory of buying those earrings is pretty vague.

Don't you wanna wear a yukata? Yukataaa.

July's over... I hate everything...

July 31st, 2020

What else? Let's make a youthful bingo and fill it all in. I'm gonna be adolescent 'til I die...

Running along the river in the evening, shouting at the ocean, lying down and looking at the stars, gazing at the morning sun from a high place... Since adults are more able to act freely and take responsibility for themselves, can't they be youthful all they want?

I'm in my thirties, but I'm full of motivation to start my youth right now.

I'm afraid of a world that can't laugh at and accept Pocari commercials, or Isabelle's non-relevant topics.

Vocaloid producers are good at having pet cats and grilling meat.

Puella Magi aug☆dim

Let's make my own anime!!!

I wanna do an anime theme song. Don't you ever wanna do an anime theme song?

July 30th, 2020

I feel like people who can grab hold of success are super stubborn people who can keep persistently going no matter what anyone throws at them, so I'm gonna be stubborn and persistent too, to the point that people are like "You're still at it?" I'll do it 'til I'm dead.

I can't handle the kind of person who sees a good friend putting in effort to change and starts feeling inferior and getting aggressive. I feel like doing that just makes your own life more miserable, but does it really satisfy them? Rather than pull down the legs of others, climb up on your own legs. :leg: :leg:

Chord changes are so hard.

Playing ukulele has taught me that the Bb→B→C ending you hear in Hawaiian songs is super difficult.

[Photo of a TV show: "Question: The thing that kills genius is average people good at ___"]

It occurs to me that the shaking of earthquakes is an ideal way to explain transverse and longitudinal waves.

I went viral, so let me advertise myself!
I want to advertise myself, so let me go viral!

July 29th, 2020

I actually am curious about the dividing line between curry and vegetable soup. If you gradually add a thick curry flavor, it's a mystery as to when it becomes curry. Like when you're dozing off, how it's unclear how much you're awake and conscious and how much you're asleep. Even if you go to bed with that curiosity in mind, your senses can't observe the moment you fall asleep.

Don't you wanna forgive and love yourself, contradictions and all, for being so human? That makes you invincible.

Then what's that make you for making music relying so heavily on feel, eh? Eheehee, I dunno.

There surely aren't a lot of things in this world that you can cleanly draw a line between, which might be why I like the idealistic laboratories of math and physics.

Surely, all things in the world become solidifed the moment you name them. That's why people fear not being able to go anywhere if they give something a name. But things that are unclassified and unnamed scare us instead because they're unknown. People must walk alongside fear. You'll be worrying until death whether the pot in front of you is vegetable soup or curry.

Where does friendship end and love begin?
Where does vegetable soup end and curry begin?

I also wanted to be murmur twins in high school. And I got to become mumur twins at the start of this year, so my dream came true.

What I want to be in the future:
Elementary school: Pilot
Middle school: Pianist
High school: Composer
College: Composer
My twenties: Furry lady
My thirties: Maaya Sakamoto's "Backlight"

When I encounter a good song, I think "I want to become the composer of that song."
When I encounter an outrageous song, I think "I want to become that song."

I'm not smarter than a 5th grader, so I want a 5th grader to teach me stuff.

It's troubling how I can't do anything else when I'm making music.

You get scrapes just by living.

Me good at arranging strings. #Dominowns

It was an ordinary Blackadder chord... (Blackadders are wild)

Isn't Caug/Gb kinda wild???

July 28th, 2020

I smell so good after using shampoo that I'm LOLing.

The state of the Toro Puzzle world is so awful that it makes the world I'm in radiate beautifully. Thank you, Toro Puzzle...

[Jun: "Um, so hey, speaking of women... When I bought a woman at the supermarket, I didn't have change, so I paid with a 10,000-yen bill, and my wallet was bursting with change!"]
Humans being bought and sold on the cheap.

When I say I make music, people often ask "So you must have absolute pitch and stuff, right?", but I absolutely don't, and I just follow desires like "hoooOOOoooh, this sound feels goooood ♡♡♡" to make music.

Even if I don't know what the notes I imagine even are, if I can imagine it, I can make music. So everyone look at me and cheer up.

I have no connection between the way I picture sounds and the names of musical intervals, so that doesn't trip me up at all, but what's that say about me as a musician?

I'm super weak at music theory, so when I see the word "dominant," my pulse stops and I die.

The toypi sound in Keyscape is supreme. I've never seen anyone abbreviate "toy piano" as "toypi."

[Retweets a Keyscape 26% off sale] Keyscape will enrich your life. Believe.

July 27th, 2020

Music is something you create while running wild.

[Re: Dorami-chan tweet] I'm LOLing at how strangely popular this got.

Making music is fun and it's agonizing! It's fun agony!

Am I a baby?

I took a nap and I'm sleepy!!! Dammit!

Making music is lethally difficult, so I want 100 million yen in my bank account every time I finish a song.

I was thinking about making a song, but if I started streaming now, I'd definitely get sleepy in the middle, so I'll do it in the evening or at night...

Not needing any practice at all to produce clean sounds is what makes DTM the best.

Maybe that's why so many people learn it?

Piano is a godly instrument that anyone can play and produce a uniform sound from.

I had a video-call ukulele session with a friend, but holding the more-important-to-me-than-life-itself F#m7-5 in the key of C is super difficult and nearly made me lose it.

Crying ain't gonna make time move anything but forward, so I gotta keep making my new song...

Why's time gotta only move forward...

Listening to old Doraemon songs makes me remember the sound distortion when you recorded to VHS... Also the feeling of scratching off "do not ovewrite" warnings... I'm gonna cry.

I'm always indebted to Do#rami#-chan [C#AE#].

Dorami-chan being a minor chord immediately makes the idea of making a cheery theme song for her following that scale impossible...

Dorami-chan [CAE] → Gloomy character
Do#rami-chan [C#AE] → Chipper character

July 26th, 2020

The moment I stop thinking about it, the world returns to normal and I can put my feet back on the ground. Maybe not thinking is a valuable skill too. I wanna not think.

I occasionally have moments where I suddenly don't have the feeling that I exist here, or feel like I no longer understand my existence as if I'm in darkness with no sense of direction, but everyone has those, right?

I super remember being around 5 or 6 and thinking "Why am I alive as a living creature right now? Why do I have a body and a spirit? What'll happen if these disappear?"

There are moments when all of a sudden, I'm like "Why did I make music my occupation...?" It's like wondering why you were born as a human. The kind of question you won't be able to figure out, but that drives you nuts when you start thinking about it.

I'm mad. :angry face:

Oh yeah, I forgot that if you don't hit the save button after doing anything in Drum Tree it resets your tones, so when I reloaded the project, they were all gone.

Should I wear a T-shirt with the QR code for my new song printed on it and jump and wave my arms in front of the Shibuya live camera...???

I'm glad so many people listen to the work-in-progress, but I need to come up with a way to make them listen to the finished version too... What should I do...???

It is written in the Records of Ancient Matters that the more the bass moves, the better.

Unintelligible basslines show their true radiance among unintelligible progressions.

The bass is an instrument that flies through the sky.


I'm a creator of unintelligible basslines. #Dominowns

Click this URL to get 100,000 yen right away! (spam)

How does this sound??? [Link to subscribe to her YouTube channel]

You wanna do some good work, eh?!

I'm the best at making music sexy...

The song that's so sexy it makes my hands shake. [Retweets "tragic pop with a bonanza of perverse progressions" preview.]

I dunno why my hands are even shaking anymore...

The song I'm making now is so sexy my hands are shaking.

I haven't written any sexy lyrics lately, so my hands are starting to shake.

If you want to be happy for a day, go to the barber.
If you want to be happy for a week, buy a car.
If you want to be happy for a month, marry.
If you want to be happy for a year, buy a house.
If you want to be happy for life, buy Spitfire Chamber Strings.

I dedicate myself to making tweets that cause people who gave serious consideration to their meaning to regret it.

The weight of words isn't so much in what they are, but in who said them, their thoughts, their circumstances, their fundamental perspective. For instance, there's a different nuance between when we say "paisley" and when Goku says "Paisley."

If you wanna make songs like me and you're starting now, you should definitely play a keyboard. (Screw-Up Taecher)

Being slower than keyboard-playing is an unavoidable reality, so as a mouse-user, it's been a fight for survival, optimizing every individual part of the work...

Production costs can vary a bit for individual jobs, but I think it'd be tough to do this as a job if I weren't as fast as I am at mouse-composing. Domino saves me. :folded hands:

(Today I displayed an unsightly scene of worrying a ton over key change patterns...)

(But I do make tons of mistakes.)

Praise me more. ///

RT @amege630_m She's fast at placing notes and tuning, and fast at coming up with accompaniments and different rhythm patterns, and fast at fiddling with other parts accordingly, and super fast at feeling out and selecting ideas (cutting down iffy ideas and finding a new answer)... She's optimized in all areas, so I'm like, this is what a pro looks like. And not a hint of any mistakes. Yikes.

RT @amege630_m I was watching OSTER-san stream composing, and her speed is on a whole other level... Do all pros end up like this?

my new gear [Photo of an ukulele.]

July 25th, 2020

[Jun: "The taste of kisses... I had one for the first time in ages, and my face went all limp..."]
Girl on her private account.

I'm just playing the songs I made over and over going "Whatta great song" and not progressing at all.

It's probably around 200% humidity in my house right now.

Even if you try to be a good person, that ideal of a good person is just what you think a good person is, and could even look like a bad person to someone else. It's impossible to make all people accept you, so find people you can get along with. People I can get along wiiith! It's meee!

A good person is someone who's good in your point of view.

A living person is one who's not dead.

I'm a pain in the butt otaku, so I like talking about things with no one answer.

When a character begs not to be killed, it can also be really good at showing their humanity in the eleventh hour and attachment to life, and when begging not to kill someone the character loves, it's beautiful at expressing how they want to put their lover first. They're both good.

It could also be a character who wants to stop the person they love from becoming a killer, right???? The world of otaku-imagined situations is boundless...

It suddenly occurred to me that by asking them to imagine a scene for the line "Don't kill [subject not required in Japanese]!", otaku could probably be divided into two groups: those who imagine the character themselves begging for their life, and those who imagine someone who loves that character pleading not to kill them.

[Jun: Once, I got rejected by a girl who was suited for stylish boba, so I moved to the futon to forget, hop.]
One of those weirdly-expressed sentiments where you get what they're trying to say.

Knowledge is water. You can't hoard it all for yourself.

Forgot the tag. #Dominowns

Sorry, I can't make it to the Bug-Off. I'm making tragic pop with a bonanza of perverse progressions.

July 24th, 2020

My Rin-chan is cute and could make infinite complicated-yuri songs...

Why do I myself like Friendship so much? I like that kind of yuri that's fleeting and direct and severe and fragile...

Isn't it the same with romance? Isn't Rin-chan in Friendship painful??

Of course, you can put in effort to get people interested in you, but if you target someone else's feelings which you can't do anything about and it doesn't go your way, it'll break your heart... So if you're going to set a goal, I think it's good to better your own skills to be satisfied with yourself.

Creature who just learned that if you type "creature," it comes up with emoji of creatures. :cat: :dog: :fish: :dolphin: :bee:

But they're also creatures who can't control others' feelings, so they ultimately have to accept things themselves. :cat:

People are creatures who can't live if they don't actually feel needed by someone. :cat:

:piano: :explosion: :t-rex: :volcano:
T-rex destroying a piano.

I couldn't do a night stream because I watched Jurassic World...

"As long as you believe, dreams never die" is such a cruel phrase brimming with hope.

Anybody who wants to see some composition, come visit. [Followed by a stream of making a new "tragic pop" song.]

Kentucky Fried Nipples [Chikubi]

July 23rd, 2020

But when I feel some sort of suffering, it's a precious experience that only people who's felt it know! I'm having a precious experience! Lucky me! That's how I want to think. If you think like that, then all of life is entertainment.

I AM a masochist! (self-reporting)

Always thinking and saying how painful it is, but unable to stop creating. I'm seriously such a bizarre creature... What are you, a masochist?

It's been like this for all the years I've been doing it, and in fact, it gets more like that the more years I've been tackling music. When there's a song that I feel "succeeded," it becomes my rival, and I feel a lot of pressure...

The scariest thing about putting in time and effort isn't no one liking it, but not being able to make something you're pleased with yourself. But if you fear that, you'll get conservative and be even less able to make things you're pleased with, so it's super scary...

But I know if I ran, I'd never make any songs, and would only further berate myself for spending time not making anything... Ain't living hard?

Somebody help me.

Until I can get the conviction after progressing enough of "this is a good song!", I feel like I'm gonna die from unease, it's so exhausting, I wanna escape.

Why can people not concentrate?

I, who was full of vigor to make a song one hour ago, am now lying down on a yoga mat.

For some reason I cry listening to this.
[Cute Big Band Jazz] Cat and Balloons feat. Miku Hatsune - OSTER project

I'm streaming all the details of making songs. I'm fully nude! :love hotel:

I'll try to get a concept down today so I can stream tomorrow!

I wanna start making another new song today...

Good evening.

July 22nd, 2020

Stripping off one article of clothing at a time, I climb the mountain step by step. That's what music is to me.

I wanna get better at making music...

I do of course have "I want to do jobs like this" as a goal, but I think my feeling of "I want to make music like this" is stronger...

But if I summited Everest, I'd surely turn towards space next... Yes, fully nude in space.

I don't have any plans for one, but if I get interviewed and asked what kind of composer I want to be in the future, I'll answer "I want to be a composer who stands on the summit of Everest nude."

Not just using weird chords, but finding the beauty in them and making them into pop, is horribly difficult, so when I hear a song doing it perfectly I die.

I'm sure nobody understands what I'm talking about. I don't either.

Right now, I think my music is like being half-naked on Mount Takao.

Before I die, I want to make music on the level of standing on the summit of Everest nude. (???)

When I listen to a song with truly amazing chords, I feel like my chords are completely lacking in perverse energy... I've still totally got my underwear on... I wanna reach the point of being fully nude...

I always wanna try to help people with no confidence in themselves change...

Shaddup, everyone's a beginner to start, no point in making people embarrassed about it.

I seriously haven't studied chord theory at all, so I'm trembling every time worrying that I'm tweeting something totally nonsensical, or ridiculously basic stuff that'll make people go "ain't that obvious?"

Am7/D seems to be the majority, so I'll write it like that from now on...

Ever since I noticed that if you invert 7, it also satisfies the notes for a 6, I've kind of hesitated... Should it be case-by-case, or should I make them consistent in the sheet music?

I don't get this at all anymore...

It's just instinctual, but it feels like a 6 on top of C/D, so I feel like C6/D would be good. Feeling-wise.

To write Am7/D, or to write C6/D? That is the question.

The chords in my song are so complicated, I'm losing it writing them out.

Melos did not understand the chords in the song he himself made.

I might not die if it's not in the heart, but I'd like to not be stabbed if possible, since it hurts.

I've been told "OSTER-san, even you (etc.)", but OSTER-san gets depressed just over burning a shabby Salisbury steak, and she'll die if you stab her in the heart with a knife.

Because people with high self-esteem look cool.

I want self-esteem.

Spitfire Chamber Strings is four beautiful sisters. They have Samantha Thavasa shoulder bags and always carry neatly-ironed handkerchiefs.

There's some intense yuri between MODO bass and Drum Tree.

All the synths I have are girls, you see. (?)

Maybe women who twerk it are rare in the natural world... What are you on about this early in the morning???

There being BL but not yuri most likely has to do with the standards of what consistutes BL...
(Continued behind paywall)

I have a sickness that makes me immediately check to see if there are any lesbian penguins when I see something like this.

RT @aky_synes There was a penguin fandom shipping chart at the aquarium. [Photos of a chart of penguins with lines showing their relationships, with a few "ex-BL" relationships for pairs of male penguins who broke up and paired with females.]

July 21st, 2020

Retweet my songs without permission more.

Your lips don't bloom for talking, they bloom for kissing, right?!

Born in the Showa era! Mind, age 18!

I try not to think about how it might be my age that makes me look unhealthy without lipstick, but if that is the case, I should accommodate for it in some way - but oh wait, I'm only 18. Phew, I was sweatin' there...

Even in no-mask times, I'd often be a slovenly woman who didn't put on lipstick thinking "we're gonna have lunch right away, so it'll come off anyway..." But lately I've taken notice of how super unhealthy I look when my lips are colorless, so I'm not sure what to do.

No-lipstick is winning out... I always hesitate over it.

When girls go out wearing a mask... [Poll]
- Put on lipstick [38.4%]
- Don't put on lipstick [61.6%]

I know at this age, my time and energy to put effort into things is limited, and people's interests also weaken as time passes, so I have to put in effort efficiently or I won't survive.

I watched Nausicaä in theaters the other day, and it made me super wanna see a scene of Imperial Princess Kushana streaming ACNH and going "Tanukiii..." when Tom Nook saddles her with a huge loan.

July 20th, 2020

Rin-chan thinks she has to keep a smile up even though her feelings are such a mess because she wants to be with her partner (let's say it's Miku-chan) even if only as friends, so she desperately tries to pretend she's fine, but I want her best friend Miku-chan to see through to the strife beneath Rin-chan's smile...

If I had 5 billion yen, I'd want to mail the Friendship lyrics out to the mailbox of every house in the country... (yuri terrorist)

I think about wanting to make a simple chart of OSTER yuri songs, and 1000 years pass.

Conversely, I do think my hetero songs are bad news, and if they were examined by a psychiatrist it'd would probably be bad, you're scary, stay away from me, but you see, there's this bug where I can't get away from myself. Scary.

When it's a hetero song, I end up making things where they're abandoned or have their partner stolen or they both kill themselves or they jump in the way of a train in front of their boyfriend, but with yuri, I depict pure loves... I'm dreaming of yuri...

[VOCALOID] Friendship [Kagamine Rin]
The most powerful yuri song I could imagine.

There are songs I'm extremely fond of without regard for others' opinions and views and such, and Friendship is that in every way. It's a super important song to me, so in accordance with my yuriship, even if no one wants it, I vow to completely follow the way of my inclinations. In this second year of Reiwa, representative of yuri composers Fuwaci

I'll make the most powerful yuri song I can imagine... Though Friendship is also the strongest.

My remaining objective for this month is making the sequel to Friendship. I'm saying it. If I say it, I'll probably do it.

People are creatures who generally want to go viral, but want to avoid the calamity that comes of going viral.

Feelings are evil.

Before your period, you get irritated and take it out on people! Don't worry, it's not your fault! These seven active ingredients will erase your feelings and destroy your mind!!

But I'm pretty sure English has things like this too. Like how you can't say you like cream pies.

"Osawari" [variation of "touch" akin to "feel up"] being a sexy word, but "otsumami" [includes "pinch/grab," but actually refers to snacks to go with alcohol] not being one must be tough for people studying Japanese...

Jun: "Let me talk more about work, okay? Jun used to work a job where she put durians on nude women, hop."
I wanna do this.

I seemed to recall Kata-Age Potato not being around when I was little, but I looked at the date, and it seems they've been around longer than I thought, so the reality is just that I myself am slowly becoming someone who's been around a long time.

I may be a rando old man who intervened in yuri, but I'm a rando old man who worked hard to make the couple's wedding more wonderful by making wedding dresses and a cake and picking flowers... (???)

The credit "yu_tokiwa.djw & OSTER_project" on murmur twins from O to W has such intense "rando old man intervening in yuri" energy, and in truth, maybe I am something like a rando old man who intervened in yuri.

NicoNico's quality modes also seem to be treating today as a holiday.

Has the concept of Monday changed...? [The reason turned out to be some rescheduling of holidays which was originally intended to accommodate for the Olympics.]

["Marine Day is a national holiday in Japan. It falls on the third Monday of July."
Screenshot of a calendar showing no holiday today (the third Monday), but holidays on Thursday and Friday.]

I've been in a constant state of not knowing what I want to eat since yesterday.

July 19th, 2020

I sometimes write about interpretations of my own songs on Twitter, even, but I want people to have other interpretations, and I want to know what interpretations can be made. Sometimes you can find miraculous meaning beyond the author's intent. (Like the misheard English lyrics of VOC@LOID in Love)

Considering various choices before choosing one, versus only being able to think of one answer and having no choice but to take it... Even if you choose the same thing in the end, isn't the meaning completely different between them? I want to be a flexible person, who can see things from multiple viewpoints.

Bringing out the word "romance" narrows your view and interpretations, but at its root, it's about how people support each other, and it's nonsense to bring rules into that. Bonds take all kinds of forms.

Ashitaka's a man who treasures everything, after all.

Re: that scene in Princess Mononoke where Ashitaka gives San the protective dagger he got from Kaya, I always thought it meant he'd moved on from Kaya now. But I heard someone say he gave it to San believing it would protect her since he trusted Kaya had put precious feelings into it, and I felt ashamed of myself being poisoned by modern stale romances.

From now on, when a sexy lady tells me "Let's do something that feels good together," I'll think to myself "Are we going to listen to TWEEDEES on a sunny day while taking a stroll by the waterside?"...

Listening to TWEEDEES on a sunny day while taking a stroll by the waterside feels so good I LOLed.

July 18th, 2020

Some people disparage others by going and grading their lives, but they should evaluate and better their own lives instead. You gonna waste your life for someone else?

You're the one to grade your own life, so as much as others may insult it, if you think it's good, it's good.

Everyone should become adolescent girls.

I'm an adolescent girl, so every time I feel the matching earrings my friend made swing by my ear, I strongly feel I'm not alone, and courage, hope, and tears well up in me.

I ate maybe too many tasty things today... so starting tomorrow, I'm gonna eat maybe too many tasty things.

Why do I have such powerful fantasizing skills that go in these strange directions...

@urokosakanabito: "The biggest mystery here is the specificity of the dog's breed."
It's because I supposed that he asked the clerk to at least let him hold her, and a long golden hair got on his clothes, which his girlfriend found, and that's why she began to look at him with suspicion. (????)

I don't have any recollection of how that notion began, but for about 5 years now, I've always heard it that way...

Please, Julie☆ - Ken Hirai
When I think Ken Hirai, I remember how I can't stop myself from hearing this as a song about a man who falls seriously in love with a Golden Retriever puppy at a pet shop and even gives her a name.

July 17th, 2020

It constrains everyone to be put into a mold, but you're uneasy if you don't fit into a mold. I think I'll be living with that dilemma for life.

Isn't being a best friend of the same gender just like sitting in the passenger seat of their life??? But saying you're "best friends" makes it categorical, so let's not use words anymore. Look at my brain. Look into my brain.

The idea that being "lovers" wasn't necessarily the closest kind of relationship shattered my preconceptions, and in Passenger Seat Road Movie, that's why Rin-chan doesn't say she wants them to be lovers, but to have to the closest of connections.

People can have totally different values regarding friends and lovers, so I don't at all believe "it has to be this way," and just find it kind of interesting to think about that stuff.

This song came about when a friend told me how making a promise to become lovers can introduce elements you don't share an understanding of that actually means you stop talking to each other, and I was like "Ohhhh, that's a way of looking at it tooooo..."

I'm super inclined to relationships like "Touching "you" let me know "my" shape for the first time"... Light-elemental yuri fan.

I really love Give This Relation A Name.

I'm listening to my own CD for the first time in a while, and they're all good songs... [Links OSTER-san's CD Vol. 2]

When you think about it like that, it might be pretty hard to find something absolutely everyone has.

"Flaws are like hometowns - everyone has them." would probably be the ultimate line to set off Vegeta, whose home planet was destroyed by Frieza.

Rin-chan actually being about to cry is adorable, but Rin-chan actually being about to hurl is pitiable.

Of course I'm super particular about sound, but I'm also super particular about lyrics, so when people take to them, I become a super happy mess.

"I'll take you back home," you told me,
So I laughed "thank you," but really, I was about to hurl (Carsick Road Movie)

A super good friend of mine listens to my OSTER songs, and when I sing "That first crotch that bloomed in secret...", they go "Close it back up!", and when I sing "If it snows tomorrow...", they sing "Get an umbrella~", and it's the best.

In want of a silver shield, we set foot into the silver mine.

I want a silver shield from YouTube, don't you?

This one too.
Understanding the Structure of Fancy Chords: OSTER Explains #5

Uploaded my half-diminished video to YouTube. Still working out the titles... lol
Understanding Half-Diminisheds (m7-5) in 2 Minutes: OSTER Explains #4

I've actually been quietly writing my achievements for the month on Fanbox, and I'm managing to juggle making the Cat and Balloons video, arranging Bubblegum K.K., and the lecture video pretty well! Good for me! I'm a can-do lady!

C-E-G is curry rice, and B is cheese.

I wonder if I should post songs from before I registered for YouTube to YouTube... I know it's awfully late for it.

Since there's getting to be more and more miscellanea like stream archives and lecture videos, I made a YouTube playlist of just my songs.
OSTER project Music

Watching my own work streams makes it feel like I actually worked.

I'm not a music theory lecturer at all, just putting together some tricks I noticed in the process of making music, so be lenient with me plz. :clap:

I truly don't understand what chords I'm using myself until I check the notes later. Don't even know the key.

I'm at least aware there are cases like "This note has this function, which is why it's more appropriate to write it this way."

When you view chords as not formulas to construct music with, but symbols to represent the sounds you imagine, you kinda end up feeling like it doesn't matter how you write it as long as the notes are correct...

But I would like to be more active on YouTube.

I don't know if I can call myself a YouTuber just because I post videos to YouTube.

Lately I've seen add9 written as add2, also... I don't know nothin' anymore.

I don't know the difference between 6 and 13 either. [...in terms of chords]

July 16th, 2020

I wonder if Banksy goes "Banksy!" when he sneezes...

Basically, if you have C-E-G and play B, it's fancy. (irrational)

My latest work.

A video getting down to the truth about fancy chords in just two minutes, with super feel-based explanations.
Previous videos here. #OSTERExplains #Dominowns

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but this video is me doing my best to explain what makes a fancy chord.

C-E-G: Echoes prettily. (social distancing) C-D-E-F-G: Splattt... (Keep your distance!!)

As you can tell, the more clustered notes are, the more they tend to muddle... What's even goin' on here... But in truth, fancy chords work by making these clustered notes into spice!!!! (What's that mean?! Believe it!)

You see, above "C-D-E-F-G~", it continues "C-D-E-F-G~" over and over... And putting the same notes in a different order (voicing) gives a slightly different nuance. (All of these are C chord: C3 + G3 + C4 + E4, C3 + E4 + G4 + C5, C3 + G4 + C5 + E5 + G5, C3 + E5 + G5 + C6 + E6)

Use this method to reorder dense notes like these (splat...), and... C4 + E4 + G4 + B4 + D5 + F#5 + A5 = CM9(#11,13) (Starting to see some faint fanciness???)

Most fancy-sounding chords are concealing clustered notes if you change the voicing. Underline indicates notes that are within +-2 if you change the voicing: CM9 (C-E-G-B-D), D7/F# (F#-D-F#-A-C), FM9 (F-C-F-G-A-C-E), Bb9(#11) (Bb-Bb-D-F-Ab-C-E-F)

Let's use this technique to uncover the truth of some clustered notes... If you use C-E-G as a base and keep stacking 3 notes higher... C, E, G, B (M7), D (9), F (11), A (13), C - rearrange them, and they're all side-by-side!

In particular, the notes 9 and up are called tensions. (B (9), F (11), A (13)) I often use this thing, where the 9th note, which is a tension, is made sharp or flat. (G(#9) → G(b9) → CM7)

However, like I showed at the front, these can easily become muddled, so they're like tricky-to-use condiments. B (M7) = Cheese, D (9) = Balsamic vinegar, F (11) = Wine vinegar, A (13) = Nam pla (* Just personal impressions.) Well, but basically, cheese (sevenths) can be splashed on anything, and it'll generally taste good.

This is an example of a song that doesn't use clustered notes at all. It gives a simple and frank impression, like a folk song or alma mater... (Making a song restraining my perverse powers is actually weirdly hard.)

(Arrangement 1: Cheese-Melt Festival) Let's pour on some cheese (M7 or 7). This alone greatly changes the feel. (Add too much, and you'll get a stomachache...) M7 vs. 7 is your choice each time. When it's minor, I usually prefer 7... And remember, relative to C, B = M7 and Bb = 7.

(Arrangement 2: Everything-On-Top Festival) Balsamic vinegar (9) and up: unlocked. Adding balsamic vinegar (9) on its own has a refreshing sour taste. Combining it with cheese (M7) is often delicious too.

Even outside of sevenths and tensions, you can make clusters with slash chords and all sorts of other things... Try placing notes that fill in gaps in the sound, and just see how it turns out!

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but this video is me doing my best to explain what makes a fancy chord.

Do-mi-so: Echoes prettily. (social distancing) Do-re-mi-fa-so: Splattt... (Keep your distance!!)

As you can tell, the more clustered notes are, the more they tend to muddle... What's even goin' on here... But in truth, fancy chords work by making these clustered notes into spice!!!! (What's that mean?! Believe it!)

You see, above "Do-re-mi-fa-so~", it continues "Do-re-mi-fa-so~" over and over... And putting the same notes in a different order (voicing) gives a slightly different nuance. (All of these are C chord: Do-3 + So-3 + Do-4 + Mi-4, Do-3 + Mi-4 + So-4 + Do-5, Do-3 + So-4 + Do-5 + Mi-5 + So-5, Do-3 + Mi-5 + So-5 + Do-6 + Mi-6)

Use this method to reorder dense notes like these (splat...), and... Do-4 + Mi-4 + So-4 + Ti-4 + Re-5 + Fa#-5 + La-5 = CM9(#11,13) (Starting to see some faint fanciness???)

Most fancy-sounding chords are concealing clustered notes if you change the voicing. Underline indicates notes that are within +-2 if you change the voicing: CM9 (Do-Mi-So-Ti-Re), D7/F# (Fa#-Re-Fa#-La-Do), FM9 (Fa-Do-Fa-So-La-Do-Mi), Bb9(#11) (Ti♭-Ti♭-Re-Fa-La♭-Do-Mi-Fa)

Let's use this technique to uncover the truth of some clustered notes... If you use do-mi-so as a base and keep stacking 3 notes higher... Do, mi, so, ti (M7), re (9), fa (11), la (13), do - rearrange them, and they're all side-by-side!

In particular, the notes 9 and up are called tensions. (Re (9), fa (11), la (13)) I often use this thing, where the 9th note, which is a tension, is made sharp or flat. (G(#9) → G(b9) → CM7)

However, like I showed at the front, these can easily become muddled, so they're like tricky-to-use condiments. Ti (M7) = Cheese, Re (9) = Balsamic vinegar, Fa (11) = Wine vinegar, La (13) = Nam pla. (* Just personal impressions.) Well, but basically, cheese (sevenths) can be splashed on anything, and it'll generally taste good.

This is an example of a song that doesn't use clustered notes at all. It gives a simple and frank impression, like a folk song or alma mater... (Making a song restraining my perverse powers is actually weirdly hard.)

(Arrangement 1: Cheese-Melt Festival) Let's pour on some cheese (M7 or 7). This alone greatly changes the feel. (Add too much, and you'll get a stomachache...) M7 vs. 7 is your choice each time. When it's minor, I usually prefer 7... And remember, relative to do, ti = M7 and ti♭ = 7.

(Arrangement 2: Everything-On-Top Festival) Balsamic vinegar (9) and up: unlocked. Adding balsamic vinegar (9) on its own has a refreshing sour taste. Combining it with cheese (M7) is often delicious too.

Even outside of sevenths and tensions, you can make clusters with slash chords and all sorts of other things... Try placing notes that fill in gaps in the sound, and just see how it turns out!

Looking at people's good art, I noticed one thing that they all have in common. And I realized that understanding it for myself might help me become good at art, too.
The common point is this: Art by people who are good at art is good.

Life is riddled with bugs.

July 15th, 2020

Cheese is godly.

[Photos from a new lecture video:
"A (13) = Nam pla
F (11) = Wine vinegar
D (9) = Balsamic vinegar
B (M7) = Cheese
* Just personal impressions."
"Well, but basically, cheese (sevenths) can basically be splashed on anything, and it'll generally taste good."]

Finalist in the All-Japan Sleepless People Tournament

Forget that crappy saying "The nail that sticks out gets hammered in." I feel like "The kinda guy who hammers in sticking-out nails out is boring as hell" would do much more good for the world.

Ten years ago, I feared entering my thirties, but ever since I turned 30, I cling to these thirties.

I'm making a lecture video about how to make chords with a fancy sound.

Could it all be an ironic expression of the fact that people can only interpret the world through the inaccurate devices that are their own senses?? What does it mean?! What does it all mean?! Damn it all!!

If we expand the definition of "ego" to include our own perception of everything in the world, then can this use of "egosearch" really be called a misuse? What is the world... What is an ego?

Lately, I've noticed misuse of the term "egosearch." More and more young people are calling it "egosearching" to search not for themselves, but for celebrities, stores, games, basically anything.
This gave me pause. Should I be questioning my assumption that only your own self can be called your "ego"? Just what is an ego?

OSTER Songs VS Automatic Chord Analysis Program
