OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

August 1st, 2020

My cat isn't affectionate with me at all. Or maybe it is affectionate. Maybe it's a fault of mine that I can't accept it as affection if it isn't obviously so. What the heck, this hurts.

A cat won't do.

I'm an annoying drunk, so I want people to like me.

I like "hyperbolic tangent" because it sounds like the name of an attack.

Pant, pant,,, Miss, tell me your favorite functions,,,

Girls, dance to OSTER songs together! What'll happen then? You don't know? I'll be happy and you'll get more yuri songs. :woman-woman couple: :woman-woman couple:

When you hear the words "Fibonacci sequence," whether you respond "Recurrence relation!" or "Recursive function!" distinguishes what field you're... dis.... distinguishes...

[Fairies] Dancing To kissing fish [Original Choreo]

I'm like, such a baby.

I'm a baby, so I can't compose.

If one can be "victorious" in life, surely it's not by beating someone else, but by being satisfied with yourself and having fun.
Of course I'm sure there are also lots of people who'd consider beating others something they enjoy but it's still not the only thing okay.

Lately, I'm kinda more envious of people who seem to be having fun rather than people who are talented...

The people who say you have to be good at it to upload a video of you singing must make restaurant-quality dishes when they cook for themselves, and write as neatly as a textbook, and have a walk as beautiful as a model... How enviable...

When "one size fits all" clothes don't fit you, for instance, it makes you super depressed that you're not even within the expectations of what a human is, so I want them to stop labeling things as one size fits all. (delicate yakuza)

I've also tried stuff like "simple hair styling even clumsy people can do!", and I couldn't do it at all, so I must be a garbage human for whom "clumsy" doesn't even suffice...

Me: "Playing E on ukulele is too hard... I'll see if there's an easy way to do it..."
Video: "There's an easy way to do it."
Me: "Thank goodness..."
Video: "First, hold the entire fourth fret with your index finger."
Me: "Don't screw with meeeee!!"

If you just tack on "future," it kinda makes it sound like a modern genre.

When your dreams come true,
It's not thanks to somebody else
It's thanks to me, yo
Be grateful, yo

I've prepared a new face and name!
Sell your strengths with Coconala.

I've eliminated that pesky human!
Sell your strengths with Coconala.

It's fine to like boobs. We're mammals, after all.

I pretty much only wear a yukata once a year, so I bought some earrings I wanted to wear with it, but I dunno where they went, and even my memory of buying those earrings is pretty vague.

Don't you wanna wear a yukata? Yukataaa.

July's over... I hate everything...

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