OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 19th, 2020

I sometimes write about interpretations of my own songs on Twitter, even, but I want people to have other interpretations, and I want to know what interpretations can be made. Sometimes you can find miraculous meaning beyond the author's intent. (Like the misheard English lyrics of VOC@LOID in Love)

Considering various choices before choosing one, versus only being able to think of one answer and having no choice but to take it... Even if you choose the same thing in the end, isn't the meaning completely different between them? I want to be a flexible person, who can see things from multiple viewpoints.

Bringing out the word "romance" narrows your view and interpretations, but at its root, it's about how people support each other, and it's nonsense to bring rules into that. Bonds take all kinds of forms.

Ashitaka's a man who treasures everything, after all.

Re: that scene in Princess Mononoke where Ashitaka gives San the protective dagger he got from Kaya, I always thought it meant he'd moved on from Kaya now. But I heard someone say he gave it to San believing it would protect her since he trusted Kaya had put precious feelings into it, and I felt ashamed of myself being poisoned by modern stale romances.

From now on, when a sexy lady tells me "Let's do something that feels good together," I'll think to myself "Are we going to listen to TWEEDEES on a sunny day while taking a stroll by the waterside?"...

Listening to TWEEDEES on a sunny day while taking a stroll by the waterside feels so good I LOLed.

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