OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 18th, 2020

Some people disparage others by going and grading their lives, but they should evaluate and better their own lives instead. You gonna waste your life for someone else?

You're the one to grade your own life, so as much as others may insult it, if you think it's good, it's good.

Everyone should become adolescent girls.

I'm an adolescent girl, so every time I feel the matching earrings my friend made swing by my ear, I strongly feel I'm not alone, and courage, hope, and tears well up in me.

I ate maybe too many tasty things today... so starting tomorrow, I'm gonna eat maybe too many tasty things.

Why do I have such powerful fantasizing skills that go in these strange directions...

@urokosakanabito: "The biggest mystery here is the specificity of the dog's breed."
It's because I supposed that he asked the clerk to at least let him hold her, and a long golden hair got on his clothes, which his girlfriend found, and that's why she began to look at him with suspicion. (????)

I don't have any recollection of how that notion began, but for about 5 years now, I've always heard it that way...

Please, Julie☆ - Ken Hirai
When I think Ken Hirai, I remember how I can't stop myself from hearing this as a song about a man who falls seriously in love with a Golden Retriever puppy at a pet shop and even gives her a name.

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