OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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June 25th, 2022

Forest Friendsss! :hot spring symbol:

In my dream, I was swinging around a longsword.

June 24th, 2022

Goodbye, real world.

Progress. [Photo of Cubase error: "No valid license found. Program will now exit."]

Cubase-kun is boycotting.

Today's work time limit is 2 hours. Please begin.

Did you mean: police dog antonym cat burglar

Do a birthday stream starting with nothing, making my own instrumental on stream, and ending the stream with the actual performance.

June 23rd, 2022

Closing shop today. Good work...

will not end.

It's irritating to be better at composing than longsword, so I'll practice longsword...

Wish I could be doing this well against Malzeno too.

It's going so well with composition it's scary.

Tea made using your own personal seaweed:
My Nori Tea

Favorite Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Favorite phrase: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

I'm using too much power and becoming no longer human.

I'm making songs at unbelievable speeds, it's wild.

I feel like it'd be easier if you just didn't feel lonely, but if you didn't feel lonely you'd probably take care of everything yourself and wouldn't get to have any growth or realizations beyond that, so there's pros and cons.

I fondly remember being at a cafe thinking about and directly writing down these lyrics with a pencil on printed sheet music. It gave me a strong feeling of having become a lyricist, except I already was a lyricist.

In Starry Sky Party Tune:
"Everyone gets lost when they're alone,
So that must be why we feel lonely"
While writing these lyrics, I was like "I see, so is that why.........."

I've written the new song "Starry Sky Party Tune" for Maimai Deluxe! :shooting star: The vocals are by Sorako-san (@yurusrk)!
You can play it starting tomorrow (the 24th), so please give it a try! :folded hands:

June 22nd, 2022

The full game isn't out yet, but update when? (????)

Started weirdly sweating because I'm so bad at Monster Hunter.

Feels like my skillfulness at other things is all being sucked up by music.

LOLing at having made something that doesn't feel like one of my own songs at all.

Despite being busy, I made a song in three days, so I'm a genius.

Actually, they're also similar in the sense that when you don't have many choices, you're like "whatever I try on it's not really working, what do I do, it's all over."

I was up until morning yesterday refraining from Malzeno and making a song, so I'm super tired.

I went and said something artist-like, so I won't tweet about anything but Monster Hunter for the rest of the day. Sorry about that.

It's fun when writing lyrics to think about distinct usages, like how "mutter" and "whisper" are very similar words, but the former suggests being alone and the latter can suggest there being someone you're whispering words to. It's like the excitement of picking accessories to go with your outfit for the day.

It's easy when you can choose your favorite from some presets, huh. Life is the same way.

June 21st, 2022

Always want to be peppermint-oiling up my balls drawer.

Always want to be oiling up my word drawer.

Satisfied to have put some harsh lyrics to a harsh song.

As a breather from composition, maybe I'll make a different song...

Throw out the fantasy of "normal."

The price for being able to do non-normal things being that you can't do normal things is tiring in its own way.

When I was like "Why can't I do normal things?", someone responded "'Cause you can do non-normal things?", and I was actually kinda satisfied with that.

Absolutely this.

RT @q07a_ Wish I had been raised as a human who could do normal things normally.

Monster Hunter is said to be good for your health.

RT @yuruaoo Feels like I'm preserving my mental health lately thanks to Monster Hunter. LOL Even through the rainy season... :crying laughing: :sparkle:

Of course there's lots of games I like that let you experience a story, but the ones I play the longest are games where you can feel your own growth...

Also, doing dumbass commentary lately has me thinking I might be kinda amusing, so I want to keep working at different things and digging up amusin' selves. Please like and subscribe.

If you conclude that you're worthless, whatever anyone else says won't have any effect, so ending up in that state is the most yikes thing, which is why feeling that you can grow through effort is super important and ties into your self-worth. It might be when I'm playing games that I'm able to feel that most.

But of course, me being willing to put in that kind of effort depends on being interested in and enjoying it. That's right. Thank you, Monster Hunter.

Like for instance, something could happen in the future that makes me unable to hear so I'm unable to make music anymore, and thinking about what I'd do in an event like that makes me scared, so I want to have various skills to affirm myself. It's that kind of thing.

This is probably an irrational thought, but it occurred to me that when I'm only well-regarded for one thing, I'm fearful that if I lose that thing I'll become worthless, so maybe I want to challenge a variety of things and have people learn about more sides of myself.

I'll make a song to earn the right to run Malzeno.

I have no time...

Had a super scary dream where I mistakenly played an unreleased song on stream.

When Rise came out, I wasn't playing Monster Hunter as zealously as I do now, and I didn't experience stuff like how much ratings of each weapon changed from the demo to the full version in real time, so I'm kind of trembling with fear now... Well, though I doubt longsword will get any weaker than this...

I was glad to hear someone say "You're so good! Please teach me how to use longsword!"
It was a dream, though.

June 20th, 2022

For real, Malzeno is a fun monster, and if it weren't so fun I wouldn't be able to go this hard.

Would be nice to break 10 minutes before the full release.

It's sloppy, so the time's not great, but cleared deathless for the first time!

:woman: "50% of "i-re-zu-mi" [tattoo] is made of "re-zu" [lesbian], y'know."

I'm unbelivably terrible at Monster Hunter today...

I'm happy to hear "I've listened to your music, but I also watched your game videos!", but I'm even happier to hear "I learned of you from your game videos and listened to your music!"

I wanna play Hunster Monter.

I'm middle-aged, but I make songs like a youth.

While everyone's busy doing time attacks on Malzeno, could I become famous running Astalos???

Even if I made 20 billion yen a year, I feel like things wouldn't be any different and I'd still just be fighting Malzeno and going to the hospital daily.

I wanna live bountifully with an annual income of 20 billion yen.

June 19th, 2022

Monster Hunter before as a casual player: "Alright! It faltered!"
Monster Hunter now as a time attacker: "It faltered! That's bad!"

I wanna play Sunbreak, but playing Rise multiplayer has me wanting to play that 'cause it's fun, but I guess I'll play Sunbreak...

Thank you for the match.
["I finished a song."]

It makes me glad to see people having a ton of fun playing games I love...

I'm not good at games, so I can't improve as much as others spending the same amount of time, but it's fun.

When I was fighting Malzeno, my hands were shaking from fighting Malzeno too much, but since I stopped fighting Malzeno, my hands shake from wanting to fight Malzeno, so my hands will shake for the rest of my life.

Watching people good at games super makes me wanna get good at games... I aspire to people who can entrance people with their gameplay.

I'll make up for the 4 days spent on the Sunbreak demo (including 1 day spent recording commentary) in this one day.

Making a song today.

The harsh thing about Malzeno isn't that you die if you mess up 2 times, it's that you die if you mess up 1.5 times, do you get me?????

June 18th, 2022

I wanna break 10 minutes on Malzeno.

Making discoveries about new systems is fun.

Though I did defeat Malzeno, it's such a super good monster I could run it forever... I wanna lower my time, and first of all I wanna be able to clear it without dying.

Talking for 12 minutes with this level of energy takes so much stamina...

[New Monster Hunter Sunbreak Video]
Ran demo Malzeno with longsword in 11'51 (my first victory) and commentated it.
With 29 hours of recording, I worked super hard, so please check it out. :folded hands: #TesrosetTransmission

Just by virtue of being a counter-oriented weapon type, you're sticking close to your opponent and watching their attacks, so there's a super high risk of getting hit, and I crave a suitable reward for it...

No matter how much longsword is nerfed, I won't let it go...

Isn't Malzeno with longsword lethally difficult???????

June 17th, 2022

After playing Sunbreak longsword for nearly 30 hours, the tempo playing Rise longsword was so different I couldn't do it at all...

Man, it really is so fun... The sense of achievement is ridiculous... Maybe I feel this refreshed because the one death just felt like something beyond my ability, lol

Rise time attacks are generally over within 5 minutes, so doing tight time-attack-style movement for over 10 minutes was super rough mentally, and I wasn't at all able to the same movement in the latter half as the first...

I've never tried this hard in my life. (exaggerated)

I'll upload the video later, but the moment where I take a death is extremely funny, so please look forward to it. Truly, small monsters are evil. :smile with halo:

[Screenshot of Steam playtime] Time it took to defeat Malzeno:
29.1 hours
It was a painful but incredibly fun three days... :crying: I am the top-hunter!!

My first victory over Malzeno longsword solo!!!
1 death and 11:51!!!!!
Thank you for the match!!!!!!!!!

I will defeat Malzeno today.

Having a thing where, while I'm unable to defeat Malzeno, I'm seeing time attackers do tight and cool movement that I wanna imitate, so I'll never beat it in my life.

June 16th, 2022

I was unable to clear Malzeno. :distraught: [Screenshot of Steam playtime for the demo: 22.9 hours.]

I've fought Malzeno so much, my hands are starting to shake as I hold chopsticks...

I can't beat it even after trying for 17 hours, so I'm retiring from Monster Hunter.


Found that the sudden stream issue yesterday has gone away. Sorry for the trouble. No clue about the cause...

25 hours have passed since the demo went live. [Screenshot of Steam playtime for the demo: 12 hours.]

Was longsword ever as complex as this in any previous Monster Hunters?????? :eyeroll: I guess that means it feels just that good when you get into it, huh...

June 15th, 2022

The fate of one who challenged Malzeno for 12 hours. #TesrosetTransmission

I can't defeat Malzeno...

Got a separate stream up.

How sad...

Sorry, it doesn't seem to be getting fixed, I wonder why...

Can't fix it... :smile with halo:

Malzeno's so strong, it even uses attacks like this.

["Could not update YouTube settings. A problem occurred while updating stream info. You can <try-again-link>try again [...] start streaming</just-go-live-link>. This error [...]"]

The stream stopped for some reason and I can't reconnect... :crying:


Going live at 9:30.
Musical Vtuber Challenging Demo Malzeno #TesrosetTransmission

I thought it was just me being bad, but I'm relieved to see everyone struggling. (?)

I can't beat Mal-chan, but iais are super fun.

Because I've done so much time attacking, I'm really bad at fighting safely and healing... :eyeroll:

Finally made it up to Wyvern Riding Mal-chan.

I still can't beat Malzeno, but I feel like it's gonna be a ton of fun once I learn.

Isn't Malzeno a super good monster????

So weak, Malzeno kill in 5 minutes LOLOLOL
As in, Malzeno killed me.

It's sudden, but I have an announcement.
Today, the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak demo is being released.
Please, let's all play it.

June 14th, 2022

My hands are shaking, so I guess I'll play Monster Hunter to calm down...

If I don't get away from my Target Camera reliance, I'll get stuck on the Narga variant, so I've gotta do something...

Anyone else unable to think about anything but Monster Hunter today?

If the demo Malzeno is similar difficulty to demo Magnamalo, I might not be able to beat it.

Can it just be 11 AM the moment the date changes this one time?????

No matter how many times I think about today's Sunbreak announcements, it's so wild...

I just realized, but it's probably good to distinguish between Herocis and Felyne Heroics, so I wonder if I should have written Felyne Heroics... I didn't know the etiquette...

RT @tarotaro0_game What's with this mysterious musical Vtuber who can do this time attack and also a explanatory commentary...? Nice run!

It's super fun to add commentary to my own playing.

[New Monster Hunter Rise Video]

Apex Zinogre Emergency, Longsword, Heroics
Run and commentated in 2'39.

I did a lot of runs and talked a lot.
Please check it out. #TesrosetTransmission #MonsterHunterRise

I find casual use of the word "godly" suspect. What I'm trying to say is, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is godly.

What kind of dog is always trembling?
A shiver inu.

Even if I get complimented for being good at Monster Hunter, I find myself giving a bossy, Killua-like "___-san's way better."

People around me are using Heroics all the time, so I've been numbed to it, but if you think about it, purposefully fighting monsters with just a sliver of health is abnormal...

I wonder if I'd get good at Splatoon too if I tried for 1000 hours... It's a matter of whether I can try for 1000 hours, huh.

It seems like I've played Monster Hunter Rise an absolute ton, but even combining with the PC version, I want to say I've only played about 1000 hours.

That thing where you think you're going to go back to bed after watching the Capcom Showcase, but you're too excited to sleep anymore.

Zenith Magnamalo

It's so funny that even "Tiga Rare Species" is trending.

I'm awaiting all you pro hunters' videos of beating Malzeno.

[Retweeting info on demo] Demo around 11 AM, got it.

I'm gonna be playing this the rest of my life at this rate...

Wha, so basically I can play the demo tomorrow??? Which means, starting tomorrow,,, I see,,,,,

Thank you, Capcom...

My mind's blank from my expectations being vastly exceeded.


I'm glad to see rare variants return, and also, so it's like that, huh...

Sunbreak confirmed godly game, thank you so much.

Nargacuga variant?!?!?!?!?!

Demo!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this!!!!

Gore Magala is bad news!!

Espinas! One of the Frontier ones?!?!



It's here!!

It's starting!

June 13th, 2022

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (talking in sleep)

Five more hours, huh?

I bet you didn't know, but this Monster Hunter game's super fun.

Changed my header. [to a screenshot of the 2:39]

Didn't think I'd suddenly become this much of a gamer after 30.

[Re: Sunbreak news on the upcoming Capcom Showcase stream] Better get up early tomorrow.

Earth Jet is such an astronomy-sounding term, so why is it bug spray...

I've got three whole game videos I wanna post this month.

Let's do longsword time attacks, everybody, c'mon, let's do it, Sunbreak's coming out soon so let's take this opportunity to do it.

Yuri with a girl sobbing despite being told "I like you," clinging to a lady leaving who says "there's like 200 different kinds of liking."

June 12th, 2022

Rewatching it, feels like I was saved by behavior a bunch of times, and there were quite a few mistakes in judgement...

I'm a Vtuber who can hunt a powered-up Apex Zinogre in 2:39. I'm awaiting work.

For now, I'm really glad I was able to do what I wanted before Sunbreak... This is the Monster Hunter movement I've put the most work into in my life...

I imagine this is about the best I can do at my current ability... Good work. :green tea:

Wonder if I can shave off about 30 seconds? :smile with halo: (rest already)

I shouted real loud.

Apex Zinogre Emergency, Heroics

I finally made it!!! I did it!! I did it!!!!

I've got so much to do my head's gonna burst, but I want to quit going "well first of all, let's do something like play Monster Hunter to calm down." (plays Monster Hunter)

When I get old, I feel like you could play me one of my songs at the old folks' home and I'd be like "sounds kinda familiar, but it's a good song."

I have so many songs I don't remember them all.

I don't know why everyone follows me. Probably because they want to see parries and iais, gotta be.

I realized something amazing about Twitter - just take my word for it and tap the thing that says "Followers."
If you take a careful look at the list of people that shows up, every one of them is following you...

There's lots to do yet I can't finish any of it, my power is so weak...

June 11th, 2022

All my life I've just relied on people spoiling me because I'm a shameful adult.

All my life I've wanted to be an adult who gets spoiled rotten...

It's become my objective before Sunbreak to record a proper video of me getting a 2:XX time on Emergency Apex Zinogre.

Thanks for stream! A shame I couldn't do it to my satisfaction... :crying: I'll practice more.

So unable to win with Herocis... :sniffle: :sniffle: :sniffle: :sniffle:

[Sad News] 2 hours unable to clear with Heroics.

Beginner Heroics VS Apex Zinogre

Based on the poll, I'll stream Malenia parrying Apex Zinogre with Heroics. Thanks in advance.

If I were to suddenly start something... [Poll]
- Malenia parry stream [36.6%]
- Apex Zinogre Heroics stream [63.4%]

At the Capcom Showcase, is there gonna be a Sunbreak demo or is there not?!
There'sssss... [Poll]
- Not! [43.6%]
- Gonna! [56.4%]

A week's passed already.....

June 10th, 2022

Want someone to make a ranking of songs that are fun to blast while cleaning the bath.

I had a super fun time blasting this and cheerfully cleaning the bath.
Ringo Sheena & Junpei Sheena's "The Onion Song"

What's good about it? The title is good.

I'm doing the thing of relistening to songs I provided for others, and Gaming Polar Bear is so good.

Tesro-sama, Roset-chan, and me split the work up, you see...

RT @crab_kanikani The more you follow OSTER project's activities of playing games and illustrations and everything else, the more uncertain you get about when she makes music.

I'm not skilled, but I wanna draw cute-ish art.

I haven't drawn lately, but it's fine to just go reupload old art. #TesrosetArt

That time I found a building that looks like a follow-up to How Do You Like Wednesday?

["Karaoke & Rental Hall Do-Re-Mi-Fa Oizumi"; Yo Oizumi was the host of said TV show.]

["Once Again Doesn't Know Her Own Song's Chords: Roset-san (23)"]

:dice: #Dominowns

The more fun the dream, the more tragic it is that it's not real.

The painkiller took effect and I slept unfortunately soundly.

Painkillers are cold and delicious.

My body hurts today, so I decided to drink this painkiller. :pensive:

I'm so smart, I've fully memorized pi to 3 digits.

I've been told "you're so smart it pisses me off," and I was like "yeah, I'm smart."

All people in OSTER project are smart.

RT @MIUCLN All people who like OSTER project are smart.

An aspect I focus on... :OK sign:

RT @s_c12h22o11 The reason I like OSTER-san's songs is that even when they do something complex, it never comes at the cost of the melody's catchiness, and how each song has a consistent message that lends it strength.

Had a dream Monster Hunter time attacks became an Olympic event.

June 9th, 2022

I've never firmly developed my movement in a game to this degree before, so part of me's sad that the environment will change once Sunbreak's out.

There are countless people who are better at games than me, but my gameplay is something only I can do. (family precept)

I think if I watched the episode where Nobita's grandma uses a time machine to come scold Nobita's dad now, I'd burst into tears.

Becoming an adult isn't "being fine even if you don't get pampered," just "no longer getting pampered."

Adults are lonely souls.

Maybe it's since when you grow up, you aren't able to just casually go play anymore? So envious of being like "Can I go play with them today?" as a kid.

Perhaps because I've gotten older, on days after hanging out, moreso than going "that was fuuun," the loneliness of what I'd been looking forward to being over has grown stronger over the years, which is no good at all.

Days where you toootally unavoidably lack motivation are just days lacking motivation, so there's no helping it.

Someone called a Kitty (cocktail) "Kitty-chan" and I didn't get it, so I said "You wouldn't call fish Fish-kun, would ya?", and yet they wouldn't accept that, which I still haven't accepted myself.

Oh yeah, today's the 5th annivesary... :whale:
[VOCALOID] Whale Rider [Kagamine Rin]

June 8th, 2022

On days I go out, the way my energy absolutely crashes the moment I take off my makeup is worrying.

Wearing "beer" earrings and driving feels weirdly naughty.

By going with a woman to try on clothes and being complimented, I received many of the crucial nutrients I need to live... (I bought clothes)

:brown-haired woman: Sorry, did I keep you waiting?
:blonde-haired woman: Long enough for hot coffee to become iced coffee.
:brown-haired woman: What a bargain! :heart:
Fantasizing about a yuri argument that starts like this.

Coffee is bitter like love.

I ordered wiener coffee, but there was no wiener inside. :angry: [Based on the Japanese for "Vienna" and "wiener" being the same.]

Doctor, that there is a treasure of humanity. Take good care of him.

RT @MONACA_kosaki [Satoru Kosaki]
Doctor: "So you work as... a composer! That's great! What kinds of songs do you make?"
Me: "Uh, well... mainly anime songs, so you probably wouldn't be familiar..."
Doctor: "Ohh, like what?"
Me: "...Like Haruhi, and Bakemonogatari..."
Doctor: "..."
Me: "..."

I'll keep doing my best. :smile with halo:

June 7th, 2022

Monster Hunter Rise is a deeply important game to me, especially being the first game I've time attacked and even entered a competition for... Thank you, Rise... (not like Rise is ending or anything)

It suddenly occured to me that Sunbreak releasing means now's my last chance to do time attacks in the current environment... Gotta do what I left undone... What did I leave undone, again?

People who can handle things efficiently rule this world.

Malicious rumors about already being a week into June.

I want to become OSTER progamer-san.

I want to get good at games, so maybe I'll make a song today...

June 6th, 2022

Come to think of it, the cause of the tearing was the Game Bar.... Goodbye, Game Bar...

The longer I play games that take concentration, the worse I get...

I at least want to make it to the second phase.

At this speed, only rolling when you let go of the button is harsh.

I'm finally able to respond to the down-swing, but my parry success rate is only about 30%...

Hell reflex test.

It's sad in Elden Ring when I occasionally don't get a roll off and die.

Monster Hunter is largely a game of memorization, but Elden Ring is a game of reflexes, so it's pretty harsh.

What should people whose tearing isn't fixed even by turning on Vsync do...?

[Linking an article about companies checking applicants' alt accounts before hiring]
:office: "OSTER project, eh? Let's inspect her alt account before commissioning a song."
OSTER project: "Parry videos! Monster Hunter videos! Dicks! Poopie!"
:office: "...Where's her main account?"

I get the impression that my efforts in Elden Ring have made me better at games in general, yet playing nothing but Elden Ring has made me bad at Monster Hunter.

I'm a game streamer who posts actually-pro-level music.

RT @sarugon6 I'm late, but I guess the third of OSTER-san's Album CDs came out.
Lately she's been uploading actually-pro-level game explainer videos nonstop, so I assumed she wasn't making much music.
Sure enough, her melody lines are great :relieved face:

There's been moves I didn't react to in time where I feel like I would've been in time on PC, but maybe it's just my imagination...

Played Monster Hunter on Switch after a while, and it's really choppy.

I've been returned from days of food appearing even if I don't cook to days where I need to cook to make food appear, so I cooked.

Wake me up if a Sunbreak demo comes out.

happy birthday tsuyu [rainy season] :birthday cake:

I wanna mess around with Unreal Engine. (however, time)

Theory: We can sense umami ingredients as umami because it's the hometown flavor of life itself.
