OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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November 9th, 2021

Make a Nendoroid of the Tesroset Girls with this design... [presumably referring to the OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3 cover]

I want to bring people the courage and hope that even if you're bad at games, with effort, you can become decent.

Wanna stream my Apex Zinogre progress tomorrow or so...

Watching other people game makes me wanna game, so let's work on Apex Zinogre!!

[Retweeting an official Crypton tweet about the "Love Letter for Vocaloid Music" project, where people could submit letters about their favorite songs]
I received a lot addressed to me!!!! Plenty of English letters. :globe:
Thank you for listening my music :music score:

Wait a martini. :cocktail glass:

It's so amusing how Alcohol Song has 4 times the views on NicoNico compared to YouTube.

I mean, hey, if a series lasts for 64 numbered entries, it's gotta be for good reason!!!!

This brand new game called Mario Tennis 64 that came out on Switch recently is super fun.

I did well when I was listening to Claire-san sing, so I hope she streams the day of the Tarotaro Cup too. (?)

Whoaaaaa!!!!! [Screenshot of getting 5:48 on such a run]

When y'say "I like girls who like games," does that "like games" part include doing speedruns of Apex Zinogre solo with low-rank weapons...?

Who said you could let it rain on a day when I'm going out?

November 8th, 2021

[Retweeting hourly Vocaloid ranking in which Alcohol Song places first, with kemu's Tower of Rubble in second] Alcohol Song taking first in the dead of night...

Listening to various songs at concerts and on CDs, I've worried what I should do next with my music, but I feel like ultimately I can only make what I feel like making.

I could eat Ikinari Steak filet endlessly.

Ah!! I wanna eat Ikinari Steak!!! It's 2 AM, never mind.

Regular reminder that I accept Tesroset doujinshi as a present.

I'm gonna be gettin' older soon!!

Art! The rough sketch looks cuter! Damn, damn, damn!

That line in Whale Rider, "the one place I can be my certain self is in the gap between sheets," might have ended up different if I hadn't known about Between the Sheets.

When it comes to cocktails with sexy names, Between the Sheets takes the gold...

It's an amazing thing to enjoy living...

Being able to meet with people, I'm steadily regaining the joys of life.

I love restaurants, and restaurants love me too.

There's a place I've been eager to get lunch at but that keeps being fully booked, so I wanna get my revenge...

Circular motion with expressions.

Never made a circular motion with uniform velociuty with AE expressions before, so let's try it. :heart:

If something were to be in a state of total motionlessness in outer space, dunno what kind of state that would even be.

Come to think of it, the Earth is spinning as well as revolving around the Sun, and the solar system itself is traveling around the Milky Way, and the Milky Way itself is moving through space, so how do you define absolute speed anyhow?

[Alcohol Song] 10,000 views on NicoNico! :clap:

My body's dead, so I can't do nothin' today...

It was rough listening to "on the rocks" at Magical Mirai and having different lyrics cross my mind because of "on the rice."

[Retweeting her "on the rice" parody] I like this.

Meeting the morning without any hangover, feeling entirely refreshed.

Good job to everyone involved in Magical Mirai! :folded hands: This time, my songs Love Ward and "on the rocks" were performed. :ambulance: :tumbler glass:

This is a worrying lineup of emoji.

I'll never forget the taste of the curry I had yesterday.

Morning! My muscles are dead!

November 7th, 2021

Open a curry shop... Please...

At a bar where I could drink beer infinitely, they kept bringing out absurd-quality meals one after another, but then in the endgame they brought out curry that easily ranks as "greatest in my life," and it swept the whole thing...

I drank, walked 5 lightyears in the park, drank, drank again, then drank some more, so I'm super exhausted.

As an early birthday present, I received a drink that sounds like it's gonna make a stupidly huge explosion. :bottle and cup:

Appealing to what a wonderful adult I am that no matter how much I drink, I can get home okay.

[Retweeting Alcohol Song] This is my character song.

[More pictures of beer] My entire body has become alcohol. Thank you for the good fight.

Sake!! All-you-can-drink!! No time limit!!! Unstoppable!!! The strongest!!!!

[Photos of beer and food] I'm as pumped up as if I was at a theme park!!!!!

I just noticed I've been gaining followers and I'm almost to 50,000, wow, that's like a city.

It's fun for the whole family!

On Twitter, I dedicate myself to making refreshing lewd jokes people of all ages can enjoy.

November 6th, 2021

I'll get my fur nice and clean for the dog show tonight...

Make a gijinka of me!!!! I wanna be a human!!!!

RT @CHIKARUTOF The new trend should be Vocaloid-P Musume, with gijinkas of Vocaloid producers.

Even if I create a four-minute song, it feels more like it took over 30 years to finally create it.

Azure Blue's arrangement's so good! Did a pro do this?!

I've come to feel like the importance of vocabulary isn't knowing difficult words, but the ability to construct things in the most fitting way using words everyone knows.

I'm super fond of the line about "sewing together pleasure" in Scandal Makers, but what do you think? (what do you think?) #OSTERsanCD

Foreign commenter...

Heeheehee, looking forward to tomorrow.

[Re: "trying out a VOCALOID keyboard" tweet] This is getting kind of a huge response, but I'm a mouse-sequencer, so I'm seriously awful at playing impromptu on a keyboard in real life.

Utsubo-kun was absurdly accomodating and drew a ton of art, so the video ended up super bustling, please watch the video, I'll do anything.

It's amazing having this crappy rough sketch turned into a proper picture. #AlcoholSong

I wonder if there are any other original songs that use Zunda and Metan?

I can't see this as anything but an interspecies love triangle.

Where can I see the followup to this?

The illustrations in this driving safety book are so unique, it's stimulating.

At the Magical Mirai expo yesterday, I tried out a VOCALOID keyboard. The man there complimented me, saying "you're really good at playing that." Maybe I could become a Vocaloid producer too.

I had a dream I went to visit Dog's house and said "Woohoo, it's the kennel!", and they got mad like "Stop calling it that," but it was so realistic I didn't realize it was a dream.

Alcohol Song having more views on NicoNico than YouTube definitely checks out.

[Screenshot of another Twitter verification rejection] Were they fast sending the lyrics this time or what??????? And they're basically the same as season 1...

Had a dream I lived in apartment where if you got drunk and fell asleep in the winter, they had a service where the big-boobed landlady would sleep next to you and warm up your bed.

November 5th, 2021

Sure enough, I downed a bottle of wine!!!

They should teach you in high school physics that if you eat pizza, it goes away!!! (drunk scientific old-timer's irritation)

I'd probably cry even if I wasn't drunk.

I'm emotional from drinking, and crying watching Japan Coast Guard diver exams.

I buy wine bottles with caps in case I don't drink the whole bottle, but I usually do drink the whole bottle...

I was extra prepared this time and scheduled a tweet! No cutting corners!

:beer mug: New Song :beer mug:
Happiness won't come walking to you
That's why you drink
"Alcohol Song feat. Tohoku Kiritan with Zundamon & Shikoku Metan"
YouTube / NicoNico #OSTERsanCD

It's laughable how much time and effort went into preparing so many jokes... When you mess around, go all the way!!

Thank you for watching the debut of this joke-riddled music video!!!! For now, let's drink!!!!!!! :clinking mugs:

It started!
[Music Video] Alcohol Song feat. Tohoku Kiritan with Zundamon & Shikoku Metan

[Re: Alcohol Song] One more hour...!

Might make it back just in time...!

Though Miku-san doesn't age, I get old and wrinkled and my back gets bad, and even when the day comes that I die of old age, Miku-san will be the same as the day I met her... I'm making myself sad going and thinking that.

I've been dating Miku-san for 14 years, y'know.

[Retweeting "Magical Mirai 2121 theme song"] This song did not play.

Went to see Magical Mirai! Miku-san and everyone was the best! MuSIc Iss SoO FunnNnnNN!!!!!!!!

November 4th, 2021

[Retweeting it again after midnight] It's today! If you're underage, drink Chanmery!!

[Retweeting Alcohol Song announcement] Prepare your drinks for 10 PM tomorrow!!!!

All these announcements coming in like bam-bam-bam-bam lately makes me feel ike I'm working a ton. (in reality, I'm having peaceful days)

Surprise, TEAC is releasing a Miku-san turntable! And I wrote a song called "Liking Takes You Along" for the bonus LP record!! It's a happy big-band song. Thanks in advance!!

[Re: "wa*king in the park" tweet] Look, you don't have to give this tweet likes, so please listen to the new song I'm uploading tomorrow...


RT @g9v9g_mirei Wanking?!

Seeing a huge dog being walked is the best, so anyone who owns a huge dog, keep on walking them!!

Wa*king in the park feels so good...

God said, "Electromagnetic waves and stuff seem bad for your health, so get rid of 'em all!" And then there wasn't light.

No: Plugin
Yes: Weapon

[Screenshot of a features list for an instrument plugin, then zooming in on the last bullet point: "Kills 99.9% of brain cells"]

So the otaku force that's able to write fanfic shipping even the worst pairs together exists in the quantum world too?

For now, I understand that stupidly-strong force is able to attach protons even though they repel each other.

Kid Scientist: "Gluons themselves are juggling colored gluons. The force grows stronger with distance, and when that distance exceeds the size of a nucleon (proton or neutron), they can only exist stably in an overall white form."
Me: "Sorry, I'm below even a kid..."

[Links a Kid Scientist article aimed at kids about the four fundamental forces, which is still awfully dense] "Kind Science Class"... What is kindness...?

If the strong force between quarks creates mass, then something you should do if you're dieting is to split up the quarks in your body. (this kills the human)

I like moments where the year in real life catches up to works that deal with the future, and they become the past.

November 3rd, 2021

Dying YouTuber: "Today I've got a timer counting up every second, and I'll only breathe when it's a prime number!!!"

As close as you are to me, so long as the speed of light is finite, the only you I can observe is in the past.

They're unmistakely in the midst of an extremely intellectual experiment.

RT @melon_syrup By the way, OSTER-san is the only person to be on both "Bolmeteus Composer Dragon" and "Blue Eyes Vtuber Dragon"!!

Science Dog Team #TesrosetArt

melon_syrup: "@fuwacina ?????"

????? [Twitter screenshot: "Melon Syrup added you to their list "Blue Eyes Vtuber Dragon"]

Won't you sing Alcohol Song with me????

The song Dandelion and Campanile wouldn't exist if not for Claire-san, you see... :bell:

This,,, is who I stan,,,,,,

RT @SisterCleaire I think what I really want to do is to become someone's light. For people saddened by the world, I want to be something like the moon - shedding warm light, but cuddling them when they're sad.

I want Alcohol Song to be a holy ground for all beer-lovers, so I want us all to gather together and sing Alcohol Song!!!

It was too much fun making a video for a song about drinking with a drinking buddy.

RT @utbutb I drew Kiritan and stuff for this. :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug: :beer mug:

This video is super amazing, so!!! It's super amazing, so!!!!

:clock: 11/5 (Friday), 10:00 PM:
A premiere of the music video for Alcohol Song, from the new release OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3! :clinking beer mugs:
Grab your favorite drink and stand by at your screen!! :tumbler: :wine glass: :sake: :beer mug: :corked bottle:
Illustration: Utsubo (@utbutb) #OSTERsanCD

The lyrics are by Twitter, so I had to put it on there as a parody to avoid infringing on their rights.

[Retweeting "This is a message from Twitter."] Incidentally, this song is on my new CD as "This is a message from me.", so thanks.

A history of failure.

Could yet another new song be born???

Here's to a good fight. [Screenshot of submitting a Twitter verification request]

Wanna make a compilation of OSTAR Fox.

[Retweets a bunch of people receiving OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3] Glad to see loads of CDs arriving!!!!!! Tweet your thoughts in the tag please!! #OSTERsanCD

So incredibly grateful for all the exciting events coming up every weekend from here on...

Ain't it a violation of the Public Officers Election Act to campaign and be elected in the span of one day?

Jealous of everyone making plushies.

Azure Blue's the song I shaved my soul most to make this year.

[Re: cabbage-seeking Roset] Should I just make this a stamp as-is????

This was the Augment Party that even a grade-schooler could understand was bad news. Well then, goodbye.

["Cabbages, pleeease!!"]

Printing tons of money and distributing it to citizens would ruin the economy, so I want them to print tons of money and distribute it just to me.

The Country That Dies After 100 Days

[Day 1
Roset: "We, the Augment Party, will print and distribute tons of money to everyone to combat poverty!" (Ohh!) (Amazin'!)
Crowd: "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Roset!"
Dog Money: (bbbbbbbb)
Roset: "Now it'll be a paradise-like country where all citizens are equal..."
99 days until death]

Thought of a crappy comic, so I'mma draw it.

Everyone on my timeline started talking about stamps suddenly.

Can't think of anything besides "wait a mocha."

Tesroset stamps... (want)

November 2nd, 2021

Might upload the video for my new song on Friday while we're at it...

After keeping at it for half a year, I'm pretty good at this Monster Hunter game, and pretty sucky!!!

I'm grateful to my friends who give me excitement.

RT @_MitchieM I was searching for rhymes when OSTER-san showed up. [Screenshot of rhyme suggestions "medical neglect," "OSTER project," "object."]

That's the one.

RT @nika_niko_222 Brother: "I really like songs that use aug chords and stuff."
Me: "Do a search for OSTER project."
Brother: "It came up with this person who just plays Monster Hunter."
Me: "That's the one."

[Retweets a Yahoo News article about instituting a "Monster Hunter quest system" to deal with dangerous wildlife] Amazin'! But real-life hunters are all gunners, huh?!?!

I wanna do a chat stream to discuss scientific subjects sometime soon, but I wanna bring on someone knowledgeable, so show yourself, knowledgeable people.

Something that makes me glad I went to M3 was getting to meet a few people who were like "I listened to OSTER-san's music and made my own, and I'm tabling for the first time today!!"...

Been a long time since I made use of "thanks-ski" for its original meaning... (thanks-ski is a word for expressing your thanks to Russian people)

I don't understand the Russian in this Russian cover at all, but it's cool! lol
[M1NT0 & Gian CVC RUS] шалость и сладость | trick and treat[ [Russian UTAU Cover] [Happy Halloween]

November 1st, 2021

Hyped from finishing a super amazing video.

O-O-O-O-O-O-Of course I knew that.

RT @463no The line in Alcohol Song "having walked for thousands of years, this is humanity's strategy to survive" made me think, that's our academic Fuwacina-sensei. Incorporating the history of alcohol being treasured in situations where drinking unboiled water was dangerous, since it was water bacteria couldn't propagate in... :thinking face: (she probably didn't think it through that much herself)

Almost... done with the video... So long.

It's fine if it's a sexy one!!!

For my birthday, I want a Tesroset doujinshi!! Thanks in advance, Santa!!!

This month,
I got my birthday, y'see.

Going to the bar yesterday was godly... The event was so fun!!

I wanna work, but sure enough, yesterday has me exhasuted...

Makes me happy to get letters!

I've been slacking off on Monster Hunter too much lately... Apex Zinogre's wild.

October 31st, 2021

My back... You did good out there.

Ah... There were also things I put in the fridge that aren't pictured, but I'll enjoy their deliciousness, thank you... :crying:

Everyone's gifts has multiplied my energy by a billion.

Was there not a period where idol-esque female vocal pop having augs by way of upper cliche was popular?

Every song that's been played in this bar has at least one aug in it.

Making a ruckus every time an aug comes up in the music playing at the bar.

This is my person who went to a bar on Halloween costume.

When saying "Thank you very much!" to people who bought a CD today, I somehow avoided repeated instances of almost saying "Thank you for the meal!" by mistake.

Please do tweet your thoughts on the CD with this tag!!!! #OSTERsanCD

Withdrawing!!! I'm as exhausted as a daikon boiled for 5 hours.

[After retweeting Utsubo's photo of a copy of OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3] I had a hallucination of Dog.

My back.......... :smile with halo:

Isn't the 10,000-yen bill way too strong, having the power of ten 1000-yen bills? Is there ever gonna be a patch to buff the 1000-yen bill?

Here's my single-person-circle costume. :jack-o-lantern: #OSTERsanCD #M3Autumn

FBF (Final Battlefield)

[yes it IS a kuniko takahashi reference]

I'm an M3 newbie who doesn't know her way around at all, so please give me your guidance and encouragement.

I say this every time, but my CDs are family restaurants, so I'd be glad if you found your favorites on the menu of various styles.

[Linking an article about mysterious radio waves from the center of the Milky Way] A catering order from Sagittarius A-Star!!!!

My Kocha Kaden was so hot I spilled it on my jacket. Good morning.

October 30th, 2021

Sleeping soundly tonight is the ultimate hurdle.

When I saw it on the news, I was like "no way that's true," but when I went to the polls today, it super was... So if you're voting, be careful.

I dunno, feels kinda wild that something even a first-year programming student could think to include like "throw an error if the abbreviations for two political parties are the same" wouldn't be covered in a country-wide election...

The just-released newest gamepad of 2021 has arrived!!!!

Life is continuous, so it can be differentiated.

No matter what time in my life you differentiate at, the slope's amazin'.

I've spent two years making each and every song with full earnestness... I really want people to listen to this CD...!

Listening to Mamama-Magical again, it's such a good song, lmao

My biggest mission is whether I can actually get up in the morning.

Woman producing white noise.

[Retweeting video of her holding up the album] This woman is your landmark. (???)

[Retweeting crossfade] Tomorrow, I'm releasing this CD!!

The event's tomorrow!! So tomorrow! Come see me!! Let's meet at M3!!

A bunch of tasks I should have finished earlier took until now because of traffic-heavy days...

You really gonna listen to what that mouth says? I've got the right to vote too, y'know?

Lately, spicy things make my mouth go "I can still go at it, bring on something spicer!!", while my body says "Don't eat any more of this poison!!", which is seriously tragic.

October 29th, 2021

I've come to think that humans being equipped with the feeling of loneliness is to be a salvation from trying to come to conclusions all on your own and running amok.

I deeply feel that interactions with others give me life...

I want it so the moment I get home, the clothes I'm wearing automatically fly off and my makeup comes off and I get fully bathed and stuff and my teeth are brushed.

:cd: :rolling eyes:

I got dressed up.

Can you believe it? Back when I was little, we didn't have Jagarico...

I was thinking about how Crayon Shin-chan's Himawari wasn't there from the start, but figured that was still recent enough that most people would know that, but it turns out even that was in '96, so I don't believe anything about my own sense of time.

I like thinking about things that are now standardized to the point of thinking it's natural for them to be around, but they weren't in the past (like tiramisu and avocados), but it made me go "come to think of it, Melonpanna [Anmanpan character] wasn't around when I was little..."

Obtained OSTER-san's CD at astronautical speeds!!!!!! #OSTERsanCD

Ryu observing the interference caused by light: "Hadosei! Hadosei!" ["wave-nature" rather than "wave/surging fist"]

:love hotel: λλ ← Two interfering wavelengths and the interference fringes that result
A hip and trendy experiment.

I super wanna hear Tesro-sama's "I Wanna Be a Princess!", please sing it.

When drunkenly harrassing someone, be sure to ask "Can I drunkenly harrass you?" and get permission first.

It's Trick and Treat season!

October 28th, 2021

The end is in sight...

Okay, really better sleep.

Eeeee, making videos is funn...

Sleepy VS Wanna Work

I'm releasing a CD!!!!!! (desperate)

[Re: potato starch tweet] Don't get more popular than my CD promotion, dammit.

Even atoms change their behavior if somebody's looking, so don't feel down just because you can't give your usual performance in front of others.

I found some super cute undergarments that're laced up around the chest, and I wanna draw 'em in an illustration, but who should I have wear them...

Even if you don't get results, you can cheer up by eating processed cheese.

The result isn't what's important, it's the processed cheese.


["Potato Starch / Go Ahead, Try Eating This As-Is"]

Is it true I'm releasing a CD soon?
It's true.

Most people will say they know Chopin's Farewell Waltz if you ask them, but I suspect most people who say they know it are thinking of a different song.

Hey! Senses are nothing but electrical signals, so how d'you distinguish dreams from reality?

October 27th, 2021

In my supernova explanation, I said that H and H slam together and can't be H anymore, but iron doesn't H, so fusion stops and gravity makes the star explode, so yes, iron can't H. [Joke on "H" and "ecchi (sexy)"]

[Retweeting a clip from chat stream talking about supernovae] Supernovae are great. (since they bring about all kinds of elements)

It's almost M3, but I dunno what to do! M3's scary!

Urashima Taro is probably just the story of a massive oversleep.

It's lonely to fall asleep and then wake up to find you've time-warped to when no one's around. This must be how Urashima Taro felt diluted by 50,000 times.

Those days of ignoring the calamity at hand and instead conquering a bunch of shrines.

RT @onigirioisii When I play RPGs, I always experience the phenomenon of suddenly losing motivation before the final boss. I feel lonely thinking "once I beat the final boss, the story'll be over..."
This, so much..........

Even atoms are uncertain, so that gives me a scentific indulgence for being uncertain. Forgive me.

In human psychology, there are few things that can be fully designated as true or false, and it's appropriate for there to exist overlaps and distortions, so personally I feel like humans themselves exhibit extreme amounts of quantum behavior!!!

I've lived my life wondering if the reason people tend to interpret Schrödinger's cat as simply "an experiment where you won't know 'til you open it up" is because we only have a sense for the world of Newtonian mechanics.

When you do both video creation and music creation, the money you spend on plugins doubles, resulting in death.

I started up Star Fox 64 versus mode on my own and turned it into a mysterious game where three cameras display a scene of riding an aircraft, and if you purposefully crash and die it says "Draw!"

We live our lives really only witnessing Newtonian mechanics at work, so it's hardly unexpected to not understand quantum mechanics. That's just human.

My thumb hurts due to last night's Star Fox.

October 26th, 2021

When I played the heck out of Star Fox back in the day, I hardly ever felt like I ran into perilous situations where members had a near-empty gauge and were about to die, so I've learned that for a novice, it's a game where you're constantly faced with death.

The scene in tonight's OSTAR Fox where I went as far as resetting to save Falco for the medal, only for him to retreat 10 seconds before I beat the boss, brought me to tears.

Is this game hard or what???

I was making steady progress in Yoshi's Story collecting melons, but on Stage 6 all my Yoshis got taken away and I got a game over.

I like how you could probably make one heck of a doujinshi about Falco and Katt's past.

I seriously played this game enough to carve it into my soul, so even if over 20 years have passed, I remember what I remember.

:folded hands: :folded hands: :folded hands:

RT @itsutsuki_000 First time watching an OSTER-san (Tesroset-san?) game playthrough, but it was fun! She's great at it even if it's been a long time. It seems true that the controls have visible input lag, but for how well she played regardless, her memory must be pretty good...? I pictured her as a music person, but watching her stream a game was just plain fun, and I wanna watch again.

I have no confidence I can do the Meteo warp.

I got the medal on Area 6 on the first try!!!!!

Playing a game for the first time in 24 years is basically playing it blind.

We're starting!

OSTAR Fox has two characters too many on the title screen.

Why did it take me this long to think of such a simple series name?

Tonight at 9:30:
A new series begins. #OSTARFox64 #TesrosetTransmission
[Star Fox 64] Let's Return to the Sky [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset

I've come up with a name for the Star Fox 64 series.

ChoroQ 64 needed a memory card sort of thing you stick in the controller called a Controller Pak to save your game, and I lost the one I saved on so I can't play it anymore, so won't you bring it to Switch?

When I tried Star Fox again after 5 billion years, I laughed 'cause I had so much trouble with left and right being normal but up and down being inverted that it was like I was playing it for the first time.

Today's stream. [Poll]
- Star Fox 64 [23.4%]
- Mario Kart 64 [25.5%]
- Ocarina of Time [24.3%]
- Yoshi's Story [26.8%]

Bomberman 64 has these things called Gold Cards that are like Power Stars in Mario, and there's an item that requires you to collect all of them within 3 hours on Hard Mode to get.

takytank: "I managed to 100% Bomberman 64 by myself!
For me, Blast Corps is the hardest game on the N64. (ultimately couldn't do it)"

Meanwhile, I was able to finish Blast Corps...

Thinking about it now, an FPS where you can look at all the players' screens as you play is wild.

I got blown up with a grenade launcher while hiding in the vents in Goldeneye, so I hate it!!!!!

I gave up in despair on the all-melon challenge.

Yoshi's Story was also the best. Contrary to the visuals, it's stupid-hard...

I'm sure people are looking at this game lineup and noticing something important's missing... (Goldeneye) (I don't own it)

This game with godly BGM called Wave Race 64 rules, too.

Wanna make AAAA-san play all the hard games. (?)

Didn't DKR have that weird bug where mashing the A button way increased your kart's top speed?

It's not like I had every game I wanted bought for me, so there were a lot of popular games that I wanted but didn't have, but even so, I look at all these games now and I'm grateful to my parents for buying so many...

The N64 has this game called Bomberman 64 that's utter hell to 100%.

When'd Diddy Kong get so dirty...

You comin' over today?

Back in those days, we all biked over to someone else's house to play...

Remembering the taste of potato chips and Fanta at my friend's house and crying.


I wanna listen to good songs, but listening to good songs make me jealous, so I don't wanna listen, but I wanna listen to good songs.

Reaching the point where my name is brought up as Shibuya-kei has me like, "I've worked hard..." I'm glad.

[Retweets a big Venn diagram of Shibuya-kei artists, with her in the "digital" bubble] OSTER project is there. +110,000 points.

October 25th, 2021

Compared to bedrock, air has far greater liquidity, so it's like, you know. You know?

On stream, I talked about how the speed of sound's paltry compared to astronautical speeds, but it's also interesting how even if they're vibrations at the same longitude, preliminary tremors and sound are so different in speed.

First cosmic velocity reminded me that the speed of preliminary tremors for an earthquake, which I learned long ago, was on about the same order. So I looked it up, and it's around 5-7 km/s, so I was like "astronautical speeds are faster than preliminary tremors, heck yeah."

It's become that time of year where you can't live without a spacesuit...

If there's anyone who was like "I accelerated tofu to first cosmic velocity!", please tell me.

I thought about it, and that force put upon it is the result of inertia kicking in due to sudden acceleration, so if you accelerated tofu to 7.9 km/s extremely slowly, couldn't you achieve tofu at first cosmic velocity while retaining its original form???? (However: Air Resistance)

Tofu being fired at 7.9 km/s and falling to pieces at that speed.

I feel like it'd be fun if there were a storybook or something about firing various things at first cosmic velocity to put them into a satellite orbit.

I've bought plugins and become unstoppable, but as a result, I've begun to get super indecisive.

[Notice about Inappropriate Lady placing second in anime song rankings on iTunes in Canada] My Mei-chan is the number-two woman in Canada... :Canadian flag:

I've lived my life thinking "if I could draw a super amazing picture on my own power just once, I bet I'd feel better when drawing..."

I wanna make good stuff, after all.

Should I buy a video plugin bundle...? I'm gonna.

Now I've got no idea.

RT @ryogomatsumaru [Re: the Wikipedia verification suggestion] Strange... I've included my WIkipedia, too...

It's amazing to say the reason I wanna get home quickly is because I want to work, but for real, work's fun.

You can draw, too? Good for you, good for you.

Good for me for being a Vtuber who can write lyrics and make songs and sing and make videos and talk and make food and beat arena Rajang damageless.

Even if the atmospheric pressure's low, days when I feel good are good, and even if the atmospheric pressure's high, days when I feel like the worst are the worst, so maybe it has no bearing on me!!

The last track on OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3 Disc 1 being "rainbow" is cosmically perfect.

Whenever something invokes the story of Kudryavka, I'm attacked by selfish sadness.

[Retweeting yesterday's "???????" video] This is completely unrelated.

There's this super good song called Space Dog.

Isn't it pretty amazing to be able to make videos?!

It'll be after M3, but I'm uploading lots of videos for songs on my CD, so look forward to it!

Is now my chance????

RT @TakamiyaRion To people troubled over not getting verified:
I got it when I included my Wikipedia article.
It might be good to submit including your YouTube channel/homepage and Wikipedia.
(I did this the third time and got accepted.)

RT @pedipanol I love OSTER-san.
I'm hallucinating hearing Mario jump sounds...!

In my dream, I was talking with a bunch of people about a bunch of stuff...

October 24th, 2021

My head is full of thoughts of food.

The Science Dog Club was disbanded after five minutes.

My heart was so taken by the roast pork I drew, I've been in this state almost all day.

Space Roast Pork

Feels like Demon Fire would've worked as BGM too.


Seeing "space" and "background" together makes me think "background radiation?"

RT @utbutb [Re: "today's art"] Seeing a space background makes me want to add this.

Working hard every dayyy.

I thought I'd drawn all the art I needed, but I forgot one... It's hopeless...

I wanna eat roast pork so much, but if you buy poorly-made roast pork, it tastes like ham, does anyone get this?

The art I drew today.

Eyes: "Yep, your art is crap!"
Hands: "At least tell me what's crap about it."

What's goin' on with people who draw?

Drawing's so hard, I'm gonna snap.

Wanna make a rice bowl with the roast pork I drew and eat it so bad.

Why did I give my best efforts for roast pork that only appears for half a second?

You could serve this at a roast pork place. (???)

Aren't I great at drawing roast pork?????????

The power cord came out for some reason... Was worried there.

LCD tablet suddenly died...

I've never had a hallucination, so it's hard to make a video that's like a hallucination.

Rainbow Panda Reiwa Edition

I'm glad people seem to like Gaming Polar Bear.

October 23rd, 2021

Everyone else should make the Earth in After Effects, too.

This being a free plugin is nuts.

To think it got this late while I was busy creating the Earth...

Whenever I can't think of how to present something in a video, I'm quick to rely on some plugin. Just call me Nobita.

Isn't it dreamy how all the elements that exist in this world are made by the activity of fixed stars...?

On stream, I talked about how I'm interested in phenomena that happen with fixed stars, but don't know anything about the names of constellations or stars, so people were like "are you more into astrophysics than astronomy?", and I was like "yeah yeah yeah yeah."

It's research, see.

I have to draw tons of illustrations of alcohol now, so I wanna drink.

Saturday dog deficiency.

I drew comics and made music and now I'm sleepy. (infant)

I'm not aiming to be a genius, but an idiotic genius.

[Retweeting the original clip] I'm super amazing for taking the nuance from this crappy original and making an actual song out of it. (?)

I was tasked with making the theme song for 2121's Magical Mirai. (huge lie) #TesrosetTransmission
["Magical, Magical, Magical Mirai
Onward to the future, clenching my fist
Push up the sun...!
Magical Mirai, Magical Mirai... (Unite!!)
Magical! Mirai! Magical Miraaai!!"]

An example of how having a common language makes conversations go quicker.

Science Dogs #TesrosetArt

[Utsubo: "The thing with work..."
Utsubo: "Once you start, you can keep going, but if you take a break, you can't resume it anymore."
Roset: "So like, the coefficient of static friction being bigger than the coefficient of kinetic friction?" Utsubo: "Totally."]

Fanservice for 0.4% of viewers. [Screenshot of her YouTube channel's age ranges, with 65+ being 0.4%.]

Footage of a Vtuber on a channel popular with youths suddenly singing a song from 60 years ago.

To the universe, human ages are practically a measurement error, and humanity's up-and-coming rookies.

October 22nd, 2021

Why can't I get away from the "top" branding?


What should I name my Star Fox 64 playthrough series...? (want to give it some kinda name like Flop-Roset or Top-Hunter)

I just plain like Narga as a monster, so I practiced it several times before the stream, and did it four more times after today's stream, but still zero scales...

Narga won't drop scaaaaales...

Divine Scale Hunter Roset! Gathered a bunch of them!


I guess Once Again Knows Nothing Yo Oizumi-san is the common form, right???

Crimson Glow Valstrax
Ruiner Nergigante
Once Again Knows Nothing Yo Oizumi-san

It's almost the 26th.
What happens when it's the 26th?
You don't know?

N64 playthroughs begin.

Iceborne's seriously tough, so I feel like I'll get stuck once around the next rank...

Keep being sloppy and forgetting the tag.

:clock: Tongiht at 9 PM:
Top-Hunter: A New Continent! At last, I'll be challenging Master Rank Tigrex and Brachydios. How far will I be able to go solo????
[MHWIB] First Attempts at Tigrex and Brachydios! [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Huh, am I good at drawing Tigrex or what??????

If I drew Tigrex, I feel like it'd look like a WacDonald's ripoff.

Guess I'll draw Tigrex.

On tonight's Top-Hunter: A New Continent, it's finally time to fight Tigrex, but so as to make for a completely blind experience, I haven't even seen the cutscene for encountering Tigrex, so I can't make a thumbnail... What shoudl I do?

The hot drink I bought at the store because I was freezing was lukewarm, but I'm fine.

My jokes are 285 Kelvin.

Today's temperature is as cold as the reception to my jokes.

Fellow cat owners can talk about cats forever, and fellow beer drinkers can talk about beer forever. Beer = cats.

Cold's nothing more than a stage setting for us to warm each other.

Before I take you as my bride,
There's something I need to tell you
Come out from the screen
Enter the same dimension as me
[Parody of the song Kanpaku Sengen.]

Don't know how many times I've felt the loss of having been making a good song in my dreams.

Gohdaloid in Love

I heard they were coming out with a Gian [Doraemon character] Vocaloid, so I was making a super good song for him to sing, but it was all a dream.

October 21st, 2021

My keema curry desire is also its own thing.

My desire to fill myself with Nakamuraya curry, my desire to fill myself with CoCo Ichibanya beef curry, my desire to fill myself with LEE 20x, and my desire to fill myself with soup curry are all independent, so I need to rotate through them.

Tomorrow, I swear, I'll eat curry. I definitely will.

My hands are shaking from just three days without eating curry.

Because of the Kuppy Ramune Chuuhai, all I've done is make myself unable to get in the car and go to the store even though I'm not drunk at all.

I'm so happy putting together a video using cute illustrations.

It's looking to be one incredible music video, so I'm super high-energy.

A music video.

What am I even making here?

[Top to bottom: "Appearance / Education / Fortune / Family Background"]

AE gets more and more sluggish.

Think I made the sound in Napo-Naporitan Match quite a bit better.

We certainly see eye to eye!

I've been told "I like your personality," and I also like my personality. (?)

4% alcohol is juice, so it doesn't count as drinking. (personal opinion)

Wow! What an indescribable flavor!!!

Right now after getting out of the bath is the exact time to drink Kuppy Ramune Chuuhai.

I'm working hard on making videos tonight, so let's do Top-Hunter tomorrow!

When Miracle Paint meets its 21-year anniversary next month, I'll also be turning 21.

You can't really call that a rumor???????

I'm really fed up with the media's fake news... Just now, they were saying on TV that October's going to end in 10 days. What a cruel bogus rumor, gimme a break.

Someone teach me how to make videos.

Humans're cute.

Gaming Polar Bear is today?! Hwhoa...

Drunk me: "Does 100% bravery mean the remainder of dividing 100 by bravery?"
