OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 29th, 2021

I've come to think that humans being equipped with the feeling of loneliness is to be a salvation from trying to come to conclusions all on your own and running amok.

I deeply feel that interactions with others give me life...

I want it so the moment I get home, the clothes I'm wearing automatically fly off and my makeup comes off and I get fully bathed and stuff and my teeth are brushed.

:cd: :rolling eyes:

I got dressed up.

Can you believe it? Back when I was little, we didn't have Jagarico...

I was thinking about how Crayon Shin-chan's Himawari wasn't there from the start, but figured that was still recent enough that most people would know that, but it turns out even that was in '96, so I don't believe anything about my own sense of time.

I like thinking about things that are now standardized to the point of thinking it's natural for them to be around, but they weren't in the past (like tiramisu and avocados), but it made me go "come to think of it, Melonpanna [Anmanpan character] wasn't around when I was little..."

Obtained OSTER-san's CD at astronautical speeds!!!!!! #OSTERsanCD

Ryu observing the interference caused by light: "Hadosei! Hadosei!" ["wave-nature" rather than "wave/surging fist"]

:love hotel: λλ ← Two interfering wavelengths and the interference fringes that result
A hip and trendy experiment.

I super wanna hear Tesro-sama's "I Wanna Be a Princess!", please sing it.

When drunkenly harrassing someone, be sure to ask "Can I drunkenly harrass you?" and get permission first.

It's Trick and Treat season!

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