OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 28th, 2021

The end is in sight...

Okay, really better sleep.

Eeeee, making videos is funn...

Sleepy VS Wanna Work

I'm releasing a CD!!!!!! (desperate)

[Re: potato starch tweet] Don't get more popular than my CD promotion, dammit.

Even atoms change their behavior if somebody's looking, so don't feel down just because you can't give your usual performance in front of others.

I found some super cute undergarments that're laced up around the chest, and I wanna draw 'em in an illustration, but who should I have wear them...

Even if you don't get results, you can cheer up by eating processed cheese.

The result isn't what's important, it's the processed cheese.


["Potato Starch / Go Ahead, Try Eating This As-Is"]

Is it true I'm releasing a CD soon?
It's true.

Most people will say they know Chopin's Farewell Waltz if you ask them, but I suspect most people who say they know it are thinking of a different song.

Hey! Senses are nothing but electrical signals, so how d'you distinguish dreams from reality?

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