OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 2nd, 2021

Might upload the video for my new song on Friday while we're at it...

After keeping at it for half a year, I'm pretty good at this Monster Hunter game, and pretty sucky!!!

I'm grateful to my friends who give me excitement.

RT @_MitchieM I was searching for rhymes when OSTER-san showed up. [Screenshot of rhyme suggestions "medical neglect," "OSTER project," "object."]

That's the one.

RT @nika_niko_222 Brother: "I really like songs that use aug chords and stuff."
Me: "Do a search for OSTER project."
Brother: "It came up with this person who just plays Monster Hunter."
Me: "That's the one."

[Retweets a Yahoo News article about instituting a "Monster Hunter quest system" to deal with dangerous wildlife] Amazin'! But real-life hunters are all gunners, huh?!?!

I wanna do a chat stream to discuss scientific subjects sometime soon, but I wanna bring on someone knowledgeable, so show yourself, knowledgeable people.

Something that makes me glad I went to M3 was getting to meet a few people who were like "I listened to OSTER-san's music and made my own, and I'm tabling for the first time today!!"...

Been a long time since I made use of "thanks-ski" for its original meaning... (thanks-ski is a word for expressing your thanks to Russian people)

I don't understand the Russian in this Russian cover at all, but it's cool! lol
[M1NT0 & Gian CVC RUS] шалость и сладость | trick and treat[ [Russian UTAU Cover] [Happy Halloween]

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