OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 6th, 2021

I'll get my fur nice and clean for the dog show tonight...

Make a gijinka of me!!!! I wanna be a human!!!!

RT @CHIKARUTOF The new trend should be Vocaloid-P Musume, with gijinkas of Vocaloid producers.

Even if I create a four-minute song, it feels more like it took over 30 years to finally create it.

Azure Blue's arrangement's so good! Did a pro do this?!

I've come to feel like the importance of vocabulary isn't knowing difficult words, but the ability to construct things in the most fitting way using words everyone knows.

I'm super fond of the line about "sewing together pleasure" in Scandal Makers, but what do you think? (what do you think?) #OSTERsanCD

Foreign commenter...

Heeheehee, looking forward to tomorrow.

[Re: "trying out a VOCALOID keyboard" tweet] This is getting kind of a huge response, but I'm a mouse-sequencer, so I'm seriously awful at playing impromptu on a keyboard in real life.

Utsubo-kun was absurdly accomodating and drew a ton of art, so the video ended up super bustling, please watch the video, I'll do anything.

It's amazing having this crappy rough sketch turned into a proper picture. #AlcoholSong

I wonder if there are any other original songs that use Zunda and Metan?

I can't see this as anything but an interspecies love triangle.

Where can I see the followup to this?

The illustrations in this driving safety book are so unique, it's stimulating.

At the Magical Mirai expo yesterday, I tried out a VOCALOID keyboard. The man there complimented me, saying "you're really good at playing that." Maybe I could become a Vocaloid producer too.

I had a dream I went to visit Dog's house and said "Woohoo, it's the kennel!", and they got mad like "Stop calling it that," but it was so realistic I didn't realize it was a dream.

Alcohol Song having more views on NicoNico than YouTube definitely checks out.

[Screenshot of another Twitter verification rejection] Were they fast sending the lyrics this time or what??????? And they're basically the same as season 1...

Had a dream I lived in apartment where if you got drunk and fell asleep in the winter, they had a service where the big-boobed landlady would sleep next to you and warm up your bed.

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