OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

November 5th, 2021

Sure enough, I downed a bottle of wine!!!

They should teach you in high school physics that if you eat pizza, it goes away!!! (drunk scientific old-timer's irritation)

I'd probably cry even if I wasn't drunk.

I'm emotional from drinking, and crying watching Japan Coast Guard diver exams.

I buy wine bottles with caps in case I don't drink the whole bottle, but I usually do drink the whole bottle...

I was extra prepared this time and scheduled a tweet! No cutting corners!

:beer mug: New Song :beer mug:
Happiness won't come walking to you
That's why you drink
"Alcohol Song feat. Tohoku Kiritan with Zundamon & Shikoku Metan"
YouTube / NicoNico #OSTERsanCD

It's laughable how much time and effort went into preparing so many jokes... When you mess around, go all the way!!

Thank you for watching the debut of this joke-riddled music video!!!! For now, let's drink!!!!!!! :clinking mugs:

It started!
[Music Video] Alcohol Song feat. Tohoku Kiritan with Zundamon & Shikoku Metan

[Re: Alcohol Song] One more hour...!

Might make it back just in time...!

Though Miku-san doesn't age, I get old and wrinkled and my back gets bad, and even when the day comes that I die of old age, Miku-san will be the same as the day I met her... I'm making myself sad going and thinking that.

I've been dating Miku-san for 14 years, y'know.

[Retweeting "Magical Mirai 2121 theme song"] This song did not play.

Went to see Magical Mirai! Miku-san and everyone was the best! MuSIc Iss SoO FunnNnnNN!!!!!!!!

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