OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 25th, 2021

Compared to bedrock, air has far greater liquidity, so it's like, you know. You know?

On stream, I talked about how the speed of sound's paltry compared to astronautical speeds, but it's also interesting how even if they're vibrations at the same longitude, preliminary tremors and sound are so different in speed.

First cosmic velocity reminded me that the speed of preliminary tremors for an earthquake, which I learned long ago, was on about the same order. So I looked it up, and it's around 5-7 km/s, so I was like "astronautical speeds are faster than preliminary tremors, heck yeah."

It's become that time of year where you can't live without a spacesuit...

If there's anyone who was like "I accelerated tofu to first cosmic velocity!", please tell me.

I thought about it, and that force put upon it is the result of inertia kicking in due to sudden acceleration, so if you accelerated tofu to 7.9 km/s extremely slowly, couldn't you achieve tofu at first cosmic velocity while retaining its original form???? (However: Air Resistance)

Tofu being fired at 7.9 km/s and falling to pieces at that speed.

I feel like it'd be fun if there were a storybook or something about firing various things at first cosmic velocity to put them into a satellite orbit.

I've bought plugins and become unstoppable, but as a result, I've begun to get super indecisive.

[Notice about Inappropriate Lady placing second in anime song rankings on iTunes in Canada] My Mei-chan is the number-two woman in Canada... :Canadian flag:

I've lived my life thinking "if I could draw a super amazing picture on my own power just once, I bet I'd feel better when drawing..."

I wanna make good stuff, after all.

Should I buy a video plugin bundle...? I'm gonna.

Now I've got no idea.

RT @ryogomatsumaru [Re: the Wikipedia verification suggestion] Strange... I've included my WIkipedia, too...

It's amazing to say the reason I wanna get home quickly is because I want to work, but for real, work's fun.

You can draw, too? Good for you, good for you.

Good for me for being a Vtuber who can write lyrics and make songs and sing and make videos and talk and make food and beat arena Rajang damageless.

Even if the atmospheric pressure's low, days when I feel good are good, and even if the atmospheric pressure's high, days when I feel like the worst are the worst, so maybe it has no bearing on me!!

The last track on OSTER-san's CD Vol. 3 Disc 1 being "rainbow" is cosmically perfect.

Whenever something invokes the story of Kudryavka, I'm attacked by selfish sadness.

[Retweeting yesterday's "???????" video] This is completely unrelated.

There's this super good song called Space Dog.

Isn't it pretty amazing to be able to make videos?!

It'll be after M3, but I'm uploading lots of videos for songs on my CD, so look forward to it!

Is now my chance????

RT @TakamiyaRion To people troubled over not getting verified:
I got it when I included my Wikipedia article.
It might be good to submit including your YouTube channel/homepage and Wikipedia.
(I did this the third time and got accepted.)

RT @pedipanol I love OSTER-san.
I'm hallucinating hearing Mario jump sounds...!

In my dream, I was talking with a bunch of people about a bunch of stuff...

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