OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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October 29th, 2020

I feel like clarifying what you like when doing a thing is the hardest part. Once you figure out what you like, you can form a route to actualizing it, but otherwise you have no idea where you should go.

Without something where I can be like "I want it like this," I wouldn't have the desire to fulfill that want, and wouldn't know what to aim for. So maybe it's a blessed thing that my likes in music have been so extremely clear...

I dunno much about talent, but if I have a talent of my own, perhaps it's my abnormal fetishism for chord progressions. Now that, I'm grateful to have...

There are people in the world who don't think "so sexy" when they hear chord progressions, and in fact, those people probably make up the majority, and it's just me getting stimulated by nonsense... Realizing the wildness of that situation almost brings me back to my senses, but alas, no matter what, I'll get stimulated.

When I make a song, I become the god of that song's world. I'm free to make the characters do whatever I want, so I'm god.

Even if I were to reharmonize Country Roads myself, I feel like I'd just end up with the progression from the Ghibli version...

This is super obvious, but when I'm making a song for a client, the allocation of responsibility is totally different, and I put a ton of thought into a lot of things and have to fight against an intense pressure. I don't think I'll ever in my life get used to that simultaneous mixture of fun and extreme difficulty.

When it's doing a lot of stuff, it's more likely it'll pick fights with the other parts, so songs that can have everyone get along and act freely regardless are so amazing I don't even get it.

My habit of having the piano always be doing something in the background is definitely because of Michel Legrand.

Songs where the piano's always being annoying are superb.

I'm doing pretty well at making music this year, but I've been totally unable to upload for-fun songs... Wanna make songs for fun on stream and make them into videos to upload...

The piano hardly ever settles down, it's just always being annoying.

Listening to this piano is wild every time.
[Cute Big Band Jazz] Cat and Balloons feat. Miku Hatsune - OSTER project

Humans forget hell so quickly.

When I made Alice, on top of the song itself, putting together the video was so exhausting I was like, I'll never make a song this difficult again... but made Oz a few years later, and putting together the video was so exhausting I was like, I'll never make a song this difficult again... and now here we are, but I kinda wanna make another.

Alice in Musicland is a super old song at this point, but it's so amazing how it's still loved that I'm gonna die.

Claire-san sang Alice and I cried.

When playing Mario 64, she thought Mario's voice when hitting the lava sounded happy and declared the M on his cap to be a statement of his masochism, so it seems that's the history behind it. (Tesroset Transmission diehard fan)

RT @twinfamicom On OSTER-san's Mario stream, the moment the "M" mark appeared in the opening scene right after starting, I really like how she said "Augh, here we go, suddenly presenting himself as a masochist..."

October 28th, 2020

If it's for my health, I don't even care of I die... Doesn't matter how bad it is for my body. [Ring Fit results: 27m3s, 132.58kcal, 1.66km]

Expressing how emotions are super-huge by taking the consensus that life is an important and saying they exceed that is a common tactic, but I like it a lot...

Emotions hold a greater weight than life itself.

Just OSTER-song-women things.

It's ideal to separate things out like "other people are themselves, I'm me," and it's a goal of mine to be that way, but I'm having the thought that there might be worlds only my currently miserably-human self can depict and enjoying my immaturity.

I'm sometimes sort of glad I have troublesome emotions like jealousy and loneliness 'cause I can write lyrics about those feelings with sympathy for them. If I were too estranged from them, I'd only be able to write by imagination.

A modest malice of "if only you would feel this pain too."

The women in OSTER songs have a tendency to pinch cheeks to cover up the pain in their chests.

[Jun: "Listen for a sec! OSTER, in terms of the crotch, you're similar to Claire-san, hop!"]

Someone saying that Roset-chan's voice in Roseko's Room isn't Roset-chan nor OSTER-san, but some unknown voice, and I'm like, it really is such an unknown voice... There's still so many unexplained things in the world.

Roset-chan trying to do a Tetsuko-san impression but not sounding like her at all and just becoming a strangely-behaving otaku.

I uploaded it so you can listen to it anytime.
Roseko's Room Main Theme [Tetsuko's Room Parody]

I drank out of a urinal, but it was NOT yuri at all!! :mad: ["I drank "yuri naru" [become yuri], but it did NOT make me yuri!"]

Thinking about it, it would be way too sad to have everyone telling me "I'll send over a bank payment" but not actually receiving any money.

Next month's nickname will be "I'll send over a bank payment."

Rather than put a ban on nicknames, I want to announce each month what nickname I want to be called. This month, refer to me as "Want your boobs fondled?" Good morning, Want your boobs fondled?! Want your boobs fondled?, did you eat yet? See you tomorrow, Want your boobs fondled?! Talk to me like that.

October 27th, 2020

No human is omniscient. The only omniscient one is me. One plus one is miso soup.

People who instantly jump to conclusions of "I can't understand that way of thinking β†’ you're wrong," how are you able to eliminate the possibility that your own thinking ability just isn't sufficient to understand it? Are you omniscient? No, because you proved you weren't omniscient when you couldn't understand.

But suppose that when you tell me "it'll be okay," I think "stop trying to irresonsibly encourage me when you don't know anything" only when I'm in a tough place at the moment, and normally I would try my best to understand the other person's feelings more than the maining of their words. I always want to think that way, so I want to live a life where I can afford to have such consideration.

The meaning words have is dependent on the relationship between the people saying them, of course, but they also change depending on mental state and the current environment, so maybe they're never really getting across the same thing each time...

Depending on who's being told "it'll be okay," they might think you're saying that irresponsibly and know nothing, but also some people want to be told it's okay and be put at ease, so it's really tricky. That's why being kind to people is hard.

What is kindness, really? :heart:

The correct thing was probably to lift up your own hair.

Print Club comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt

[Print Club Voice: "Next, lift up your hair and do a cute pose!"
Print Club Voice: "3, 2, 1..." (This Definitely Isn't It)]

Yesterday I had an emo discussion about how in Passenger Seat Road Movie, Rin-chan realizes the sweating iced tea in the cupholder is just like her, bound by the desire to preserve the relationship they've built up until now and her thoughts having nowhere to go.

October 26th, 2020

Today was such information overload that my brain can't keep up, but it's lonely how quiet it is after being with a bustling girl all day.

Maison Home -The House Where I Live-

My throat's dead from talking for 5 billion years.

I want this to be the character song of a lot of people.

This song has been referred to as "OSTER-san's character song."
[OSTER project] Labradorite feat. Yu Tokiwa [Music Video]

October 25th, 2020

Galaxy's also rough with how when you hit the wall with a long jump, it won't let you do a wall kick.

It gives you a new appreciation for the lack of limits on Mario 64 Mario's actions... It's pretty rough to have the long jump and backflip taken away...

Isn't Sunshine really hard????

Stream over! Only managed to recruit 12 employees ["Shain"s] today... I'll build an enterprise yet!!

Let's begin!!!!
[Super Mario Sunshine] Aiming For Completely Blind 100% [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

I'm losing at my game of trying to get exactly 100 at the victory pose. [Ring Fit results: 17m41s, 99.99kcal, 1.55km]

It's not like Mario is the one spitting water.

I seriously have no preknowledge, basically all I know is it's a game where Mario spits water or whatever...

Starting tonight at 8:30! I'll be playing Mario Sunshine for the first time in my lifeeeee!
[Super Mario Sunshine] Aiming For Completely Blind 100% [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

First off, the title Bathroom Garden is so cute, it's instantly a winner.

I feel like I haven't made a "cute girl twirling" sort of song like Bathroom Garden lately... Though actually, maybe Cat and Balloons has that vibe...

Being nuts is my one redeeming point.

You can't tell what she's saying for more than half of it, so I added subtitles. #TesrosetTransmission
["Roseko's Room" "Well then, our guest today demonstrates a variety of talents in her work including lyrics, composition, video creation, illustration, jokery, etc. - it's the Vtuber Roset-san. Please come on in... Oh?! Roset-san is me?! Ah, so it was me... Ah, please take a seat... Today, ahh, it's a chat stream, so I hope we get to have a lotsa, a lot of fun conversation... please, ah, I guess it's me who's doing a lot of talking? Ah, welcome, welcome, good day!! Please enjoy yourself!!"]

I want a silver shield while I yet live. :shield:

Alright!! 30,000!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!

I've reached 30,000 subscribers... not!!!! So close!! lol [Screenshot at 29,989]

October 24th, 2020

I might get to 30,000 subscribers by the time I wake up... Good night...

I'd absolutely never stand for my own voice, but I'm willing to sing with Roset-chan's voice... Wanna be Roset-chan...

Even if you suck at singing, you can just correct the heck out of the pitch and it sounds proper... What an amazing era.

I'm so great for making songs and singing and drawing and making videos myself.

A song with my first attempt at singing. (Roseko's Room main theme) #TesrosetTransmission

Me too... :heart: :bell: :wedding chapel:

I'm happy to feel the love from people every day. :heart:

Feels like a chord's about to happen in in the Roseko's Room theme...

Watching the archive, and sure enough, the BGM's doubled... Messed it up... lol

Chat stream over! Thank you very much! My throat's parched! lol

Starting now!
[Chat Stream] Musical Vtuber Roseko's Room [#TesrosetTransmission]

How many hours've I been preparing for a chat stream of all things... (it's fun)

Roset-chan's super-weak vibrato.

?????? #TesrosetTransmission

Maybe I should make an opening for Roseko's Room...

Starting tonight at 8 PM!
Taking messages here β†’ https://marshmallow-qa.com/fuwacina
[Chat Stream] Musical Vtuber Roseko's Room [#TesrosetTransmission]
[Named in reference to the talk show Tetsuko's Room.]

Wait a mocha, I messed up the scheduling... lol

Things you're doing for fun tend to collapse the moment you put thoughts about demand above what you really want to do.

I've been drawing a lot since my Vtuber debut, so by my calculations, at this rate I'll be a godly artist in 500 years.

I think around 8 PM tonight, I'll do a Marshmallow-answering chat stream. :flex:

Me: "About what age is "marriageable age" referring to, again?"
Google: "S'the age when a woman's at 'er most beautiful."
Me: "I see! So from birth until death..."

October 23rd, 2020

I like powerful women.

I started 2020 down in the dumps, but lately I'm feeling super energetic... Real grateful, so happy... Gonna happily Ring Fit...

I want to do a 30,000-subscribers thank-you stream, but it's so impossible to tell when I'll reach 30,000... [Screenshot of being at 29,782]

I'm in my adolescent phase where I want to have the mistaken impression that I'm special for doing things different from everyone else.

See, look. [Google search for "salad chicken abbreviation": "The abbreviation "salachiki" is also used."]

Now then, tonight I shall dine on the d'chiki I made earlier. Likely I'm the only one who shortens "salad chicken" to "d'chiki" Amazing, yes?

I went and looked it up and I was completely wrong.

But in that case, wouldn't people susceptible to low atmospheric pressure die if they climbed a mountain or got on an airplane...?

Meant to say when atmosphere pressure goes down.

Could the reason your head and joints hurt when atmospheric pressure goes up be that the difference between the pressure in your body and the pressure outside makes your body swell? I've never thought about this before.

I had a bunch of dreams, but I forgot all of them.

I slept all day... Still sleepy...

my new gear

Wanna obtain everything the world has to offer soon.

And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
"I want Avenger."

Serum, Massive, Nexus. Gold Roger, the king of the pirates, obtained this and everything else the world had to offer.

GoTo Bed Campaign

October 22nd, 2020

There's no one who adores my works more than me. (brag)

If you won't voice it, that's your own will, but if you can't voice it even if you want to, your will ceases to matter anymore... Do I have a fetish for people being at the end of their rope or what...

I'll say it again and again, but I'm confident I'm the world's number one lover of the fact that in Rabbit Fur, "an "I love you" that I won't voice" becomes "an "I love you" that can't be voiced" at the end.

Like music, when I'm able to create lyrics that make me go "This came out good!", I get super excited with myself and shout.

I'm selfish, so I wanna sleep in the morning and don't wanna sleep at night.

Lyrics feel like they're in a world of feeling even more than composition, and it's hard to put in input... It's a mystery how people go about writing lyrics.

The other me in my head is shouting "Don't act like it's none of your business, you should think more when you write lyrics too!"

Watching Ooishi-san correct lyrics on TV makes me go like "Pros think about all kinds of stuff when they write lyrics, wow..."

Truly, art by people who're good at art is just kinda unexplainably good, but to put it terms of music, maybe it's like being able to masterfully use sexy chords...

Once you lose your sanity, life begins.

Chipped away at it some more today. [Ring Fit results: 25m55s, 116.01kcal, 1.57km]

I'd like to do a sort of casual chat stream, but if I'm just chatting, it actually makes me more uneasy about whether I'm keeping things interesting and brings my mood down, so I'm not very suited for being a streamer, huh??

My desire to stream and my nervousness about streaming are always fighting, and my nervousness about streaming usually wins...

Promptly getting over-familiar with people is a good and bad aspect of mine.

Don't you ever sing "Lotteria~" to the Melty Molten Galaxy BGM?

At around 100 :star:s right now in Mario Galaxy.

The person who came up with Melty Molten Galaxy's Daredevil Comet was sick.


[Reposting "I want that bastard eliminated"] I'm going to use this when I feel like eliminating someone.

I like evil Roset-chan.

They look like the weakest villains in the world.

Villains. #TesrosetArt #LostDogArt #MakemonArt

Explanations like "Use your imagination to picture the light source and objects, then you can draw shadows!" make me think like, if I could seriously do that, it'd be no trouble. I'm being told "Keep in mind the tension and balance and picture the flow, and you can put together a chord progression!" and lashing out like "Can YOU do that?! Can you?!"

October 21st, 2020

[Kuro: "Grab my chest! OSTER took 7095 damage, mya!"]
A fresh form of sexual harassment.

It's no problem if your hands are shaky on a piano roll, but the moment your hands are shaky on a tablet, it's over.

I ate lotsa food and doodled and now I'm sleepy. (baby)

Tesro might though.

Roset-chan would never say that.

Roset-chan, but a bug caused it to show the subtitles from another show. #TesrosetArt

["I want that bastard eliminated." (referencing a specific incident with The Godfather subtitles on Chibi Maruko-chan - unsure of the exact English line)]

If I don't refer to the original Tesroset-chan when I draw them, they steadily get reclaimed by my artstyle, which is why it's important to use references.

Tesroset Transmission, but a bug caused it to show the description from another show. #TesrosetArt

["Tesroset Transmission; 2020, Kid-Friendly, 6 seasons
The year is 1933. After setting foot into the criminal underworld when a yakuza boss becomes captivated by him, a young man must survive through the post-war turmoil as an organization head... A story of a man who keeps on fighting in a world of organized crime." (referencing a specific incident of the description of Shura no Mure on Thomas the Tank Engine]

Thank you for the many no-permission likes.

To make wonderful things, you need to consume lots of wonderful things.

I consumed 700 kcal walking, so I did my best to take in calories.

Honey Memory's playing at Family Mart. :honey pot:

It's fine for anyone at any time to draw Roset-chan and Tesro-sama.

Just the sunset being pretty puts me on the verge of tears.

Roset-chan is a dog, so she likes walks.

I'm ridiculously bad at running and couldn't even run 1 kilometer, but I love walking...

I walked 10 kilometers again.

Halloween isn't even over yet, but I have lots of fun plans through to Christmas, so just you wait.

But simply restarting from grade school doesn't mean I'd take to heart things I have little interest in, so maybe it would just once again produce an unlearned musical monster.

Thinking how I know so little about language that I should just restart from grade school.

Is using commodities or services to fulfill your desires also consumption...? I was thinking that since commodities go away when used, that feels like consumption, but maybe it's not like that...

The word "consumption" gives such a strong impression of using something and destroying it that when I hear something like "being consumed sexually" [AKA being objectified], I imagine somebody whose body becomes more transparent every time they're jacked off to, their very existence ultimately disappearing.

New retweets're here.

I want to be followed without permission, retweeted without permission, and liked without permission.

[Screenshot of regular retweet options for a retweet of her previous tweet] Not yet.

Don't you want to test out the retweet change? [The temporary "encouragement" of quote retweets over normal ones]

October 20th, 2020

God, I know wishing for world peace and happiness for all would just take far too much effort, so I humbly ask for my peace and my happiness.

It seems there's this Vtuber who keeps drawing fanart of me.

It's super fun drawing red-faced Roset-chan.

Why did the sound effect for blushing become "kaaaaaa"...

I drew a crappy comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt

[Babio: "Hey, so like! The truth is! I kinda like ya a lot!"
Babio: "Didja know that?!" (virgin-quality confession) *kaaaaaa...* Roset: "W... What's this all of a sudden..."
Roset: "What're you doing suddenly playing a vibraslap, dammit?!"]

I get to eat cutlet curry, you get to see my handwritten chord sheets. It's win-win. That's what the cutlet curry tier is.

Your support directly provides my cutlet curry.

I allow myself to eat as many cutlet curries per month as I have cutlet-curry-tier Fanbox subscribers.

Thanks to everyone's support, I can eat cutlet curry again today.

Wanna draw a crappy Tesroset comic...

I might hit the conga, myself.

If you put a bongo and a conga side by side out on the streets of Shibuya and said "hit the bongo," I wonder what percentage of people would get it right.


October 19th, 2020

When I was frantically making Vocaloid songs 13 years ago, that was a ton of fun.

If it's something people want to see but doesn't align with what you want to do, it'll end up taking a ton of energy and you won't be able to keep it up, so I think you've gotta be having fun or else.

I deeply feel that people who're good at finding the common points between what they wanna do and what people wanna see reign supreme.

I want to bring things I think are wonderful to more people, and I know I gotta work harder to do that.

It's definitely not all that productive, but I hope to accomplish things bit by bit at my own pace.

These numbers only track the time when I'm moving my body, so my actual playtime was over an hour and a half...

Upping the amount of exercise day by day. [Ring Fit results: 46m55s, 212.82kcal, 3.03km]

I seriously don't know anything unless I can actually hear the sounds in Domino. If I just look at chords or sheet music, there's no sound playing in my head at all...

Understand how I feel... I seek chords that make your body move on its own... I can't resist that desire...

Granted, I think only people who make songs can tell the sort of melody that was changed to match the chords.

People who watch my streams probably realize this, but when I really want to use particular chords yet they run up against the melody, I have to make a chain of decisions of which to make things match with... But when I change the melody to match the chords, you can listen to it and go "that's a melody that was changed to match the chords," so I want to avoid doing it as much as possible.

My personal ideal of music is a combination of friendly and catchy melody crossed with a complex technical arrangement, but having both is extraordinarily difficult. If you make the arrangement elaborate, the melody gets dragged toward complexity too.

Obviously arranging is hard due to the workload and complexity, but composition is also super hard, and so are lyrics, and so is paying taxes, and so is breathing with your lungs.

[Googling "arrangers" and getting "arrangers [are] amazing" as a suggestion]
Aren't they?

I'm an Avenger.

I get asked "what kind of job is it being an arranger?" pretty frequently, and long ago, I didn't know that myself.

Today, I made chicken salad while watching a foreign drama. 100% housewife.

Don't go and talk about your own dislikes like they're evils of the world.

I'm not a good enough person to appriase other people.

I feel like it's much too arrogant to declare that there's a problem with someone else's personality... Even if I can't abide that side of them myself, all I can say is that we don't suit each other.

I wanted to upload a song with a sort of autumn vibe.

Here's this week's.
[Official] Unrequited VOC@LOID feat. Hatsune Miku - OSTER project

Toy Time Galaxy is a stage from hell.

I've hardly bought any clothes this year, I'm withering...

In my dream, I was doing a collab with a Vtuber, but I can't remember who it was... I know it was a cute girl... (way too broad)

Yesterday was Sunday, yet I did not upload a video of a past song. Why do you think that is?
Because I forgot to upload one.

October 18th, 2020

I still don't know anything about upper structure triads, so I want to know more, but I don't understand anything I read about them. (dummy) Sound feel good when hear it. (dummy)

I want to meet an upper structure triad in my dreams. :heart: (poem)

Grow, muscles...

I'm awfully happy that the muscle pain that didn't come even when I'd been doing 40 mintues of Ring Fit did come when I went on a 2-hour walk.

Though it's just that putting in effort despite your clumsiness to obtain various skills makes you appear handy.

Destroy the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none" and create "Jack of all trades and the strongest."

If I say they're necessary, they're necessary.

Are those augs really necessary?

Me writing sheet music.

["This song's got 7 augs in the first 18 intro measures." (screencap from The Wind Rises)]

Fuku Suzuki-kun has become Fuku Suzuki-san... And Mana Ashida-chan has become Mana Ashida-san...
And last but not least, OSTER-san has become Roset-chan.

Actually, for walking 10 km, my back feels pretty good. I should have fun training my body while it's feeling good...

Spending all this time walking 10 kilometers then taking the train back home in an instant makes me feel like "technology is incredible."

I got carried away and went on a walk for 10 kilometers... Define "walk."

Keienu-san said they like Friendship and I'm like, I know, and it makes me wanna make another song like that...

There was a man wearing an I :heart: Japan T-shirt riding a bike with a big smile... It was cute.

Mario Galaxy has more instant-death stages than 64... It's either beat the stage or die...

I'll make a confession. Even though I haven't done a Mario Sunshine stream yet, I'm proceeding in Mario Galaxy without streaming it... Mario Galaxy's fun...

[Photo of 29,507 YouTube subscribers] Almost at 30,000! Go for it!

Make me your number one... :heart:

There's no way I'm going to become the best in the world, but I can work hard thinking that I might possibly become the best in your world.

I'm always wanting to become the best in something... I want to be the most powerful aug-user.

October 17th, 2020

I'm a Sister Claire-obsessed woman. #SisterClaireTheEgosearchDemon

When you spend a long time living with cats, then even when there aren't cats around, you feel like seeing something move out of the corner of your eye or something touching your leg means there is a cat there. It seems like the same phenomenon as feeling like the phone in your pocket is vibrating when it actually isn't.

I made the Canon thing in 3 hours.

[Retweeting Calamity Canon video] I'm a Vtuber who makes music like this while everyone watches, thanks in advance. (self-introduction)

Watching tea parties made me want to have a tea party, so maybe I'll cut the cake in the fridge...

↓It's Media

[Text is cropped to look like it says "breast" (but due to mixed alphabets, clearly isn't meant to)]

I think even if Tanjiro yelled "You're wrong!!" at me about my unique values, I'd be like "If you think that, then yeah, in your eyes, I'm wrong," so I'm the villain.

All I can do is live searching for what I can do, and die searching for what I can do...

I'm so tickled by the statement "The number one use of the Caps Lock key is turning off Caps Lock."

It's really nice how the smell of these new tatami mats alone makes it feel like I'm in a different place than usual.

Who is that? Who? Who?
That's Waking Up At 4 AM At A Ryokan Man
Waking Up At 4 AM At A Ryokan Man

October 16th, 2020

Ate 5 tons for dinner.

Dipped in a spa and gained 50 levels.

October 15th, 2020

To myself ten years ago:
I've obtained the furry body I longed for, and right now am sequencing Canon while chanting "sexy, so sexy." Be at ease, and do your best.

Some things you can't do without vigor. Maybe I've lived getting rid of my own escape routes for that purpose...

But I also feel glad I was an idiot because that's why I can be doing this now... LOL Wanna be blessed by the people around me to make up for my idiocy.

I'm a huge idiot, so back when I was like "I'm not working a regular job, I'm gonna be a musician!", I was thinking in my heart "Who knows how difficult this'll be, but I'll make it work somehow," and even after over a decade, I think the fact I've been able to keep this up is a mix of ridiculous luck and ridiculous effort.

Looking back on my lfie, I think major decisions have to be made while you've got youth and passion. And those choices will both make you suffer a bunch and also save you a bunch.

I wanted to go for a little more, but I was getting pretty worried about putting pressure on my back, so I stopped.

I'm like an athlete. [Ring Fit results: 43m1s, 176.10kcal, 1.87km]

The "mainstream [J-pop] progression" is pretty much the only other one I can think of for my chord progression corruption series, but I wonder if there are any more that'd work...

I didn't use too many augs this time, but augs aren't the only thing that's sexy.

I've also made a corruption of Marunouchi Sadiction's progression.

A video where the Canon progression becomes more and more sexy. #Dominowns #CalamityCanon
Standard Chord Progression Corruption! Canon Progression Edition #TesrosetTransmission

October 14th, 2020

Miracle painting,
Marvelous showtime
With a stroke of magic, put me in a trance
Everything up to your fingernails,
I'm gonna dye it with your blood

The Calamity Canon video is done, so I'll post it when I wake up. :heart:

Touring the Tesroset art tag again and digging out my own art.

Getting stimulated listening to the Canon progression I made yesterday by myself.

"You" is the most powerful lifeform, who can move on their own will! Work, you! Go for it, you! Grind yourself to dust until you're satisfied!!

"You" is the only entity in the world that has the power to accomplish boundless things by their duty alone... Just too powerful.

October 13th, 2020

Whatever I do, whether I'm satisfied with it is top priority.

It's nice to think in terms of "cute" rather than "good" or whatever. I wanna draw art I can personally see as cute.

Can't cure my habit of staying up 'til morning. [4:28 AM]

I was so nervous in the moment before stream, but I'm super energetic now... So simple-minded...

I wanna draw Tesroset-chan, and I wanna draw the dog sisters too! Gotta make a video also!

I made some good progressions and got overstimulated again today.

The stream's over! We were able to summon the odious Calamity Canon, so I'll upload the video tomorrow! Look forward to it! :peace sign:

[Retweets Vtuber Sister Claire linking her stream]

Things are getting spicy!!!

It's starting!
[Real Time Composition Stream] Canon Progression Corruption Stream [#TesrosetTransmission]

Better make preparations for the stream... I'll at least set up some basic chords first.

How to streamers ready themselves to stream...?

[Retweeting a highlight from the Mario 64 streams of attempting to do Little Penguin Lost fast by dropping the baby penguin from the top, but failing a bunch] After this, I remembered that the proper way isn't to drop it off, but to just fall down holding it.

I know you always have to consider your own enjoyment first or you can't keep up anything for long, so I wanna take things easy.

I'm Tesroset-chan. ///

Sickness that makes you wanna meet people. (rampaging)

And I do try to avoid saying "I'm worthless!" as much as possible because it hurts the people who like me.

I mean, even if someone says I'm being contradictory, it doesn't really matter, since in my mind that's just the truth.

The feelings of "I'm awesome!" and "I'm worthless!" are constantly coexisting in me, so even though I'm not trying to lie when I say I'm awesome or when I say I'm worthless, there are times when I get sad thinking how people won't get that and think I'm being contradictory. (making up invisible enemies for myself to fight)

Am I a masochist for streaming despite having no confidence that I can entertain people? But part of me also wants to build confidence by taking the challenge anyway, so there's a bunch of feelings battling it out.

Every time I stream, I get super nervous. There's always this feeling like "what do I do if I can't do this?"

Starting tonight at 9 PM, I'll do a stream of making the Canon progression sexy.
[Real Time Composition Stream] Canon Progression Corruption Stream [#TesrosetTransmission]

(I fell a billion times and eventually succeeded.)

I'm a Vtuber who's good at Mario 64.

Composition OK

Longing for others. :heart:

Tonight. [Poll]
- Composition stream [56%]
- Game stream [24.3%]
- Chat stream [19.7%]

October 12th, 2020

If I get good at art, it'll add to the things I can do by myself, so I wanna get good soon.

Today, I finished up a song, drew art, and fit rings, so I pass. :pass symbol:

When I see people with high creative abilities putting out work, I secretly get super antsy, but feel like I'm doing comparatively well myself, so I want to work hard a bit more calmly...

I think it'll be written in the history books how I was able ot collect 120 stars in Mario 64.

[Retweeting the angel/devil fanart at 4 AM] This is me now.

Weapon... (Mario 64)

RT @a2see My wife was still awake when I got home, so I told her OSTER-san became a Vtuber, and she immediately responded "It's obvious what she does, and she's got a weapon? She's the strongest!", and I was like, she sure understands the nature of Vtubing.

The steak kind was cheaper than the curry kind per gram, so... I thought it would be okay to use for curry too... But that meat... its soul must have believed it was being bought to be turned into steak... Rest in peace...

There's something I've always wanted to go to church and confess...
The other day, I wanted to make curry with good meat, but they weren't selling much meat intended for curry, so I cut up Japanese Black beef meant for steak with a knife and made curry with it. Have mercy on me, Lord... Lord, forgive me my transgression...

Sorry for not spending on mobile games and only spending on beef.

I sweat out about 5 billion liters.

Just 'cause I go for long doesn't mean I can burn calories... [Ring Fit results: 30m19s, 124.16kcal, 0.74km]

The more super-spicy ramen you eat, the more fat it burns away, so it's 0 calories in practice.

An illustration of a person hungry at 2 AM. #TesrosetArt

[Devil Roset: "Kehehehe! Let's eat that fatty tonkotsu rame!"
Angel Roset: "No way! You should eat super-spicy ramen loaded with capsaicin to burn away the fat!"
Tesro's stomach: *rumbleeeeee...*]

Surprised myself by how much I can't draw cutely at all.

I want to make a good Roset-chan and an evil Roset-chan too. (?)

First vocal recording with Tesroset-chan. (backing chorus)

I have your children. If you want them back, send the multitrack data for a complete stereo mix (at least 48k 16-bit). I'm sure this must be a busy time for you, but thank you for your cooperation.

I am OSTER. No matter what anyone says, I'm OSTER.

I'm the only Vtuber in the world who composed trick and treat!!!!!

Hey, please gimme... (monetization)

I don't want any misunderstandings, so to add a postscript, it's only like this because it's being treated as a creation of the company that I entrust with managing the copyright, but saying it like that would have been awkward.

I'm covering a song by a third party, me.

[Photo of her trick and treat YouTube upload, then under the Monetization option: "This is a cover of a song composed by a third party."]
No... This is mine...!! It's mine!!!! Give it back!!! Give it baaack!!!!!

October 11th, 2020

Telling a woman a line like "you may not be beautiful, but I love you" feels like telling a man "you may not have any skills to make money, but I love you"... Personally, I'd just feel hurt, not happy.

I've seen people say "outward beauty is lost with age, but inner beauty never changes" as if that's something that's supposed to make women happy, but I just think how I wouldn't be happy at all to be told that, and the nature of beauty just changes with age is all, I'm beautiful every second you dumbass.

People all attach their own values to physical affection. Having your hand held might mean that person thinks you're special, but then maybe holding hands isn't a special action to them.
And you see, I've got a major interest in the conflict and unease that arises from that.

Guess it's a bad habit of mine to gush over little details...

The physical affection of two girls that get along well holding hands, the way it's special and yet not special, it's truly sublime and magnificent... Don't you think, Kameyama-kun?

I wanna see yuri freak Ukyo-san [from AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo] who detects the subtle wrongness of two girls trying to hide their relationship around others and gets fixated on little details.

I'm not gushing over how the two girls are holding hands. I'm gushing over the fact that the two girls both feel that they have the sort of relationship where they can hold hands.

I saw a tweet about how there's been many cases of people getting stimulated by sex and having a stroke, and I thought "I might die while listening to music."

Here's this week's!
[Official MV] trick and treat feat. Kagamine Rin/Len - OSTER project

If you just say "it's about gemstones that fight," it sorta sounds like it's for little girls...

Is there any person who could nicely answer the question "What kind of manga is Land of the Lustrous?"...??

If you do Ring Fit after walking for an hour, it's exhausting. (discovery)

Roset-chan having curry in her pot at home, but smelling a stew scent wafting through the residential area which fills her head with stew instead.

Roset-chan getting rained on the second she goes out for a walk and all her fur getting soaked.

Roset-chan's howling is so crappy and cute... (??)

Yesterday, I was a god of productivity... Today, I might be a god of conductivity.

October 10th, 2020

Victory goes to those who are good at convincing themselves they're happy. Ah, how happy I am...

Could it be I'm really happy???

I did good, so instead of Ring Fit, today I'll do Drink Fit. :heart:

I meant to make the howling quiet in the mix, but it's super loud... Roset-chan, your voice is too piercing...

I'm so great for working so hard today.

It took around 3 hours to make!

Made a Halloween-ish song. #Dominowns #TesrosetTransmission

Guess I'll start recording the howling...

Thanks for the Halloween composition stream! Glad I manged to finish it!!

Still making it!

I'm doing itttt!
[Real Time Composition Stream] Making a Halloween Song [#TesrosetTransmission]

I'm super nervous whether I can actually make a song...

The impatient Lord Tesro doesn't wait until the curry has fully cooked.

Even so, I will cook for myself.

The day ended while I was writing up that sheet music... Rough...

Your chord sheet for the month! It's AI Want Your Love! Kiritan!!
Posted [Chord Sheet] AI Want Your Love! Kiritan to Pixiv Fanbox!

I like songs where you aren't really sure if it's minor or major.

Also, I'm not entirely sure whether the piano solo part is in minor or major key... It ends up landing in minor, though.

The original key is F, but it becomes Cm while things are popping off in the interlude.

Hold on, this changes key, where does it change key?????

Whoever made this was probably strapped to dynamite and had to include a weird progression every few measures or it would explode.

Madness lurks within pop.

The person who made this progression is sick. #Dominowns

I like people who aren't all talk, so I like myself.

Writing chord sheets is seriously exhausting...

The chords being completely different between the first and second verses is just so OSTER-song.

Gotta finish this chord sheet before stream somehow... I gotta...

I don't get why I wrote "The top note of Aaug/B is Bb" at all.

The 7 chords containing augs in the intro alone? Nuts.

Okay, this goes way overboard, LOL [Sheet music for AI Want Your Love! Kiritan]

Made a stream layout for today! :jack-o-lantern: (CmM7 Jack-o-Lantern)

Starting at 9 PM!!
[Real Time Composition Stream] Making a Halloween Song [#TesrosetTransmission]

I yell "sexy, so sexy" while piling on 13's and stuff, but to someone who doesn't find chords sexy, I probably just look like I'm nuts... Sad to think.

Tonight's stream will be a Halloween song, so there's a high possibility that sexy chords won't get the chance to appear.

About the only time I agonized a ton over a title but ended up being like "This is it!!" might be Toxic Jam... Most of the time I get a "This is it!" title, I just sorta come up with it at the start...

I'm confronting the issue of being unable to decide a title for this song... At times like this, when I tell others about the title I came up with, they usually tell me "That's incredibly lame, change it."

People who can make sexy songs are sexy.

Whenever I hear sound being conveyed in a way I didn't conceive of, my brain glitches out.

Keienu-san's chords come flying in out of nowhere without missing a beat, it's like magic...

The songs of people good at making songs are good.

My blood cells are currently made of ketchup.

Working hard to do a composition stream tonight. :flex:

But I can't really remember whether it was Date-san or Tomizawa-san.

I had a dream where I went in for surgery, and for some reason my surgeon was one of the Sandwichman guys. [A comedy duo.]
