OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 27th, 2020

No human is omniscient. The only omniscient one is me. One plus one is miso soup.

People who instantly jump to conclusions of "I can't understand that way of thinking → you're wrong," how are you able to eliminate the possibility that your own thinking ability just isn't sufficient to understand it? Are you omniscient? No, because you proved you weren't omniscient when you couldn't understand.

But suppose that when you tell me "it'll be okay," I think "stop trying to irresonsibly encourage me when you don't know anything" only when I'm in a tough place at the moment, and normally I would try my best to understand the other person's feelings more than the maining of their words. I always want to think that way, so I want to live a life where I can afford to have such consideration.

The meaning words have is dependent on the relationship between the people saying them, of course, but they also change depending on mental state and the current environment, so maybe they're never really getting across the same thing each time...

Depending on who's being told "it'll be okay," they might think you're saying that irresponsibly and know nothing, but also some people want to be told it's okay and be put at ease, so it's really tricky. That's why being kind to people is hard.

What is kindness, really? :heart:

The correct thing was probably to lift up your own hair.

Print Club comic. #TesrosetArt #MakemonArt

[Print Club Voice: "Next, lift up your hair and do a cute pose!"
Print Club Voice: "3, 2, 1..." (This Definitely Isn't It)]

Yesterday I had an emo discussion about how in Passenger Seat Road Movie, Rin-chan realizes the sweating iced tea in the cupholder is just like her, bound by the desire to preserve the relationship they've built up until now and her thoughts having nowhere to go.

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