OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 29th, 2020

I feel like clarifying what you like when doing a thing is the hardest part. Once you figure out what you like, you can form a route to actualizing it, but otherwise you have no idea where you should go.

Without something where I can be like "I want it like this," I wouldn't have the desire to fulfill that want, and wouldn't know what to aim for. So maybe it's a blessed thing that my likes in music have been so extremely clear...

I dunno much about talent, but if I have a talent of my own, perhaps it's my abnormal fetishism for chord progressions. Now that, I'm grateful to have...

There are people in the world who don't think "so sexy" when they hear chord progressions, and in fact, those people probably make up the majority, and it's just me getting stimulated by nonsense... Realizing the wildness of that situation almost brings me back to my senses, but alas, no matter what, I'll get stimulated.

When I make a song, I become the god of that song's world. I'm free to make the characters do whatever I want, so I'm god.

Even if I were to reharmonize Country Roads myself, I feel like I'd just end up with the progression from the Ghibli version...

This is super obvious, but when I'm making a song for a client, the allocation of responsibility is totally different, and I put a ton of thought into a lot of things and have to fight against an intense pressure. I don't think I'll ever in my life get used to that simultaneous mixture of fun and extreme difficulty.

When it's doing a lot of stuff, it's more likely it'll pick fights with the other parts, so songs that can have everyone get along and act freely regardless are so amazing I don't even get it.

My habit of having the piano always be doing something in the background is definitely because of Michel Legrand.

Songs where the piano's always being annoying are superb.

I'm doing pretty well at making music this year, but I've been totally unable to upload for-fun songs... Wanna make songs for fun on stream and make them into videos to upload...

The piano hardly ever settles down, it's just always being annoying.

Listening to this piano is wild every time.
[Cute Big Band Jazz] Cat and Balloons feat. Miku Hatsune - OSTER project

Humans forget hell so quickly.

When I made Alice, on top of the song itself, putting together the video was so exhausting I was like, I'll never make a song this difficult again... but made Oz a few years later, and putting together the video was so exhausting I was like, I'll never make a song this difficult again... and now here we are, but I kinda wanna make another.

Alice in Musicland is a super old song at this point, but it's so amazing how it's still loved that I'm gonna die.

Claire-san sang Alice and I cried.

When playing Mario 64, she thought Mario's voice when hitting the lava sounded happy and declared the M on his cap to be a statement of his masochism, so it seems that's the history behind it. (Tesroset Transmission diehard fan)

RT @twinfamicom On OSTER-san's Mario stream, the moment the "M" mark appeared in the opening scene right after starting, I really like how she said "Augh, here we go, suddenly presenting himself as a masochist..."

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