OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 30th, 2020

I want to be the second-best at drawing Tesroset-chan cutely, after their moms.

The official account loves Tesroset the most.

I'm great for producing Tesroset art again today.

I'm kinda filled with a desire to run wild now...

Tesro-sama drowning in drink and neat and tidy Roset-chan.

It's Halloween, so they dressed up. #TesrosetArt

It's not that I won't be contained by common sense. Common sense can't contain me.

I want friends to make music with (to suffer with me).

OSTER project is a three-person group containing OSTER-san, ROSET-san, and TESRO-san.

[Retweets Nico Nico News tweeting about trick and treat's 12th anniversary, calling her "music unit OSTER project"] Music Unit OSTER project (Members: OSTER project)

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