OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

October 31st, 2020

It's become... my birthday month...

Hope I can do a Tesroset stream tomorrow...

It's Halloween, but I'm making the most powerful song. I'm only making the most powerful songs this year.

I know it's a mainstream anime-song-style progression, but I wonder what the oldest song in history to use this progression is...

The first person to come up with the progression C→Bm7-5→E→Am→Gm7→C should've gotten a medal.

Roset-chan is constantly in a overlapped state of being me and not being me, so she loves ultra-spicy curry and her birthday's next month.

Thank you for your support. It's OSTER. Regarding the treats I inquired about the other day, how exactly might things proceed from here? If delivery proves to be difficult, then I deeply apologize, but I will have to take the initiative and play a trick. Apologies to bother you during this busy time, but please consider the matter. Thank you in advance.

I'm actually doing work! Aren't I great!

Wanna finish a song today and get to work on a different song tomorrow.

It's Halloween!

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