OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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July 16th, 2022

When it comes to things to do at 5 AM, ain't no option but Malzeno time attacks, right?

Especially in fields like games where your proficiency is quantified in a visible way, it'll kill your motivation comparing yourself against others too much, so I want to put having fun first. So incredibly unsuited for competitive games.

If you compare yourself to others too much and are only like "man, I can't do that," you'll lose motivation, so occasionally spending time to hole up in your narrow world and soak in "I'm great for being able to do this!" is important too. Balancing retreating into your world with learning about the world around you is key. I'm serious.

In both games and music, essentially, it gets boring the moment things reach saturation. It's all about how many new things you can discover while keeping it up.

Ultimately, that's room to grow, so there's also the joy of having found room to grow.

Don't you feel super vexed when you're like "I could've never come up with this myself"????

Doing music, maybe the most vexing and most enjoyable moments are when I encounter something I hadn't even imagined.

I'm bad at living, but I'm at least good at making music.

Just living is a passing grade.

Ending up having just a garbage day.

July 15th, 2022

I'm so bad at Monster Hunter!!!!

No-Broth-Noodles Rajang (special species)

[Photo of on-screen text in a TV show: "No-Broth Rajang Noodles"] Sounds like they're gonna go into a rage.

July 14th, 2022

Given I was out at a cafe just drinking coffee by myself this late at night, I wonder if people assumed I was someone who didn't feel like she belonged at home.

All delicious meals are served on huge plates. In other words, no matter what the meal, it becomes delicious if you serve it on a huge plate.

July 13th, 2022

Went out for the first time in a while, and there was a superbly-dressed lady on the train.

[Replying to the previous one of these from May 21st] Yet another new work has come in, at about the same frequency as the Frappuccino.
[Using your name, there is an unpaid
In the process of compiling private information, I learned well that you are a big fan of sites publishing adult content, and are called a regular customer.
Checking porn sites, watching obscene porn videos, while reaching intense climax, you endure lots of pleasure and agonize, don't you.
To speak about the truth, I have recorded an obscene solo scene centered on you, and I couldn't help but make a special video exposing a lonely sexy session ending with the sight of your climax.]

"Name the four Champions from Breath of the Wild!"

July 12th, 2022

Laughing at people who can't do things you say it's natural to be able to do is such a despicable act...

Having the drive to want to attempt making such and such kind of song is a blessed thing. Keeping up the same thing for 20 years, it seems like normally you'd hit saturation, but you can grow as long as you don't stop taking things in.

[Retweeting said article] I just saw it in the news now, but this article was from 2 days ago, was it...

I want them to only show news stories that're like "they accidentally distributed the same card to everyone at a bingo tournament, so everyone got bingo at once."

July 11th, 2022

It's no use saying woulda-coulda-shoulda, but I got 7:30 with 1 death, so I could probably get around 6 and a half minutes for a clean run...

It was going so well thoughhh!!!!!

I just keep resetting quests, so I'm not going up in MR...

Even if you're like "you don't have to take it so serious," that's the only way I know how to live...

So jealous of people who think of games as something you play with others.

It peeves me that I'm workin' this hard on Monster Hunter yet I'm still better at making music.

I'm from the dial-up connection generation.

[Twitter screenshot: "Japan Trends: Computer Granny (Trending Topic: Horror)"]

Who're you callin' "computer granny"? Say that again, I dare ya.

Please, motorcycles, drive in silence.

I was making a song and it sounded discordant so I thought I'd made a mistake somewhere, but apparently it was just a motorcycle driving outside, so could you stop?

Even I've forgotten which song I made, you see.

You absolutely won't guess it, so rest easy.

[Re: Colorless Nameless Fest] About this from yesterday, it's a festival sort of thing that's like "Let's all try posting songs concealing the composer's name!" It's being held form the 28th to 31st of this month.
I'll give those who guess my song the gift of prestige. Please make predictions and look forward it.

July 10th, 2022

I'm participating in the Colorless Nameless Fest! #ColorlessNamelessFest
My regards for the coming match.
[Photo showing the completed submission screen for the NicoNico Vocaloid event, where all submissions are anonymous with barebones videos]

[Retweeting Alcohol Song] Please join in singing the anthem of the Freedom Drinker's Party.

I generally don't talk about politics on the timeline, but in today's election, I showed my will as a citizen by voting for the Freedom Drinker's Party. [Name of a T-shirt-selling charity organization]

Election manga.

I've finished voting. With this, Japan is in my hands.

If you were a dog who's bad at swimming, you'd be praised as cute, yet no one will praise you as cute if you're a human who's bad at fitting into society. It's not right.

July 9th, 2022

Master Rank Valstrax is so strong I LOLed.

Malzeno 6:XX seems doable.

Is there no salvation for longsword users?

July 8th, 2022

Sure enough, I'll tweet boobs too.


Today I won't tweet anything but poop and dicks.

July 7th, 2022

Let's all enter the Tarotaro Cup together.

My primary activity is increasing the number of longsword users.

RT @Chikasato_Yoha I'm quietly making a list to see tweets from famous composers and Vocaloid producers to increase my motivation for composing, but thanks to OSTER-san, who boasts an overwhelming number of tweets on that list, my interest in Monster Hunter has shot up.

July 6th, 2022

Beer you drink after getting naked in front of others is the most delicious.

A facility where you can get naked in front of people and not get yelled at.

I'm going to the hot spring. Please don't look for me.

July 5th, 2022

All of a sudden, I remembered seeing this comment on a video like "I'm not looking for this kind of thing from an OSTER song" and getting mad, but thinking about it now, I should've left it at "And I'm not looking for that kind of comment from you," and got mad at myself for going and getting mad at such a stupid single comment.

A warning to myself who's pointlessly staying up.

Hey, everybody!
I'm Health Man!
The hero who protects everyone's health!
Attention all those reading this tweet!

Stop pointlessly staying up and go to bed. [3:21 AM]

Now, what dream should I aspire to next?

Dreams for the Future

Grade School: Pianist
Middle School: Composer
High School: Composer
College: Composer
My Twenties: Popular Composer

My Thirties: Healthy Person Good at Monster Hunter

I wanna be strong.

I know the people saying it don't mean it that way, so it's entirely my own mind to blame, but it's kinda like being told that once you're established as being "the such-and-such person," no other form of you has any worth, and maybe that's scary to me. Weakling.

When I say I want to get good at games and someone says something like "You can make music, so just be satisfied with that," I feel like I'm being saddled with a curse of never being recognized for anything but making music no matter how much work I put into other things and despair, does anyone get this????

:family: [two women, two girls] Yuck, rainy season...
:earth: Ended the rainy season early for ya.
:family: Now there's a drought, though...
:earth: Made ya a typhoon.
What is the management even doing????

July 4th, 2022

There's so many monsters in Sunbreak whose moves I want to learn...

Guys like Lunagaron have moves that'd definitely be fun if I learned them, but Malzeno's so fun I keep going to hunt it even after getting my equipment...

Crucible Knight Ordovis
Banished Knight Engvall
Royal Knight Loretta
Knight of the Royal Order Fiorayne

[Re: all the response to her "stop hiding" tweet] Where were all you guys hiding all this time???????? (thank you)

RT @crab_kanikani: "That time I thought I'd line up all my OSTER CDs to take a picture but I had 17 and I couldn't fit them all."
That might be more than I have.

To all those supporting me from the shadows:
    Stop hiding in the shadows and show yourself.
        - Me

I've never once learned about how to use longsword from Utsushi-kun.

[Retweets an official tweet about Master Utsushi, who "taught hunters everything about hunting"] Master Utsushi, who taught hunters everything about hunting (not saying he taught everything about hunting)

People who aren't particular about things aren't fit to be creators.
People who are very particular about things aren't fit to have proper lives.
So, it's like that.

July 3rd, 2022

I'm using a Pro Controller connected to my PC, but I suddenly lost control once which is scary.

While playing the Sunbreak story, I kept thinking about how if you gave a newly-transferred classmate the nickname "Fierce Flame" they'd totally be bullied.

July 2nd, 2022

Shogun Ceanataur is stronger than Malzeno.

Royal Knight Luchika is so sexy my sun broke.

Thanks for coming to the stream. We cleared the story! It was a super fun game... But there's still lots to do, it seems. :smile with halo:


Wait a mocha.

:clock: 1:00 PM:
Going from MR5 to the last boss!!
[Monster Hunter Sunbreak] From MR5 to the Last Boss [Musical Vtuber Tesro & Roset]

Tesroset Transmission "Top-Hunter": Lady Hunter of Ero-gado Sexy Adventure Chapter (Featuring Last Boss Nip-Slip) is planned to begin streaming at 1 PM today. Thanks in advance.

July 1st, 2022

Sunbreak longsword is so fun...

Let's name Master Rank Zinogre Apex Zinogre 2.

And tonight, there's Sunbreak!!!!!

I suddenly think how the things I've been giving my all toward and enjoying can change my life, and in fact, I realize they've changed my life because they were all things I enjoyed doing, how joyous!! (self-satisfying)

Having a dream that basically has all your worries crammed in is really exhausting.

I thought I was done after paying vehicle inspection and insurance, then municipal taxes appeared as the last boss and I cried (and paid them)

Sister Clainya-san... #TesrosetTransmission

Sunbreak: Today I'll work on my movement and equipment, and do a story-progressing stream tomorrow.

June 30th, 2022

Only having two pieces of Master Rank equipment is too harsh, so I really wanna get some equipment. :smile with halo:

Shagaru Magala's too strong, c'mon...

Thank you for... 7 hours of night stream... I'm lethally tired... lol

Is Sunbreak just kinda hard??

After getting my equipment in order, broke into MR4!


Clearing Sunbreak, Night Edition, From MR3
I'll start in about 10 minutes. #TesrosetTransmission

Shogun Ceanataur was also one of the Three Lords.

For now, I want to go through to the final boss without taking in any info, but I also feel like I'll suffer on the equipment front.

Even the high-rank monsters I fought a lot in Rise getting new movements in Master Rank and feeling like brand new monsters is super fun...

Got up to the middle of MR3 on PC too! Continuing tonight! High-rank equipment's getting rough.

The Three Lords
Khezu, Aknosom, Blood Orange Bishaten

Here's the second stream.

Sorry, the stream cut out, so I'm preparing a second stream.


Go for ittt!

It's 1 PM.

:clock: Around 1:15 PM:
I'll start once it's downloaded and I'm able to play, so the time is approximate. Thanks in advance.
[Monster Hunter Sunbreak] Rise Time Attacker Wanting Go Through Rapidly with Solo Longsword #TesrosetTransmission

The Three Lords: Morisoba, Livernira, Malzeno

Blood Orange Bishaten might as well be one of the Three Lords.

I've cleared up to MR3 on Switch, but so far the strongest thing has been Blood Orange Bishaten???????

45 minutes until the Steam release. I'll start the stream once I can play. #TesrosetTransmission

June 29th, 2022

Reached MR3.

My first death in Sunbreak was to Blood Orange Bishaten. Thank you very much.

The world of Master Rank... The greatest...

I'm gonna cry from this screen alone.


Welcome to Elgado!!!! [Photo of Switch system message telling her she can't play Sunbreak yet]

[At midnight] :birthday: Happy Birthday :birthday:
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak!!!

The Switch version for easily playing with others! The Steam version which runs super smooth! 'Course ya need both!

When I was asked "Which version of Monster Hunter should I buy, Switch or Steam?" and I said buy both, they were super surprised, but obviously you buy both, right????

Rise was fun..........

After learning the smoothness of the PC version, the Switch version lag on Teo and Apex Zinogre feels intense, but I can't restrain my desire to play ASAP...

I want to do the stream on PC, so I'll stream at noon tomorrow, but if the Switch version comes first I'm probably gonna play it personally sorry I can't help myself :smile with halo:

Sad to think the Rise-kun I knew is no more...

Is now the only time you can play the weakest possible longsword without the addition of Sunbreak mechanics and only attack power adjusted?!

If the Switch version lifts the hunting restrictions first, will I be able to show self-restraint until noon tomorrow???

[Retweeting Nemoto Nagi's announcement of an EP including a song from OSTER, Coffee Spicata!]
I've written a song for Vtuber Nemoto Nagi-san. :coffee:
It's a song picturing a seaside cafe. Look forward to its release. :clap:

Summer of 2002: "If it's sunny tomorrow, let's go to that beach" [Lyrics from Ayumi Hamasaki's July 1st]
Summer of 2022: "If it's sunny tomorrow, I'll die"

If Sunbreak was at midnight, I thought I'd sleep during the day to prepare, but if it's at noon tomorrow, now it's a question of how to pass the time...

:flame: :car: :flame: :tengu:

Is there no preloading for the Steam version?

Pixar movies really are super good. Especially the last scene of [C]ars, where he's unable to return to Earth ever again and can't die even if he wants to, so he stops thinking - I can't watch it without crying.

I'm the only artist who has a Monster Hunter results screen time as their Twitter header.

In an interview the other day, the interviewer told me "I looked at your Twitter!! You sure like Monster Hunter!!!" Yes, as you can see.

The prominent theory is that the PC version of Sunbreak is out tomorrow at noon, so I plan to stream in accordance with that. Looking forward to the followup to the game I've played most exhaustively in my life...

"Thank you for your Steam purchase?" Don't be ridiculous.
I'm the one who should be saying "thank you."

[Screenshot of trend "Number of Players: 1"] Stop badmouthing Sunbreak longsword.

June 28th, 2022

My gaming life is majorly congested.

That thing where you're still not sure when you'll play it but go ahead and buy it because it's on sale.

Is the info about Steam Sunbreak coming out at noon instead of midnight for real?

I love you, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak-san. Please date me in preparation for marriage.

A new entry coming out of a game I've played this fervently is such a lifetime first for me, I'm so restless.

Only 2 days until the release of Monster Hunter Ultimate Rising Shining Sunsbreaker.

Still not sure whether or not you'll be able to play Sunbreak at midnight??? What do I do for my stream schedule???

June 27th, 2022

Super lonely as recoil from the fun trip, but I'll work like my life depends on it again starting tomorrow.

Monster Hunter Rising Sunbreaker

As a result of having a trip with my drinking buddies, Spirytus is now from day 2 on.

Got home, turned on the TV, and laughed when I heard my own song playing.

R.I.P. 2022 Rainy Season
