OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 16th, 2022

When it comes to things to do at 5 AM, ain't no option but Malzeno time attacks, right?

Especially in fields like games where your proficiency is quantified in a visible way, it'll kill your motivation comparing yourself against others too much, so I want to put having fun first. So incredibly unsuited for competitive games.

If you compare yourself to others too much and are only like "man, I can't do that," you'll lose motivation, so occasionally spending time to hole up in your narrow world and soak in "I'm great for being able to do this!" is important too. Balancing retreating into your world with learning about the world around you is key. I'm serious.

In both games and music, essentially, it gets boring the moment things reach saturation. It's all about how many new things you can discover while keeping it up.

Ultimately, that's room to grow, so there's also the joy of having found room to grow.

Don't you feel super vexed when you're like "I could've never come up with this myself"????

Doing music, maybe the most vexing and most enjoyable moments are when I encounter something I hadn't even imagined.

I'm bad at living, but I'm at least good at making music.

Just living is a passing grade.

Ending up having just a garbage day.

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