OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 11th, 2022

It's no use saying woulda-coulda-shoulda, but I got 7:30 with 1 death, so I could probably get around 6 and a half minutes for a clean run...

It was going so well thoughhh!!!!!

I just keep resetting quests, so I'm not going up in MR...

Even if you're like "you don't have to take it so serious," that's the only way I know how to live...

So jealous of people who think of games as something you play with others.

It peeves me that I'm workin' this hard on Monster Hunter yet I'm still better at making music.

I'm from the dial-up connection generation.

[Twitter screenshot: "Japan Trends: Computer Granny (Trending Topic: Horror)"]

Who're you callin' "computer granny"? Say that again, I dare ya.

Please, motorcycles, drive in silence.

I was making a song and it sounded discordant so I thought I'd made a mistake somewhere, but apparently it was just a motorcycle driving outside, so could you stop?

Even I've forgotten which song I made, you see.

You absolutely won't guess it, so rest easy.

[Re: Colorless Nameless Fest] About this from yesterday, it's a festival sort of thing that's like "Let's all try posting songs concealing the composer's name!" It's being held form the 28th to 31st of this month.
I'll give those who guess my song the gift of prestige. Please make predictions and look forward it.

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