OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 5th, 2022

All of a sudden, I remembered seeing this comment on a video like "I'm not looking for this kind of thing from an OSTER song" and getting mad, but thinking about it now, I should've left it at "And I'm not looking for that kind of comment from you," and got mad at myself for going and getting mad at such a stupid single comment.

A warning to myself who's pointlessly staying up.

Hey, everybody!
I'm Health Man!
The hero who protects everyone's health!
Attention all those reading this tweet!

Stop pointlessly staying up and go to bed. [3:21 AM]

Now, what dream should I aspire to next?

Dreams for the Future

Grade School: Pianist
Middle School: Composer
High School: Composer
College: Composer
My Twenties: Popular Composer

My Thirties: Healthy Person Good at Monster Hunter

I wanna be strong.

I know the people saying it don't mean it that way, so it's entirely my own mind to blame, but it's kinda like being told that once you're established as being "the such-and-such person," no other form of you has any worth, and maybe that's scary to me. Weakling.

When I say I want to get good at games and someone says something like "You can make music, so just be satisfied with that," I feel like I'm being saddled with a curse of never being recognized for anything but making music no matter how much work I put into other things and despair, does anyone get this????

:family: [two women, two girls] Yuck, rainy season...
:earth: Ended the rainy season early for ya.
:family: Now there's a drought, though...
:earth: Made ya a typhoon.
What is the management even doing????

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