OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

July 4th, 2022

There's so many monsters in Sunbreak whose moves I want to learn...

Guys like Lunagaron have moves that'd definitely be fun if I learned them, but Malzeno's so fun I keep going to hunt it even after getting my equipment...

Crucible Knight Ordovis
Banished Knight Engvall
Royal Knight Loretta
Knight of the Royal Order Fiorayne

[Re: all the response to her "stop hiding" tweet] Where were all you guys hiding all this time???????? (thank you)

RT @crab_kanikani: "That time I thought I'd line up all my OSTER CDs to take a picture but I had 17 and I couldn't fit them all."
That might be more than I have.

To all those supporting me from the shadows:
    Stop hiding in the shadows and show yourself.
        - Me

I've never once learned about how to use longsword from Utsushi-kun.

[Retweets an official tweet about Master Utsushi, who "taught hunters everything about hunting"] Master Utsushi, who taught hunters everything about hunting (not saying he taught everything about hunting)

People who aren't particular about things aren't fit to be creators.
People who are very particular about things aren't fit to have proper lives.
So, it's like that.

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