OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 30th, 2022

Only having two pieces of Master Rank equipment is too harsh, so I really wanna get some equipment. :smile with halo:

Shagaru Magala's too strong, c'mon...

Thank you for... 7 hours of night stream... I'm lethally tired... lol

Is Sunbreak just kinda hard??

After getting my equipment in order, broke into MR4!


Clearing Sunbreak, Night Edition, From MR3
I'll start in about 10 minutes. #TesrosetTransmission

Shogun Ceanataur was also one of the Three Lords.

For now, I want to go through to the final boss without taking in any info, but I also feel like I'll suffer on the equipment front.

Even the high-rank monsters I fought a lot in Rise getting new movements in Master Rank and feeling like brand new monsters is super fun...

Got up to the middle of MR3 on PC too! Continuing tonight! High-rank equipment's getting rough.

The Three Lords
Khezu, Aknosom, Blood Orange Bishaten

Here's the second stream.

Sorry, the stream cut out, so I'm preparing a second stream.


Go for ittt!

It's 1 PM.

:clock: Around 1:15 PM:
I'll start once it's downloaded and I'm able to play, so the time is approximate. Thanks in advance.
[Monster Hunter Sunbreak] Rise Time Attacker Wanting Go Through Rapidly with Solo Longsword #TesrosetTransmission

The Three Lords: Morisoba, Livernira, Malzeno

Blood Orange Bishaten might as well be one of the Three Lords.

I've cleared up to MR3 on Switch, but so far the strongest thing has been Blood Orange Bishaten???????

45 minutes until the Steam release. I'll start the stream once I can play. #TesrosetTransmission

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