OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

June 29th, 2022

Reached MR3.

My first death in Sunbreak was to Blood Orange Bishaten. Thank you very much.

The world of Master Rank... The greatest...

I'm gonna cry from this screen alone.


Welcome to Elgado!!!! [Photo of Switch system message telling her she can't play Sunbreak yet]

[At midnight] :birthday: Happy Birthday :birthday:
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak!!!

The Switch version for easily playing with others! The Steam version which runs super smooth! 'Course ya need both!

When I was asked "Which version of Monster Hunter should I buy, Switch or Steam?" and I said buy both, they were super surprised, but obviously you buy both, right????

Rise was fun..........

After learning the smoothness of the PC version, the Switch version lag on Teo and Apex Zinogre feels intense, but I can't restrain my desire to play ASAP...

I want to do the stream on PC, so I'll stream at noon tomorrow, but if the Switch version comes first I'm probably gonna play it personally sorry I can't help myself :smile with halo:

Sad to think the Rise-kun I knew is no more...

Is now the only time you can play the weakest possible longsword without the addition of Sunbreak mechanics and only attack power adjusted?!

If the Switch version lifts the hunting restrictions first, will I be able to show self-restraint until noon tomorrow???

[Retweeting Nemoto Nagi's announcement of an EP including a song from OSTER, Coffee Spicata!]
I've written a song for Vtuber Nemoto Nagi-san. :coffee:
It's a song picturing a seaside cafe. Look forward to its release. :clap:

Summer of 2002: "If it's sunny tomorrow, let's go to that beach" [Lyrics from Ayumi Hamasaki's July 1st]
Summer of 2022: "If it's sunny tomorrow, I'll die"

If Sunbreak was at midnight, I thought I'd sleep during the day to prepare, but if it's at noon tomorrow, now it's a question of how to pass the time...

:flame: :car: :flame: :tengu:

Is there no preloading for the Steam version?

Pixar movies really are super good. Especially the last scene of [C]ars, where he's unable to return to Earth ever again and can't die even if he wants to, so he stops thinking - I can't watch it without crying.

I'm the only artist who has a Monster Hunter results screen time as their Twitter header.

In an interview the other day, the interviewer told me "I looked at your Twitter!! You sure like Monster Hunter!!!" Yes, as you can see.

The prominent theory is that the PC version of Sunbreak is out tomorrow at noon, so I plan to stream in accordance with that. Looking forward to the followup to the game I've played most exhaustively in my life...

"Thank you for your Steam purchase?" Don't be ridiculous.
I'm the one who should be saying "thank you."

[Screenshot of trend "Number of Players: 1"] Stop badmouthing Sunbreak longsword.

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