OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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May 4th, 2020

The composer grows the veggies, the arranger cooks them, and it goes on the plate the lyricist made. If you do all that yourself, 'course it'll be exhausting. I'm doing all that myself, so I'm exhausted.

Delicious vegetables can be super delicious on their own, but the range of flavors can be vastly broadened through cooking. Wanna have pie?

If anyone ever asks what the job of an arranger is, I think the best way to put it is that if a composer is someone who grows vegetables, an arranger is someone who cooks vegetables.

It's Air Comiket Day 3 ["virtual" Comiket, essentially], so I'm taking part with my cosplay of air.

It's not like there's a rule against going outside without making or anything, sure... But people get lazy if they're not given impetus.

I'm gonna forget how to use makeup soon...

May 3rd, 2020

[Jun: "Okay, let's pervy yuri together!"]
You make it sound like you're going to grab a snack...

["CONGRATULATIONS! Cleared Puzzle Level 800!"]
I'm getting work done. Good for me.

When I start thinking about the loneliness of humans, it makes me want to flap my limbs around and whine about the unreasonable nature of living in this world, so I try to avert my eyes as much as possible.

Words aren't tools that can represent feelings exactly either, so even with the best communication currently available to humanity, humans are outrageously alone. This is getting heavy, so I'm gonna stop. Wonder if my boobs can get heavy.

Though it's because of that looseness that I'll be eternally fighting against the worry of no one agreeing with what I think is beautiful.

Of course the tone is important, but I'd have to say I put emphasis on the feeling of the chords and phrases... Though even within that, there's a lot of sensations I can't possibly explain but just kinda like. What's neat about art is how it takes individual sensitivities as input, so the standards are incredibly loose.

Even if I say I like fancy songs, there are all sorts of elements it could be, like the tone, or the lyrics, or the style, so just saying I like fancy songs alone might not get across what I mean at all.

[Jun: "My job of grabbing chests at Steak Gusto was fun..."]
Stay home.

May 2nd, 2020

I want to make girls feel glad they're girls. :ribbon:

RT @zhelobok #OSTERsMostGeniusLyrics They're all so good that I can't name just one, but... There are a lot of her lyrics that make me glad to be a girl!! :ribbon:

I'm sorry for planting bombs in all of your memories.

Maybe if it weren't for the second chorus lyrics, the bitter medicine and painful injections would just be taken literally, but I'm sorry to say that song is nothing but metaphors.

I sometimes get people telling me they didn't realize it listening to my songs long ago, but listening to them again as adults, they're like "these are some wild lyrics, huh." That's right, everyone's become adults. That's what becoming an adult is.

Love Ward is a pretty lusty lover-stealing story, but the parts that make it seem like a cute song get you feeling like you were unwittingly fed poison!

Whale Rider and Dolphin Jet comic when?

I'd say the perviest part of Dolphin Jet is "try checking the switch," but what do you think?

If I tried to give a serious explanation of Dolphin Jet, I feel like my account would be locked, so I'll take my Dolphin Jet explanation to the grave.

[Toro, Jun, Ricky, Pierre, and R-Suzuki: "Let's kiiiss!"]
They're pretty pent up from self-quarantine.

It's sad to think I've reached an age where it doesn't make me happy or anything, but truly just makes me think "why?"

(Buying beer at the supermarket)
Clerk: "Do you have an ID to prove your age?"
Me in my 20's: "They saw me as young... :smiling face:"
Me in my 30's: "Why???????"

May 1st, 2020

Me giving a Bloom Into You presentation on a group call: "Sayaka Saeki is Tokugawa Ieyasu, Yuu Koito is Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maki-kun is Hisoka."

Thanks for 10000000000 likes.

[Retweeting the Marunouchi video] As an addendum for RTers going "I don't know what's going on": I also don't know what's going on.

I sometime see people who aren't familiar with me be like "Theory-knowers are somethin' else!", but I am! A feeling-rider! We're no different! Let us shake hands! And share our suffering as fellow feeling-riders!

All the chords are written out there in the video, but I'm not conscious of chords at all when I'm making it, and just putting in the sounds I'm imagining in my head, so what I'm actually doing is looking at the finished progression and figuring out the names of everything one by one to make a video of it... Don't know theory.

I occasionally stream composing work to get the feeling that I'm working hard and making music. Please do come watch.

I think I've always had a complex about only faintly feeling like I'm actually making music. And about never properly studying music at a music college or vocational school. So in that case I should study it myself, geez, but I can't sustain any effort to, so I'm just beyond help...

When I bring up how I have no idea what keys to press on a keyboard to make the sound I'm imagining, people look at me like I'm an alien, but to me, people who know that doing such and such will cause this sound are superhumans from another dimension.

Even if chord explanations write the scale, I can't play the sound in my head, so I don't know what it sounds like until I play it, which is just plain inconvenient. But I have no desire to train myself either. Truly lazy. :sloth:

April 30th, 2020

The videos I upload to Twitter are focused on showing my techniques, so they're musically busy. If you like them, I'd be very happy if you listened to my actual songs as well. They're available all sorts of places! :music note:

I think properly studying theory is a shortcut. Being a lazy slacker, I made music following my feelings for 20 years, and matured into a Galapagos pervert... I'll continue to walk my own unique path of perversion.

It's been about 20 years since I started making music, but I want to have at least a little pride in where I'm at now, using a mouse the whole time, only ever self-taught, and keeping the same style. I couldn't think about chords like this from the start, but there's a lot more I can see now compared to before!

You might think the more complex a chord progression is, the better, but the more complex a chord progression is, the better.

In analyzing the chords for this, I've established that I use minor major seventh flat fives.

A minor seventh flat five is a half-diminished, but what's a minor major seventh flat five called? Do you just say it like that? Like it's your regular order at Starbucks?

I like my songs, so I want to hear my songs made by a bunch of different people... (???)

Lately, I've had an interest in going like "Normally there'd be a minor here, right? Guess what, I'll make it a major. Bet this'd usually be a major seventh, but I'll make it a regular seventh," etc., and emo things happening or not happening as a result.

Not knowing theory, it's nice when I can at least find patterns and express them in my own words. Like "the pre-landing aug."

Sometimes I get asked "why did you go with this chord here?", but all I can answer is "it felt emo," sorry...

What sorts of standard progressions, you ask? Uh, try Googling it...

It's fun to do a sort of "custom recipe" for chord progressions... Like "how shall I make the Canon chords my own?"

Incidentally, if you watch this video, you can understand how to read chords in 2 minutes.
Roughly Explaining Super Simple Chord-Reading #3.5

As in this video, it feels like most chord progressions that look complicated are made up of simple standard progressions.

I made a video where Marunouchi Sadistic becomes more and more OSTER-style. #Dominowns

I'll probably agonize over it for life, but I also think it'd be the end if I stopped agonizing over it. If you always think you're the greatest, what are you supposed to aim for? The fact you can't reach greatness means you can strive for greatness.

I often go "I can't even do this? I'm not cut out for music, stop it already...", but maybe I keep going anyway because that's all I've got left.

But when it concerns yourself, you do tend to focus on the areas where you're lacking. I know the feeling of worrying that you're not good at something everyone else is. But if you let that make you give up entirely, you're also giving up the things you're good at and like, which is a huge waste.

I think it's fine to find one thing you're good at and brute force your way with it. You don't need to use complex chords; if you can distinguish yourself with the way you make or arrange sounds, go for it. There's no one answer.

I'm super bad at making sound and mixing, and I also lack the interest to work on those. But thinking of chords and phrases is my strong suit, so I run all the way with that to make the songs I do, and I keep going with the hope that it'll reach people who like that kind of thing.

It's best to believe that there's no such thing as a person who can call everything their strong suit. If you focus on a single weakness and be like "I'm not cut out for this," you'll make your strengths cry...

April 29th, 2020

I'm here... I'm right here...

Twitter's weird.

The timeline's doing a thing, so I'll upload this video some other time.

So is the timeline back now? Or not?

Making a dirty joke while Twitter's being funky and getting a weak response makes me horribly lonely, so stop it...

I'm not getting any notifications at all, so I thought I'd been abandoned, but Twitter's just busted...

April 28th, 2020

Just take my word for it - instead of playing the basic root note with your left hand, it sounds kinda fancy if you just play the seventh instead, so everyone should try it out.

It's the thing where if you play a seventh with your left hand, it's kind of fancy-like, and also the thing where you play G and F with the left hand and Dbm with the right. I'm using a mouse, so my hands aren't actually on a keyboard, but.

F, Db, E, Ab, and the bass is G... What even is that?

I don't understand the chords of my own progressions.

April 27th, 2020

I'm facing a pot boiling at 1 AM and chanting "Become tasty...", so I'm pretty sure I qualify as a witch. :witch:

When people claim "double standards" about people who have conflicting emotions, I think they're just under a mistaken impression that they're living without contradictions themselves. Though actually, no, I don't think having two conflicting emotions at the same time is a contradiction at all!

But you kinda wanna push through that conflict to proudly put the end result out into the world like "This is the ultimate art in the universe!!", right???

Schrödinger's Creator

I think creators are creatures in two overlapping states: thinking they're geniuses, and thinking they're hopelessly lacking talent.

A Hollywood movie where if I don't make a tweet that gets over 1000 likes every 3 days, the bus with hostages on it explodes.

I did good staying indoors on sunny Saturday, so even though it's raining, I'm gonna go for a walk... Gotta recover mentally or else.

April 26th, 2020

Spaghetti Challenge

I'm behind the times, so until a few months ago, I thought SpaCha [Super Chat, donating to streamers on YouTube] was a weapon in Splatoon.

However nice the weather is, there are a lot of people out on Saturdays, so I'm not leaving the house then... I'm not, but the weather is nice... The sun is calling me... :sniffle:

I'm really fond of my friends who, after I got absurdly drunk during a group call and gave a stupid-loud presentation on Bloom Into You, actually heeded me and read it.

There's a 5-billion lightyear gap between understanding the structure of an amazing progression and producing it yourself.

April 25th, 2020

Plus, it'll probably be quite some time before I get to making another song I can stream. And I'm absolutely unable to do something steadily every day, so I'm really not suited for it...

I can't play an instrument, and even my composing is both tedious and unintelligible, so it's not very appealing to stream. So I keep thinking I wanna figure something out, but what should I even do...

People who provided amusing content offline before are putting a lot of stuff online now, so the web is overflowing with lots of amazing content, which should be a wonderful thing, yet I'm weak and feel my own powerlessness over it instead...

I'm an adolescent, so just putting "kiss" into lyrics stimulates me.

April 24th, 2020

I know once I surpass a certain level I'll enter the realm of self-satisfation, but...

I think I'm getting good at composing, so I want to be praised.

Dammit, corona, you dummy! I'm not lettin' you outta the house! This ain't gonna go like you planned! I'm gonna wash my hands real good, ora-ora!! Don't underestimate the power of human science!! Get a load of alcohol disinfection, ora-ora!

Just by being unable to meet the people I want to meet, how many relationships I would've otherwise fostered have been nipped in the bud...? Feelings are raw and perishable, so if you keep them locked up instead of spitting them out, they change shape.

Hikaru Utada's "distance" was playing at the supermarket, which is awfully timely.

April 23rd, 2020

No, it's not a club where people inspire each other by shouting "In the name of our order, we shall protect the kingdom!!" (night club)

"I'll fill ya fulla holes!!" is something a strong character would never say. It's almost always a sign they're not gonna be filled fulla holes.

April 22nd, 2020

When you get into delicate subjects like this, it's hard to avoid hurting someone with your wording, so enough of that. I like pervy stuff! That is all!

Of course, my intent here isn't to belittle ace people - I'm saying that all of us have some kind of irregularity like that. Myself, I think romance between girls is beautiful, but that's also irregular relative to the animal instinct to propagate. Once you start thinking about that, it becomes clear "normal" is an illusion.

People laugh when I write lyrics with sexual metaphors, but I'm being pretty serious about it myself, and I just plain think of it as beautiful.

I suppose "platonic" is meant to mean "purely beautiful," but that lack of desire the human animal should normally have leads me to theorize it's actually the less wholesome option.

Nothing's happening these days, and yet I want to give a status report of some kind on Fanbox.

I haven't taken a train in over a month, so I've forgotten how.

April 21st, 2020

أغنية مثليه [Arabic for "lesbian song"]

I know it's pointless, but I like thinking about what if I had a ton of money. It's fun.

If I hired a super amazing cook, I'd also get super amazingly fat, so I'd have to hire a super amazing esthetician too. Don't count chickens or whatever.

And then I'd build a super amazing mansion and live in a super amazing room, hire a super amazing cook, care for a super huge dog or something, and wear frilly clothes and eat buckets of pudding until I'm laid to rest.

Really, if I had infinite money, I wouldn't buy synths - for every song, I'd gather super amazing instrument players and have a super amazing audio engineer make super amazing sound and order a super amazing video and upload it like "Here's a super amazing song!!!"

[Screenshot of a girl from... some game or another, presumably: "Where should we go today? There's this shop I wanted to go to... Would you go out with me there? Is that a problem...?"]
It's a problem.

April 20th, 2020

People talk a lot about fated partners, but I'm just like, being a good fit isn't a goal, it's a start...

That's why I only write those kinds of lyrics... Especially lately...

Rather than a super miracle destiny romance love that'll last forever without having to do anything, I think a love that has meaning because they stay together while being worn down day-to-day and sharing things and having their differences and suffering is far more beautiful. Even if that isn't an absolute and eternal love.

There are so many things that won't get across if you don't put them into words, so not saying them means you're conveying that much less, and it's really worrying not knowing how someone else feels, and "love" might sound like some sacred thing, but it's really just the accumulation of daily efforts, and geez I've become such a lousy realist... That's your thirties for you...

I can't say I don't understand the feeling behind "I've stopped saying "I love you" lately, because really, I've just started loving you" [a lyric from Gospellers's "hitori"], but that's exactly the time you need to vocalize "I love you" or else! :angry face: #OSTERSuddenlySnappingAt2AM

L e s b i a n s o n g ( s o c i a l d i s t a n c i n g ) [Retweets kissing fish]

My legs aren't getting any less numb, but I've gotten so used to it that I'm actually not sure if they're numb anymore... I'm adapting.

Making big-band with a mouse is lethally difficult, and requires immense, life-whittling energy, but every time, I convince myself "I bet big band would suit this song for sure... I should do it..." and put myself into a corner.

A Hollywood movie where if the number of bass notes drops below a certain value, the bomb on the bus explodes.

And input mistakes I only notice now that I'm listening to just the bass and piano... Always happens.

Why's the video getting weird partway through?

A song by a sick person who dies if the bass isn't moving. #Dominowns

My Nether Regions Are Inappropriate Lady #SayMyNetherRegionsAreThenASongName

Just Saying Things I Wanna Say With No Context Bot

I think a whole lot about how even the coolest person stops being cool the moment they try to act cool. Because acting cool means you're thinking "I want to be seen as cool," right? Too cute... You're not cool, you're cute.

I super can't remember a time I've ever been treated like someone living among the clouds. I'm living down on the ground, and at the very least, those actively producing works are full-fledged ground-dwelling humans, and being human, of course we get sad and lonely sometimes.

Whenever you feel like everyone around you is radiant and you're just garbage, you should social distance yourself from social media.

April 19th, 2020

I gained another 1000 followers... Nice to meet you.

I'm always at a loss when people ask what kind of music I make. lesbian song

April 18th, 2020

#80PercentOfMyFollowersProbablyHavent had surgery with full-body anesthesia twice in one day.

Like, listening to Miracle Paint now, for example, it's not sexy at all. I had no comprehension of how to handle tension back then, and the sound is so frank, it's just plain old pop... Though I do think it's good.

Thank you for the total of 30,000 likes!: folded hands: If you want to listen to my songs after hearing this,please start with my latest ones! :folded hands: A lot of my older songs are more famous, but you'll probably be like "I thought this person had a good ear for music, but maybe I was wrong..."

April 17th, 2020

[Jun: "It's Friday, hop. Apparently coronavirus was popular this week, but is everything okay? Let's make it through today and cheerfully break into next week, hop!"]
Does this mean nothing to you?

April 16th, 2020

The feeling of listening to a song whose progression is beyond my understanding is like eagerly observing a magic act being carried out in front of me determined to expose the trick, but having no clue how they did it. I wonder if someday I'll be able to see...

Cosmically speaking, 300 light years is super close, but it's inconceivably far for humanity at present...

For those saying they want to hear more, please hear more! I've got lots in store! A single click may save your life!!

It's clear to me that everyone likes sexy songs.

RT @heltune Give Me the Water

Give Me the New Song

My notifications ain't stoppin'! I'm a celebrity!

Bonus pervy bass. #Dominowns

My sexy video's going viral.

I can't play any instruments satisfactorily, and recording videos is hard, so what content can I provide in these times...?, I worry to myself, as I go on making dumb videos.

Sexy songs generally do things like landing at a position that's a half-tone off from the destination before they actually reach it, so it feels like they're a compilation of teases...

When I listen to a song and shout about it being sexy, I mean the latter.

I summed up the difference in perception of sexy songs. #OSTERExplains #Dominowns

Common Idea of a ♡Sexy♡ Song:
There's this sorta husky sax playing, and it feels like Fujiko-chan's gonna show up in sexy lingerie... ♡
Hey, Lupiiiiin... ♡♡♡ (I like this for what it is)
♡EmM7♡ (tends to end with a minor-major seventh)

What Music Nerds Come Up With As A ♡Sexy♡ Song (key of G):
♡E7/F#♡ (Wha... I'm not mentally prepared...)
♡Fm/B♡ (So sexy!!)
♡B7♡ (For now...)
♡EmM7(9,11)→Em♡ (Such sexy passing note tension ♡♡♡)
♡C#ø(9)♡ (You're going there?!?! Sexy ♡♡♡♡)
♡Am7/D♡ (Sexy slash chord)
♡C→C6(b5)♡ (Bass in the back in pretty sexy too)
♡Dsus4/B♡ (Sexy resolution-postponing)
♡G#augM7/A#♡ (Slash aug + the sound of M7...?! ♡♡♡)
♡Am7♡ (Oh, you would, wouldn't you)
♡Ebaug/F♡ (Another slash aug?!?!?!?!)
♡Am7/D♡ (Slash-chord bringing the heat)
♡D#9♡ (So sexy to end with a key change)

I'm sad...

Besides tagliatelle, there's also tagliata. Tagliatelle is spaghetti, tagliata is that stuff that's like steak. Done. Learned. I'll have forgotten in a week.

Aren't there too many fashion terms to keep track of, too? I can never remember "sarouel," and sometimes say "dolman" instead. That's not even close.

For now, I've learned that tagliatelle is like fettuccine, but I'll probably forget again after a week. I really do live like this.

Words like tagliatelle and pappardelle have sort of a "stumbling" feeling that makes me wanna say them out loud. But all I want to do is say them, so I only have a hazy memory of what they actually are. The names come to me first.

I often forget meal names too. I'm like, what the heck was tagliatelle again?

Mixing 1000mg of Tamarin.

Marmoset → Monkey
Capelin → Fish
Tamarin → Monkey
Tanqueray [contains "curry" in Japanese] → Alcohol
Calais [literally same as "curry" in Japanese] → Place name
I want a list of words like this that are tricky to remember because they sound familiar, but there's a discrepancy between the name and what they actually are.

Don't dance to the tune of manipulative information. Dance in your home.

When there's an ideology or organization that people don't like and they see news validating their opinion, authenticity goes out the window, and they proudly proclaim "I told you so"... I figure that's how fake news spreads.

April 15th, 2020

I was wondering what the opposite of Bikkuri [Surprised] Donkey is, and I think it might be Serene Mario.

Not to say being more realistic means it's better, but I believe even fantasy is higher quality if it's created with an understanding of reality.

And I mean, that feels more realistic. I think there are lots of girls who seem empty-headed on the surface but are actually clever. Try listening to my songs while thinking about that kind of thing...

Though yeah, personally, girls who are conscious of stuff are more my style than absentminded girls...

But then, girls who don't realize they're not honest with their feelings are also cute...

Girls who aren't honest about their feelings, but are aware they're not honest about their feelings, are cute, huh.

I'm actually gonna get to work now.

Furthermore, I have some just-squeeze whipped cream I bought to put on pancakes left in the fridge. If you're clever, perhaps you've already caught on.

I'm considering the situation, to determine when I should unleash this special move of mine.

Isn't having a single pudding left in the fridge similar to having a full special gauge?

"Justice" and "evil" are just subjective and vague concepts anyway, so if you think of values as simply "for me" or "not for me," and leave or try not to get involved when they're the latter, the world would be more peaceful... Spending 50 hours a day thinking about this.

Ultimately, there's people who genuinely look at issues of discrimination and try to get rid of them, and then there's people who want to feel good about "fighting for justice" no matter what it is, and the latter going overboard just causes new discrimination... I've seen that happen a lot... Let's all live peacefully.

I'm a woman who supports diversity, so I think it's good that even if the bass stays in the low range supporting the song, there can also be a tricky melody playing in the high range.

Supporting diversity means recognizing new values, but it doesn't mean you gotta reject existing values! It's fine if a woman does chores and a man works, and it's fine if a man does chores and a woman works, or if either do whatever - ain't that supporting diversityyy?!
