OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 3rd, 2020

[Jun: "Okay, let's pervy yuri together!"]
You make it sound like you're going to grab a snack...

["CONGRATULATIONS! Cleared Puzzle Level 800!"]
I'm getting work done. Good for me.

When I start thinking about the loneliness of humans, it makes me want to flap my limbs around and whine about the unreasonable nature of living in this world, so I try to avert my eyes as much as possible.

Words aren't tools that can represent feelings exactly either, so even with the best communication currently available to humanity, humans are outrageously alone. This is getting heavy, so I'm gonna stop. Wonder if my boobs can get heavy.

Though it's because of that looseness that I'll be eternally fighting against the worry of no one agreeing with what I think is beautiful.

Of course the tone is important, but I'd have to say I put emphasis on the feeling of the chords and phrases... Though even within that, there's a lot of sensations I can't possibly explain but just kinda like. What's neat about art is how it takes individual sensitivities as input, so the standards are incredibly loose.

Even if I say I like fancy songs, there are all sorts of elements it could be, like the tone, or the lyrics, or the style, so just saying I like fancy songs alone might not get across what I mean at all.

[Jun: "My job of grabbing chests at Steak Gusto was fun..."]
Stay home.

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