OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

May 2nd, 2020

I want to make girls feel glad they're girls. :ribbon:

RT @zhelobok #OSTERsMostGeniusLyrics They're all so good that I can't name just one, but... There are a lot of her lyrics that make me glad to be a girl!! :ribbon:

I'm sorry for planting bombs in all of your memories.

Maybe if it weren't for the second chorus lyrics, the bitter medicine and painful injections would just be taken literally, but I'm sorry to say that song is nothing but metaphors.

I sometimes get people telling me they didn't realize it listening to my songs long ago, but listening to them again as adults, they're like "these are some wild lyrics, huh." That's right, everyone's become adults. That's what becoming an adult is.

Love Ward is a pretty lusty lover-stealing story, but the parts that make it seem like a cute song get you feeling like you were unwittingly fed poison!

Whale Rider and Dolphin Jet comic when?

I'd say the perviest part of Dolphin Jet is "try checking the switch," but what do you think?

If I tried to give a serious explanation of Dolphin Jet, I feel like my account would be locked, so I'll take my Dolphin Jet explanation to the grave.

[Toro, Jun, Ricky, Pierre, and R-Suzuki: "Let's kiiiss!"]
They're pretty pent up from self-quarantine.

It's sad to think I've reached an age where it doesn't make me happy or anything, but truly just makes me think "why?"

(Buying beer at the supermarket)
Clerk: "Do you have an ID to prove your age?"
Me in my 20's: "They saw me as young... :smiling face:"
Me in my 30's: "Why???????"

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