OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 22nd, 2020

When you get into delicate subjects like this, it's hard to avoid hurting someone with your wording, so enough of that. I like pervy stuff! That is all!

Of course, my intent here isn't to belittle ace people - I'm saying that all of us have some kind of irregularity like that. Myself, I think romance between girls is beautiful, but that's also irregular relative to the animal instinct to propagate. Once you start thinking about that, it becomes clear "normal" is an illusion.

People laugh when I write lyrics with sexual metaphors, but I'm being pretty serious about it myself, and I just plain think of it as beautiful.

I suppose "platonic" is meant to mean "purely beautiful," but that lack of desire the human animal should normally have leads me to theorize it's actually the less wholesome option.

Nothing's happening these days, and yet I want to give a status report of some kind on Fanbox.

I haven't taken a train in over a month, so I've forgotten how.

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