OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 27th, 2020

I'm facing a pot boiling at 1 AM and chanting "Become tasty...", so I'm pretty sure I qualify as a witch. :witch:

When people claim "double standards" about people who have conflicting emotions, I think they're just under a mistaken impression that they're living without contradictions themselves. Though actually, no, I don't think having two conflicting emotions at the same time is a contradiction at all!

But you kinda wanna push through that conflict to proudly put the end result out into the world like "This is the ultimate art in the universe!!", right???

Schrödinger's Creator

I think creators are creatures in two overlapping states: thinking they're geniuses, and thinking they're hopelessly lacking talent.

A Hollywood movie where if I don't make a tweet that gets over 1000 likes every 3 days, the bus with hostages on it explodes.

I did good staying indoors on sunny Saturday, so even though it's raining, I'm gonna go for a walk... Gotta recover mentally or else.

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