OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

April 16th, 2020

The feeling of listening to a song whose progression is beyond my understanding is like eagerly observing a magic act being carried out in front of me determined to expose the trick, but having no clue how they did it. I wonder if someday I'll be able to see...

Cosmically speaking, 300 light years is super close, but it's inconceivably far for humanity at present...

For those saying they want to hear more, please hear more! I've got lots in store! A single click may save your life!!

It's clear to me that everyone likes sexy songs.

RT @heltune Give Me the Water

Give Me the New Song

My notifications ain't stoppin'! I'm a celebrity!

Bonus pervy bass. #Dominowns

My sexy video's going viral.

I can't play any instruments satisfactorily, and recording videos is hard, so what content can I provide in these times...?, I worry to myself, as I go on making dumb videos.

Sexy songs generally do things like landing at a position that's a half-tone off from the destination before they actually reach it, so it feels like they're a compilation of teases...

When I listen to a song and shout about it being sexy, I mean the latter.

I summed up the difference in perception of sexy songs. #OSTERExplains #Dominowns

Common Idea of a ♡Sexy♡ Song:
There's this sorta husky sax playing, and it feels like Fujiko-chan's gonna show up in sexy lingerie... ♡
Hey, Lupiiiiin... ♡♡♡ (I like this for what it is)
♡EmM7♡ (tends to end with a minor-major seventh)

What Music Nerds Come Up With As A ♡Sexy♡ Song (key of G):
♡E7/F#♡ (Wha... I'm not mentally prepared...)
♡Fm/B♡ (So sexy!!)
♡B7♡ (For now...)
♡EmM7(9,11)→Em♡ (Such sexy passing note tension ♡♡♡)
♡C#ø(9)♡ (You're going there?!?! Sexy ♡♡♡♡)
♡Am7/D♡ (Sexy slash chord)
♡C→C6(b5)♡ (Bass in the back in pretty sexy too)
♡Dsus4/B♡ (Sexy resolution-postponing)
♡G#augM7/A#♡ (Slash aug + the sound of M7...?! ♡♡♡)
♡Am7♡ (Oh, you would, wouldn't you)
♡Ebaug/F♡ (Another slash aug?!?!?!?!)
♡Am7/D♡ (Slash-chord bringing the heat)
♡D#9♡ (So sexy to end with a key change)

I'm sad...

Besides tagliatelle, there's also tagliata. Tagliatelle is spaghetti, tagliata is that stuff that's like steak. Done. Learned. I'll have forgotten in a week.

Aren't there too many fashion terms to keep track of, too? I can never remember "sarouel," and sometimes say "dolman" instead. That's not even close.

For now, I've learned that tagliatelle is like fettuccine, but I'll probably forget again after a week. I really do live like this.

Words like tagliatelle and pappardelle have sort of a "stumbling" feeling that makes me wanna say them out loud. But all I want to do is say them, so I only have a hazy memory of what they actually are. The names come to me first.

I often forget meal names too. I'm like, what the heck was tagliatelle again?

Mixing 1000mg of Tamarin.

Marmoset → Monkey
Capelin → Fish
Tamarin → Monkey
Tanqueray [contains "curry" in Japanese] → Alcohol
Calais [literally same as "curry" in Japanese] → Place name
I want a list of words like this that are tricky to remember because they sound familiar, but there's a discrepancy between the name and what they actually are.

Don't dance to the tune of manipulative information. Dance in your home.

When there's an ideology or organization that people don't like and they see news validating their opinion, authenticity goes out the window, and they proudly proclaim "I told you so"... I figure that's how fake news spreads.

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