OSTER project's Twitter

Translations of tweets from @fuwacina. For an archive of other Vocaloid-related Twitters I no longer keep up with, go here.

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February 9th, 2020

[Retweeting a reply to the video about immediately wanting to use the "pre-landing Blackadder-ization" trick:] An amazing technique you can use right away with one simple trick! No harm in knowing it...

The subject matter's more complex than last time, but I absolutely wanted to touch on the symmetry (?) of augs... Such interesting chords augs are.

I truly don't know music theory, so I dunno why doing this makes it sound nice, but it's sort of like tricks you learn. Pre-landing!

Music is fun! Music is fun, huh?!

I've realized that the majority of the step-too-far augs I use may fit this pre-landing formula...

A second aug lecture for people who don't really get music theory, by a people who doesn't really get music theory. #Dominowns #AugsAreAugsome #OSTERLectures

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but I like the chords called augs (augments), so this video is me doing my best to explain them. 2

C, E, G... What determines the nuances of chords is the intervals between notes! (AKA how far apart they are.)

C... +4 is E! The distance between C and E is 4. E... +3 is G! The distance between E and G is 3.

C (C E G), E (E G# B), G (G B D), A (A C# E), C (C E G)! As long as the C E G trio maintain this distance, they'll sound about the same no matter what worlds (key signatures) they travel to, but the notes that make them up change each time.

Incidentally... Even you swap the octaves of the notes making up a chord, it sounds roughly the same. (People call this inversion.) (examples show two instances of a chord, but with the second one swapping one or more of the notes to different octaves) Apparently what order you stack the notes in is called the voicing...

With all of that in mind, if we examine the structure of augs... C... +4 is E! The distance between C and E is 4. E... +4 is G#! The distance between E and G# is also 4. G#... +4 is C! Going up 4 half-tones from G# comes back to C!

When augs are inverted, wherever you start counting from, the distance between notes is always 4! In other words, Caug, Eaug, and G#aug are all constructed with the same notes! (They're just swapping with each other - Caug (C E G#), Eaug (E G# C), G#aug (G# C E), Caug (C E G#))

By the way, when we looked at step-too-far augs last time (Caug/D), it seems there are various ways to explain the slash note (this note, the "/D")... But personally, I'm in the... (counting up from C: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9!) Ahhh! The ninth nooote!! camp.

Well, anyway, the point is that since they're just swapping to the top like this, you can write them in a variety of ways. (All the same note makeup: Caug/D, Eaug/D, G#aug/D, Caug/D...) And while these chords may have a complex sound, they're super easy to use!

Even in isolation, they have a fancy sound, so you can create tricky effects just by moving them in parallel like missiles. (Or if not "fancy," like, they make a mysterious and thrilling approach...) (barrage of chords) It sounds super complex, but it's all just going voom, voom moving Blackadder Chords around... Simple, right?

When I want to add some flair to the flow of the song, my go-to is the bassline pre-landing formula. (The heck is that...)

In this section, focus on the bassline. The bass starts at C... and lands at F. (Bass: C... F...) This time, let's try having it arrive at a half-tone-up F# before it reaches F. (Bass: C... F# (the pre-landing!!!), F...)

Even just doing that is kinda interesting! But let's try stacking a Blackadder Chord onto that pre-landing F# to make it fancy. (C, Csus4, C, Eaug/F# (pre-landing aug), FM7... etc., pointing out other pre-landing augs in red as it goes)

Since it's so easy to do, it can get repetitive if you overdo it. But it's a relatively simple way to make fancy stuff, so may ye try it out! (Not really sure why, but this part (D/E, Ddim/E (?)) seems extra fancy...)

Feels so OSTER-like to add flavor with syncopation... (Dm7-5/G - love this one) (pre-landing aug: Baug/C#)

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but I like the chords called augs (augments), so this video is me doing my best to explain them. 2

Do, mi, so... What determines the nuances of chords is the intervals between notes! (AKA how far apart they are.)

Do... +4 is mi! The distance between do and mi is 4. Mi... +3 is so! The distance between mi and so is 3.

C (do mi so), E (mi so# ti), G (so ti re), A (la do# mi), C (do mi so)! As long as the Do Mi So trio maintain this distance, they'll sound about the same no matter what worlds (key signatures) they travel to, but the notes that make them up change each time.

Incidentally... Even you swap the octaves of the notes making up a chord, it sounds roughly the same. (People call this inversion.) (examples show two instances of a chord, but with the second one swapping one or more of the notes to different octaves) Apparently what order you stack the notes in is called the voicing...

With all of that in mind, if we examine the structure of augs... Do... +4 is mi! The distance between do and mi is 4. Mi... +4 is so#! The distance between mi and so# is also 4. So#... +4 is do! Going up 4 half-tones from so# comes back to do!

When augs are inverted, wherever you start counting from, the distance between notes is always 4! In other words, Caug, Eaug, and G#aug are all constructed with the same notes! (They're just swapping with each other - Caug (do mi so#), Eaug (mi so# do), G#aug (so# do mi), Caug (do mi so#))

By the way, when we looked at step-too-far augs last time (Caug/D), it seems there are various ways to explain the slash note (this note, the "/D")... But personally, I'm in the... (counting up from do: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9!) Ahhh! The ninth nooote!! camp.

Well, anyway, the point is that since they're just swapping to the top like this, you can write them in a variety of ways. (All the same note makeup: Caug/D, Eaug/D, G#aug/D, Caug/D...) And while these chords may have a complex sound, they're super easy to use!

Even in isolation, they have a fancy sound, so you can create tricky effects just by moving them in parallel like missiles. (Or if not "fancy," like, they make a mysterious and thrilling approach...) (barrage of chords) It sounds super complex, but it's all just going voom, voom moving Blackadder Chords around... Simple, right?

When I want to add some flair to the flow of the song, my go-to is the bassline pre-landing formula. (The heck is that...)

In this section, focus on the bassline. The bass starts at do... and lands at fa. (Bass: Do... fa...) This time, let's try having it arrive at a half-tone-up fa# before it reaches fa. (Bass: Do... fa# (the pre-landing!!!), fa...)

Even just doing that is kinda interesting! But let's try stacking a Blackadder Chord onto that pre-landing fa# to make it fancy. (C, Csus4, C, Eaug/F# (pre-landing aug), FM7... etc., pointing out other pre-landing augs in red as it goes)

Since it's so easy to do, it can get repetitive if you overdo it. But it's a relatively simple way to make fancy stuff, so may ye try it out! (Not really sure why, but this part (D/E, Ddim/E (?)) seems extra fancy...)

Feels so OSTER-like to add flavor with syncopation... (Dm7-5/G - love this one) (pre-landing aug: Baug/C#)

I'm a multimedia creator, so I make meals too.

Going with a video further explaining augs.

What the heck should I explain next...? A supplement on augs? Or flat fives?

February 8th, 2020

I don't understand theory, but I like theoretically-complex songs. (broken logic)

50,000 likes is amazing... I'm happy everyone likes augs... Listen to my songs...

Theory is like an assist function to help you reach a wonderful sound, so I think it's better to think of it as "handy to know." As long as you understand the way there by feeling, I feel like it's not a necessary thing. (team "let's casually start composing")

To someone fuzzy on theory, the existence of double sharps and double flats is super incomprehensible to me, but does it really have to be like that?!

They're not for actual publication or anything, just materials I bring along to have it performed, so I figure it's probably more important that it be easy for a musician to read and play than harmonically correct, but still.

As far as what troubles me due to not getting music theory, I guess there's how when I'm writing sheet music, I worry over whether I should write C# or Db... But I do kind of get the notion that they're written different for different functions.

The Diminished Seventh sounds like a cool title for a popular manga.

I always have doubts, and every time I look it up I end up forgetting, so I'm eternally doubting myself, but if the 7 in C7 is B-flat, why is the 7 in Cdim7 A?! Dammit!! I don't know nothin' about music!!!

The chords known as augments, theoretically speaking, are like the equilateral triangles of chords. Not like I know theory.

Regarding augs, I could make endless reference to Tanaka-san's songs, but this song of Maaya Sakamoto-san's is wild. First time I ever heard a song ending on an aug...

I think of augments, flat fives, and sharp ninths at the Three Sacred Treasures of sound.

For those who liked my aug video, please listen to this song too.
OSTER project - Passenger Seat Road Movie feat. Kagamine Rin [NicoNico]

Long ago, I was taught beginner music theory for early-grade-school kids (like augments and majors and diminishes), but I was dumb and could never learn it as much as I tried.

If I may introduce myself to my new followers: I'm perverse.

That Time I Went Viral And Gained 2000 Followers In One Day (light novel)

February 7th, 2020

[Screenshot of Twitter bio with 30,002 followers] 30,000!!! Thank you very much! :tada: :tada: :tada:

In the shadow of 6000 likes, Jun's off-the-wall Miracle Paint is earning 600 likes...

Kinda got a ton more followers... Welcome and please stick around...

This is kind of super getting a super big reaction, so that's super.

I have a CD out that's loaded with augs, so please... :folded hands: OSTER-san's CD Vol. 2 by OSTER project

Dominant: (Huh... Was there just some distance put between us...??)
↑ The truth behind the odd feeling of augs (?)

I seriously haven't properly studied theory at all, so I'm really sorry if I said something incorrect. Don't take it too seriously, just look at it like "Here's some things you can do! Fun, right? Try using it in your songs!", okay? :folded hands:

When you get into augs, you'll endlessly put them in for passing notes, and your songs will get more and more complex and dense.

When the best-buds relationship is altered in a positive direction, it's an aug, and when it's negatively altered, it's a diminish or a flat five. Both can be used to add tension and uneasiness to a song, I think, but heck if I know. (heck if i know)

I thought I'd sum things up, but even I have no idea why to choose augs, or the rules behind them... We're all using augs by feel.

I made an aug lecture for people who don't really get music theory, by a people who doesn't really get music theory. #Dominowns #AugsAreAugsome

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but I like the chords called augs (augments), so this video is me doing my best to explain them. (Pause if it's too fast)

"C"... When this plays, the truth is... "G"... is also playing alongside it. You're probably like "the hell are you saying?", but apparently they're called "overtones."

C, D, E, F, G... C and G are five notes apart, so... people call their relationship a PERFECT FIFTH (best buds).

When you move in parallel, maintaining the interval between C and G, it sounds like this. (People call these power chords.)

Many of the chords people use add some other note to this perfect fifth. (C, E, G - C and G form the perfect fifth, E is in the middle. C + E in the middle + G, G + B in the middle + D.)

However, with augs... (C, E, G# (?!)) You take a step away from being "best buds" to form a dangerous and unstable relationship... No going back to the way things were. So like, how do you use this strange sound?

The most easily-understood example: A "passing note" approach, such as when building up to the chorus. Say you have this pattern... (section pointing out the "top" notes of G and A)

You can connect the top notes G and A using the note that's between them, G#. (C (C E G) with top note GCaug (C E G#) with passing note G# → F (F A C) with top note A) With this alone, you can add a unique sense of floatiness and make the song sound fancy!! (* Personal opinion)

This use of augs for passing notes feels a bit by-the-book... For instance, there's also songs like this. (Within each chord is a note in a "lurking melody" that follows the pattern. C (lurking G) → Caug (G#) → F (A), Dm7 (C) → Aaug (C#) → Dm9 (D). The Aaug wasn't that kind of approach aug...)

A way of using augs that takes it another step (AKA going a step too far): Normal Caug. But raise the bass down here one note, and... Caug/D! Has kind of a risky sound. (People call this a Blackadder Chord.)

Let's shove this in place of the earlier example aug and say goodbye with an aug festival...

Going overboard like this can be interesting in itself... Before you know it, you'll surely be addicted to augs too.

Watch with English captions here! (Original Twitter video)

I don't really get music theory, but I like the chords called augs (augments), so this video is me doing my best to explain them. (Pause if it's too fast)

"Do"... When this plays, the truth is... "so"... is also playing alongside it. You're probably like "the hell are you saying?", but apparently they're called "overtones."

Do, re, mi, fa, so... Do and so are five notes apart, so... people call their relationship a PERFECT FIFTH (best buds).

When you move in parallel, maintaining the interval between "do" and "so," it sounds like this. (People call these power chords.)

Many of the chords people use add some other note to this perfect fifth. (Do, mi, so - do and so form the perfect fifth, mi is in the middle. Do + mi in the middle + so, so + ti in the middle + re.)

However, with augs... (Do, mi, so# (?!)) You take a step away from being "best buds" to form a dangerous and unstable relationship... No going back to the way things were. So like, how do you use this strange sound?

The most easily-understood example: A "passing note" approach, such as when building up to the chorus. Say you have this pattern... (section pointing out the "top" notes of "so" and "la")

You can connect the top notes so and la using the note that's between them, so#. (C (do mi so) with top note "so"Caug (do mi so#) with passing note "so#" → F (fa la do) with top note "la") With this alone, you can add a unique sense of floatiness and make the song sound fancy!! (* Personal opinion)

This use of augs for passing notes feels a bit by-the-book... For instance, there's also songs like this. (Within each chord is a note in a "lurking melody" that follows the pattern. C (lurking so) → Caug (so#) → F (la), Dm7 (do) → Aaug (do#) → Dm9 (re). The Aaug wasn't that kind of approach aug...)

A way of using augs that takes it another step (AKA going a step too far): Normal Caug. But raise the bass down here one note, and... Caug/D! Has kind of a risky sound. (People call this a Blackadder Chord.)

Let's shove this in place of the earlier example aug and say goodbye with an aug festival...

Going overboard like this can be interesting in itself... Before you know it, you'll surely be addicted to augs too.

[Jun: "♪ Miracle Paint... ♪ When rabbits are lonely, they get nude, hop!"]
That's not how the song goes.

[Ricky: "Professor OSTER, does tequila count as a snack?"]
Chaos in the classroom.

February 6th, 2020

[Jun: "I heard that if you play Tapioca New Year for Nargacuga babies, they grow up faster!"]
Where'd you get your info?

[Announcement] I wrote a song called Sunset Brass for the arcade game Nostalgia Op. 3! :folded hands: It's a fusion-like (??) song brimming with the exhiliration of driving along a shore at sunset!! Please unlock it and play it! :piano:

[Jun: "Just how much tequila do you need for a tequlia bath, hop...?"]
Party animals terrify me.

[Toro: "Hold hands with Toro and sleep with him at a hotel, meow! ♥"]
That's what people who aren't gonna stop at sleeping with you always say.

[Continuing last night's Lemon parody:] Until the bill is paid, I can't return

February 5th, 2020

If I went to the My Hero Academia world, I'd want a quirk that let me produce beef fillet rossini from my hands.

Even the foie gras from that day, even the fillet from it,
I loved every part of it, alongside truffles
Inseparable from my heart, the scent of balsamic vinegar

I'll never forget the foie gras I ate that day.

I'm also who I am now from chasing after various others. Maybe next it'll be my turn to get chased after. I'll definitely get away from you. (It isn't that kind of game.)

My genes are constantly being inherited...

RT @PianoYurara Since I started listening to OSTER project's songs, the chords and melodies I use have changed completely. I one-sidedly think of her as the teacher who created my current sound.

February 3rd, 2020

I got up to a lot of uncharacteristic antics back in high school, like biking to a friend's house carrying this synth on my back... How nostalgic.

I only have MP3s and MIDIs of my old songs, and at the time I didn't mix them at all and just recorded them straight from the synth. But I do still have the hardware, so I guess it'd be possible to hook it up and fix the mixing to get the highest quality out of the synth I was using back then...??

I used to get up to some mischievous stuff. (musically speaking)

This is the sort of song I made in high school.
[Past Song Reposting] Cosmic Orchestra | OSTER project | pixivFANBOX

Lesbian Brothel Anthology is good stuff.

Today I went to a stone sauna and lost my panties.

February 2nd, 2020

Now remember, it's fun because we have that kind of friendship, but hearing that from someone else would be just plain harrassment...

The saying "good fences make good neighbors" means that if you aren't thinking of each other, it's hard to keep up a relationship. Being able to cheerfully joke with one another is proof that you understand what territory you can't step into. Which is exactly why being told by a super good friend "you're so flat lol" and getting mad can be enjoyable and comfortable.

I often think how you can't rest on your laurels after earning someone's favor. I don't like the term "rotten relationship" [i.e. "inseparable, like it or not"]; if friends have things they can give each other, you should value those things. Don't let 'em rot. Ya gotta keep 'em fresh.

Going on about this stuff always makes people say I'm into "radiant yuri."

Determining you're going to be with someone isn't the goal; how you live your lives together after that, and what you can provide each other, are first steps in discovering the meaning of being together. To keep that determination glittering always, you have to properly confront that.

It's embarrassing how blatantly the "kissing fish" couple was influenced by Bloom Into You, but I wish blessings on a couple who overcame many difficulties together and blossomed feelings of specialness toward each other, and hope they'll continue to search for the meaning of them being together...

It's sort of my ideal yuri - I want them to share not just their joys, but their pain and sadness too.

Ahhhhhhhh, I really do love this song...
OSTER project - kissing fish feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka [NicoNico]

I've used up all my playful bites, so I must go on a quest in search of new eros. Life is a long journey... You can't cling to playful bites forever...

I think I'll probably boast about coming up with the line "told with a playful bite, an "I love you" that can't be voiced" for the rest of my life, and would like it engraved on my tombstone... I want it put in history textbooks as a classic deathbed poem...

"Playful bite" has both a cuteness and a sexiness, and that balance makes it feel like the ultimate finishing move to me. But I've already used it twice, so it'll be hard to use in the future... Held hands and kisses are commonplace, so they're easy to use, but playful bites have a strong identity. A secret technique to reveal at just the right moment.

Both Selfish Sweet and Rabbit Fur use the term "playful bite." You got a fetish there...?

Going home in cold winter weather while listening to Selfish Sweet is the best... The creator of this song is undoubtedly a genius...

It's incredible how realistic Bloom Into You is about how girls are when they gather together. Like the scene on the LaLaport Toyosu terrace where they share opinions on movies... I'm just trying to convince all humanity to simulwatch it...

We talked about yuri manga while drinking, so I spoke passionately about Bloom Into You, anyway watch Bloom Into You.

(Naturally, I went on a pilgrimage to Shinagawa.)

Yuu-chan likes flapjack octopuses, yet her T-shirt is a jellyfish.

I wanna brag to everyone about my Bloom Into You T-shirt.

I got dead drunk two days in a row...

I'm a Bloom Into You otaku, so I bought a T-shirt like Yuu-chan's.

Once, I bought matching earrings with a friend and went out in high spirits, and next thing I knew, I'd lost one of them, which was super sad... Later, that friend also lost one of them, so we were matching again. (define "matching")

I put on some earrings my good friend's mother made me and went out in high spirits, but when I got home and took them off, I realized I'd lost the backing somewhere, and now I'm down in the dumps... From high spirits to down in the dumps...

February 1st, 2020

During the Bloom Into You binge at my stayover the other day, at the scene where Yuu-chan's being kissed by Touko-chan and thinking "Her eyebrows... are so long...", my friend looked at me after I'd gotten out of the bath and said "Your eyebrows... are so gone...", and I got super mad. (it was super fun)

[Toro: "When you're down, touching butts will cheer you up, meow."]
That's true.

My new song is wholesome.

Mozart made a song saying to lick him in the ass, so making a song about girls feeling like they're gonna turn into whales should be nothing to bat an eye at.

I'm going to an incredibly fancy place today, so I must make myself fancy as well.

It's the weekend, and the weather's nice, so I went on a day trip to the hospital.

At this age, I know that nothing's futile in life, and for all things a day will come when it has meaning, but I unavoidably have difficulty dealing with my anxiety until that day comes, so I just have to clear my mind and keep at it. That's how daily life is.

Opened my notes and found an inexplicable one.
["Doom Unto Gator" (Yagate Wani ga Shinu)]

January 31st, 2020

You have to stick with what you find beautiful and shout it out. If you meet people along the way who approve or look at the same sights as you, it'll make you really happy, and give you so much courage you'll feel like you've been living just to reach that moment.

Life is a constant journey to find people who find beauty in the same beliefs, ways of life, and art as you.

I stayed a few days with a friend who's good at cooking, and I'm coming home with pimples on my nose...

I'm super scared of airplanes and can never get used to taking them, but the moment we landed, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing started playing, making it into an emotional return... I want to recommend it to all people who aren't good with planes.

January 30th, 2020

I'm lodging with a yuri-loving friend for a yuri-fantasizing training camp, so I'm up at 2 AM thinking about how Rin-chan in Friendship could become happy...

[Jun: "Let's turn out the lights. Is fruit hunting something you can do in a futon too, I wonder?"]
I'm thinking I should play dumb.

[Jun: "Let's turn out the lights, still only 11:35, huh? It's only been 9 hours since I was doing something I can't really say earlier, but I'm feeling like I wanna do something I can't really say again..."]
I'm thinking I should play dumb.

January 29th, 2020

(Furthermore, this is the fourth viewing)

What do you do late in the night at a girls-only sleepover? That's obvious... (Bloom Into You watch party until morning) [Photo of watching Bloom Into You.]

January 28th, 2020

I did a lot of audio processing on kissing fish, of course, but the base is just plugging away in Domino.

RT @krtkzippo Fuwacina-san uploading a Negitoro song, Sekihara-san drawing Negitoro art, and both of them being contained in one video... Reiwa owns.

It's so yuri, I became a lily...

[Retweeting Sekihara's illustration] Seriously, look, spread this beautiful art, please...

I worked hard to make the video energetic, so please watch!

[Announcement] I made a cute future bass yuri song! Go listen! Thanks in advance! :woman/woman kiss: :clap:
kissing fish feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka [NicoNico] #OSTERsanCD #Yuri

I feel like writing it like this is the fastest and most accurate, but I actually want to know what would be the best way to phrase it without doing this.

[Screenshot of a chat app: "Or I'm also okay going to an X cafe (where X is any animal)"]
A scientific mind.

Uploading the song today! Thanks in advance.

January 27th, 2020

May all humanity look at Sekihara-san's illustration... The day they sent me this picture was the day I died...

[Amazing Announcement] Tomorrow, January 28th, at 8 PM, I'll be posting a music video for my super cute yuri future bass song "kissing fish"!! Thanks in advance!!
Illustration: Sekihara-san

I'll upload it after checking! It'll be soon! Hooray!

Aaaaaah, I worked so haaard...

The video!!! Is done!!!!

this is why I don't use keyboard when I compose

Miracle Paint is me and Y-chan's daughter. She's almost in middle school.

I wonder if that was the first time I showed an interest in recursion...

Long ago, I had an interest in stuff like "what would happen if I discarded the recycle bin on my PC into the recycle bin shortcut?"

January 25th, 2020

I wondered about it and looked it up, and I'm freaking out after learning that in specific cases, negative Kelvin may be possible.

The juice inside soup dumplings is roughly the same temperature, which is said to be 5 quadrillion Kelvin.

Accordingly, one must exercise caution when eating fresh octopus dumplings.

People often wonder what the point of scientific education like math and chemistry is, but I think knowing how all things work leads to a better life. Studying science, I've learned that the coldest substance in the universe is absolute zero, and that the hottest substance in the universe is fresh octopus dumplings.

[Ricky: "You a god of drinking, yo? Feels like you could be the world's best user of drinking."]
The world's best user of drinking.

[Jun: "Still only 6:02, huh? It's only been 3 hours since I was doing sexy stuff earlier, but I'm feeling I wanna do sexy stuff again..."]
Such a strong sex drive...

[Jun: "Speaking of cotton candy stands, bags with wac-san illustrations are always a hot seller, bun..."]
I actually want this.

[Toro's diary: "Cotton candy, chocolate CoCo Ichibanya Level 10 Spice, beer-flavored shaved ice, Moukotanmen Nakamoto North Pole candy, and grilled beef filet. We'll all help out at the stands, meow. The festival's so soon, my heart's racing, meow!"]
They're trying to start a hellish festival in my Toro Puzzle...

With them stacked like this, it feels intensely fetishistic.

[Jun: "I hear lots of kids these days don't say "just a draft beer for now"! That's no good..."]
Sudden old-timer rant.

[Jun: "Pretending to be a good-looking woman the other day was fun! I played the part 200%!"]
I want to live this way.

January 24th, 2020

I think I need to live in a way that doesn't bring shame to this song. I'll keep polishing my aspirations and never let them go out.

"A gem holding the power of space" is incredibly emotional as it is, but it's also rainbow-colored. That'll reach into space for sure.

By the way, if you were wondering why it's called Labradorite, it's because I was watching Jewel Pet at the time... Power of the cosmos, Labradorite.

It's an encouraging song that tells you that even if it's billions of light years away, the light you keep polishing will reach its destination... Sniff... I'll do my best.

Labradorite's just such a good song, huh?

The happiness of Luka-san and Miku-san in "kissing fish" has afflicted me with a sickness, where I suffer when I think of Rin-chan... Even though that's in a whole different universe...

Women who have good looks, and can eat a ton but are slim and healthy, please share one of your stats with me, I don't care which.

The moment someone who makes me go "This person's a god! What a wondrous being!" fails at something or shows imperfection, I can go "They weren't a god! They're human, like me! Thank goodness! Thank goodness! Even someone this great is human! I'll do my best too!"...

There's people who want the people they like to look cool, and people who want to see their hopeless side too. I think I might be the latter...

January 23rd, 2020

It really makes me happy for the essences of my songs to be understood to such a degree. It's joyful to see the world at the same resolution.

It's a relief how even if I die, there's second and third OSTERs...

AAAA-san puts together a more OSTER project-like sound than OSTER project, so they're the real OSTER project.

RT @lordymyte I know it's rude to compare people, but I really like how it seems that AAAA-san and OSTER project-san are making music influenced by the same things...

Creation might be similar to mountain-climbing.

Whether making a song, or a picture, or a video, the path to feeling like it's coming out pretty good feels endlessly long... The time where you're unsure if it'll get good is the most painful.

People who can make videos are too amazing.

January 22nd, 2020

Both the effort of thinking up a scene I want to make, and the effort of thinking about how to practically realize the scene I imagined, loom over me.

Wondering if there's a point to toiling so much, yet ultimately making myself suffer and take a long time out of fussy desires... I guess that's what it's like to be a creator.

Whenever I'm making anything, I always feel like I'm not making enough progress for how long it's taking, and even have thoughts that I'll never finish for my whole life...

I've been making this intro for three days.

Making videos is so hard, I'm gonna snap.

The only thing I stan is girls doing their absolute best at loving each other.

People probably think I stan Miku-Rin super hard, but that's not actually the case at all. I mean, the video I'm making this very moment is Miku-Luka, and different worldlines have different stuff that's different. You know.

I won't get mad, I'll just be kind and tell you. This is Rin-chan, and she's Miku-chan's girlfriend.
(Everyone, war has broken out.)

I feel like there's a trend among the less-informed to call all female Vocaloids Hatsune Miku. (like mom calling the Playstation and the 64 and everything "the Nintendo") [Technically "the Famicom," so it'd be inaccurate even for the N64.]

The next song I'm uploading is this! [Preview of the "kissing fish" video intro.]

January 20th, 2020

This year, I'll put out a conclusion two years in the making, so look forward to it...

Friendship isn't an explosively popular song or anything, but I feel like it can explode in certain people's hearts, and I'm glad I could produce it in that sense. I'm happy I could create that world...

That's why if she gave into that suffering and said she liked her, it would all be a lie, and thus she endures... Rin-chan... Uwaaaaah...

Rin-chan in Friendship feels crushed by her own selfishness in that way too, but desperately smiles and tries to keep things the way they were... After all, she's her precious friend!!!!!!

Despite the romantic feelings having simply been fleshed out from normal feelings of respect, the fact that single part doesn't match makes you feel so much pain, you can't bear to stay together anymore. Even though the fact you respect each other as people hasn't changed at all? What funny creatures humans are! Haha! Ahaha!!!

I'm fond of the concept that mixing "likes" of different colors turns them black...

Why does your "like" have a different color?

This person likes Friendship so much, it puts me off.

I play this game where I start one of my songs on Spotify, then boot up Spotify for Artists and go "one of these N people listening is me..."

[Jun: "A life with drinking is more fun than a life without drinking, hop!"]

"Do you know what's most important for protecting your precious savings?"
Me: "Not looking up synth sales..."

It's worrying how I get more of an urge to buy when I see synths on sale than clothes on sale.

January 19th, 2020

A cafe where you can read Bloom Into You while having a drink and looking at cats and doing digital music is powerful.

Even if you're a weirdo, you can look cool if you have something that sticks out, so I want to stick out. That's Protrusism.

"A lot of geniuses are really eccentric, huh?"
Me: (If I become a genius, will I be forgiven for being a weirdo...??)

January 18th, 2020

Since it's a new era in Reiwa, I want people to feel like they're freed from a curse and have lively lives. Forgive me for thinking I'm cute drinking boba.

I kind of wanted to broadcast to the world the message that there's no need to feel a shred of guilt about the work of facing yourself and thinking about happiness. As entertainment.

Most of those are from Tapioca New Year's lyrics, but that's basically what it's about.

Wearing cute clothes and getting compliments, drinking boba, taking selfies with funny faces, eating delicious stuff. People around you have no right to tell you how those things aren't productive or whatever... The pursuit of a happy life absolutely has meaning to you, doesn't it?

Fulfilling, human-like experiences maintain a human's humanity, so humans need human-like experiences. (?)

My encoder is being a serious problem... Why won't it work well on my new machine?

Until I can post a yuri song, I'll eat nothing but lily bulbs.

I wanna release a song soon!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!! It's yuri!!

Rin-chan saying "I think I might start to like you," and Miku-chan responding "You didn't like me before?!"

Sure enough, there's a self you can't know without interaction with others.

Now what's "living as you" s'posed to mean?! If yer livin', you're you... Why've humans gotta be such troublesome creatures? :cat:

Because living as no one but yourself is so incredibly difficult, when you meet someone who can make you you, they become an irreplaceable figure in your life. Seeing the Bloom Into You couple really makes me think about that... (fast-talking otaku)

That I like the opening and ending of Bloom Into You goes without saying, but I can't even deal with how much I love "rise."

[Toro: "I'm gonna do pervy stuff like 39 times today, meow!"]
You'll die.

Humans are fools...

Ultimately, I encoded it on my old machine, so I haven't resolved that at all.

This is the first thing you're attempting with your new setup?

Why am I MIDI-ing this song? #Dominowns #Suumowns

Tsunderenkooo! Whyyy?! Don't diiie!

Tsunderenko-chan spit out an error and won't encode...
